Лазовский Артём
Valday National Park There are 23 national parks in Russia. The most famous is Valday. It is situated in Novgorodskay region. It was founded in There are two lakes, Valdae and Seliger. Many animals live there. There are bears, wolves, otters, foxes. In 2004 the park obtained the status of a biospheric reservation of UNESCO.
Losiny Ostrov Losiny Ostrov is situated on the north-east of Moscow. It was founded in The relief is moraine and water- glacier. The flora comprises over 500 vascular plant species. There are about 200 kinds of birds: the red-footed falcon, hobby falcon, goshawk, kestrel. The fish species are: pickerel, darter, roach, crucian carp, burbot. Deer and foxes live there.
Barguzinsky Nature Reserve Natural area set aside for research in the natural sciences. It was founded in Sable lives there. It covers about 2480 square km. Wildlife includes pika, Siberian chipmunk, fox, elk, reindeer, brown bear, stoat, weasel, otter, moose, wolverine
Altaisky Zapovednik The protected area, approximately 250 km long and 40 km wide, is characterized by high diversity of landscape forms and ecosystems. The zapovednik is one of the largest and oldest nature reserves in Russia.
Altaisky Zapovednik is a true Russian lakeland with 2560 medium-sized and small shallow lakes. The largest one is Lake Teletskoye, which is 80 km long and 5 km wide, and has an area of km2.
Seliger Novgorodskay region, above sea level205 m, 66 km Width 37 km. Area is 260 km ² Length of coastline 528 km. The catchment area2,275 km. Seliger - a system of lakes of glacial origin in the Tver and Novgorod oblasts of the Russian Federation. Another name - Ostashkovskoye under the name of the item on the lake shore town Ostashkov. Contents of Geography and hydrography
Of birds there are heron, crane, duck, gull, grouse, magpie, woodpecker, an eagle. Shipping. Seliger - navigable lake. In Ostashkovo a river station, on many islands there are marina. Also on the lake there are ferries.
Yugyd Va The park occupies the western slopes of the Polar (height to 1878 meters, Mount Karpinsky) and the Northern Urals (height up to 617 m, r. Gelposiz), located in the most mountainous part, on the border between Europe and Asia. Its territory belongs to the right tributaries of the Pechora Basin
River water, squeezed diabase rocks in a narrow gorge 170 m long, fall from the penalty height and the height of the waterfall itself is 8 m. Arboretum, founded in 1947, was intended not only for leisure visitors. In fact, the main task - to investigate the possibility of growing in Karelia