INTRO -Between 1880 and 1900 virtually all of Africa was under European rule by Britain, France, Germany, Belgium, Italy, Spain, and Portugal. -Prior to 1880, Europeans controlled little of Africa directly.
WEST AFRICA European interest sparked by its raw materials; i.e. timber, hides, etc. Tension with African governments No longer able to maintain their independence
WEST AFRICA CONT’D Great Britain: annexed the west coastal states first British colony of Gold Coast. They Established a protectorate in Nigeria France: In control of the largest part of West Africa Germany: controlled Togo, Cameroon, German Southwest Africa, and German East Africa
NORTH AFRICA Muhammad Ali: an officer of the ottoman army seized power and established a separate Egyptian state Reforms to bring Egypt into modern world i.e. public school system Ferdinand de Lesseps, French entrepreneur began building Suez Canal, completed in 1869 British interest in Suez-> Egypt became British protectorate in 1914
NORTH AFRICA CONT’D Italy failed to take Ethiopia, but seized present day Libya in 1911 France established protectorate in Algeria, Tunisia and Morocco Charles Gordon of Britain lost to Muhammad Ahmad at Khartoum in 1885 they did not control Sudan until later in 1898
CENTRAL AFRICA David Livingstone spent 30 years in Africa, trekked through uncharted regions Major goal of Livingstone was to find navigable river in Central Africa American journalist Henry Stanley found Livingstone and carried on his work, but unlike Livingstone did not like Africa; set up settlements in Congo Encouraged King Leopold II of Belgium to colonize Central Africa, this concerned other European states
EAST AFRICA Britain and German rivalry by 1885 over East Africa Britain was interested in order to connect South Africa to Egypt Germany not as interested at first Chancellor Otto von Bismarck expressed interest as Germans called for a German empire Berlin Conference (1884 & 1885) recognized British & German claims in East Africa. Portugal had claim on Mozambique
SOUTH AFRICA White population of South Africa is 200,000 by 1865 Britain seized land in Cape town from the Boers/Afrikaners during the Napoleonic Wars Boers are of Dutch descent Britain encouraged settlers to come to the Cape Colony
THE BOER REPUBLICS Boers disgusted by British rule so moved northward on the Great Trek 1 out of every 5 Dutch South Africans joined the trek Formed 2 independent republics: The Orange Free State and the Transvaal
THE BOER REPUBLICS CONT’D Boers denied non-Europeans place in their society, other than as laborers or servants Put indigenous people (natives to a region) in separate reservations Battled Zulu (an indigenous group) often Zulu ruler Shaka carved out a powerful empire, but were defeated later by the British military
CECIL RHODES Influential in South African British policy Great champion of British expansion Founded diamond and gold companies Forced to resign in 1896 as prime minister of the Cape Colony
THE BOER WAR Guerilla resistance of Boers angered British British burned crops, put 120,000 women and children into detention camps Peace treaty 1902 Independent Union of Africa 1910, by 1914 Africa was divided up
COLONIAL RULE IN AFRICA Indirect rule in Sokoto in Northern Nigeria in 1903, but was really not indirect because Britain was making major decisions Class and tribal tensions because those Africans who did rule were old elite France had direct rule under governor-general France wanted assimilation into French culture, not to preserve African traditions Africans could run for office and even serve in the French National Assembly
RISE OF AFRICAN NATIONALISM New class of Africans emerged that admired Western culture Few democratic institutions; natives could only have low-paying jobs Middle class still only had menial jobs Segregation i.e. schools Resentment led to the emergence of modern nationalism political parties and independence movements