CHAPTER 23: THE FRENCH REVOLUTION & NAPOLEON, Crash Course French Revolution
Causes of the French Revolution Weak & indecisive leadership Serious Economic problems Class unrest & resentment Enlightenment ideas spread
Government in debt King Louis XIV & Queen Marie Antoinette extravagant spenders King inherits debts of French Kings before him Government borrowed heavily to help finance the American Revolution France’s Economy in decline Cost of living increased dramatically Crop failures lead to widespread starvation King imposes heavy taxes Merchants, factory owners, & bankers of the 3 rd Estate alarmed Taxes so high that there is little profit for business owners
LOUIS XIV Weak leader Indecisive Little patience for government affairs Queen Marie Antoinette interfered & offered poor advice Queen very unpopular Imposed Taxes on nobility
THE SOCIAL ORDER OF FRANCE PRE-REVOLUTION… EstateDescription% of Population % of Land Owned % of Tax Paid 1 st Estate 10% 2 nd Estate 3 rd Estate The Roman Catholic Church 1%2% Rich Nobles 2% 20%0% Bourgeoisie, City Workers, & Peasants 97%1%50%
The Assembly Reforms France Declaration of the Rights of Man Influenced by ______________________________________ and _________________________________________ Two important points of the declaration include… Who was not included? Powers of the Legislative Assembly: Declaration of IndependenceThe English Bill of Rights Due Cause innocent until proven guilty Freedom of: Speech, ideas, press, & religion Women Power to create laws Power to approve or reject declarations of war
Causes of Revolution heavy taxes desire for privileges government debt poor harvest & high bread prices poor leadership gap between rich & poor Enlightenment ideas continued... Assembly creates a constitution. War with Austria begins when Austria offers support for Louis XVI. War goes badly for the French, and mobs rule Paris. Terror ends as moderates gain control. Reign of Terror begins as radicals take over the government. King is executed.
– French Revolution breaks out. Napoleon defeats royalist rebels. Napoleon wins many victories. Napoleon seizes power from the Directory. New constitution gives Napoleon all real power. Napoleon crowned emperor. Louis XVI Marie Antoinette Jean Paul Marat Robespierre Napoleon Metternich 6 Degrees of Louis XVI
Who was Napoleon Bonaparte? How was he able to take power in France? What did he promise the French people? Military leader who later crowned himself emperor of France Directory (government after Robespierre) lost confidence of the French people Drove out members of the Directory & voted in as 1 st Council & assumed role as dictator Restore order to France Restored order to France Crowned himself emperor Ended corruption in government Concordat (agreement with the church) Strengthened central government Napoleonic Code Strengthened economy Lycees (government run public schools) French Constitution Efficient tax collection Napoleon’s Empire & Battles Santo Domingo-> Gave up New World ambitions Annexed the Austrian Netherlands & parts of Italy Set up a puppet government in Switzerland Battled for territory of Austria, Prussia, & Russia
ProblemSolution METTERNICH’S PLAN Changes Made in Europe: Klemens Von Metternich Fact File French aggression Power struggles between countries Lack of legitimate leaders Surrounding France with strong countries Creating a balance of power so that no country can dominate others Restoring royal families to their thrones Foreign minister of Austria Not a fan of Democracy Made weak countries around France stronger Creation of German Confederation Switzerland became an independent nation Kingdom of Sardinia in Italy was strengthened
The Revenge of Austria/Prussia/Russia European Nations Attack Napoleon Elba Battle of Waterloo Saint Helena Congress of Vienna Members and Reps Legacy Goals Actions Taken Most decisions were made by Russia, Austria, Prussia, Great Britain, & France Containment of France Where Napoleon was exiled to Napoleon’s last battle (lost) Remote island in South Atlantic where Napoleon was banished to (he died 6 years later) Establish long-lasting peace in Europe Maintain balance of power in Europe Lasted 100 years Nationalistic feelings would explode into revolutions Russia, Prussia, Austria, Great Britain, and France Containment of France Balance of Power
There is discontent amongst the people of all the social classes The Third Estate- resents the Old Regime system
People feel restless and held down by unacceptabl e restrictions in society, religion and the economy or the government Economics= high taxes, unemployment Resentful of clergy positions
People are hopeful about the future, but they are being forced to accept less than they had hoped for. Enlightenment gives hope, but high taxes and crop failures are problematic
People are beginning to think of themselves as belonging to a social class, and there is a growing bitterness between social classes. The bourgeoisie of the third estate is growing angry- they are educated and want more rights
The social classes closest to one another are the most hostile. Not really- it is mostly the Third Estate that is upset.
The scholars and thinkers give up on the way their society operates Enlightenment changes minds about absolutism- equality, liberty and democracy!
The government does not respond to the needs of its society Louis XVI is a poor leader and Marie Antoinette interferes with the government- instead of cutting back on spending, decides to tax the nobles.
The leaders of the government and ruling class begin to doubt themselves. Some join with the opposition groups. Some clergy and nobles join the National Assembly.
The government is unable to get enough support from any group to save itself. Louis tries to escape, fails- gets Austria and Prussia to help him- that plan also fails.
The government cannot organize its finances correctly and is either going bankrupt or trying to tax heavily and unjustly. Louis taxes are too high for the Third Estate- First and Second Estates have little to no taxes.
Impossible demands made of government which, if granted, would mean its end. Third Estate wants lower taxes, change in voting in the Estates General- would like to end absolutism and estate system
Unsuccessful government attempts to suppress revolutionaries Third Estate is locked out of the Estates General- Tennis Court Oath- Louis has Swiss guard surround Versailles- Storming of the Bastille
Revolutionaries gain power and seem united Storming of the Bastille, March on Versailles, Creation of the National Assembly and Declaration of the Rights of Man.
Once in power, revolutionaries begin to quarrel among themselves, and unity begins to dissolve Food shortages, the government is still in debt- factions of Radicals, Moderates and Conservatives form
The moderates gain the leadership but fail to satisfy those who insist on further changes The Legislative Assemble creates a limited monarchy.
Power is gained by progressively more radical groups until finally a lunatic fringe gains almost complete control Jacobins gain popularity- Marat calls for death to royalists.
A strong man emerges and assumes great power Maximillian Robespierre
The extremists try to create “heaven on earth” by introducing their whole program and by punishing all their opponents Robespierre wants to build a “republic of virtue” by wiping out France’s past- Committee of Public Safety
A period of terror occurs Reign of Terror
Moderate groups regain power. The revolution is over. The Directory is formed with 5 moderate leaders- but is it really over???