DOMESTIC VIOLENCE DUTY LAWYER SERVICES Anne Lewis North Queensland Women’s Legal Service Tanya Diessel Gold Coast Community Legal Centre Stephanie Ewart Women’s Legal Service
Background & context QAILS Women /Family /Children Network QAILS Funding Proposal to establish a State- wide Network of Duty Lawyers in Queensland Domestic Violence Courts ‘Not Now, Not Ever’ Report & Recommendations of the Domestic Violence Taskforce
Operational structure of a Duty Lawyer Service comparison of 2 different models Gold Coast Community Legal Centre ▫Duty Lawyer Service model based on a holistic and flexible operation. ▫Degree and level of assistance provided primarily at the discretion of the duty lawyer. Legal Aid Queensland ▫Duty Lawyer Pilot Project model revolves around a more structured operation. ▫Boundaries and processes set for duty lawyers to follow.
How it works – Stephanie Ewart Service development Stakeholders Staff and volunteers Referrals Resources