How did the slave trade affect Africa? Lesson starter Describe the Triangular Trade in 140 letters (not including spaces)
We are learning to… Explain the effect of the Slave Trade on Africa I can… Take down key facts Take down key facts Use the key facts to create a priority diagram Use the key facts to create a priority diagram
Background Portuguese explorers had explored West Africa around 1540 looking for gold usually due to a common ancestry Africa was a tribal country – people stuck together in groups – usually due to a common ancestry They found Africans buying and selling slaves and decided to join in When labour was needed growing sugar in the West Indies during the 17 th and 18 th century, it seemed the obvious thing to do to take Africans to the West Indies and sell them
The Gold Coast
The Asante Empire Gold Coast The powerful Asante people (Ashanti) dominated the area known as the Gold Coast (modern day Ghana). trade in gold with Europeans They had built up a trade in gold with Europeans but by the 1770s they traded in slaves. enslave people that broke laws prisoners of war The Asante would enslave people that broke laws, after 1790 they fought wars to defend/expand their empire and prisoners of war were sold to Europeans. The dominance of the Asante people meant that around a million Africans were captured by them on the Gold Coast.
Fact Finding – how did the Slave Trade damage Africa?
How did the Slave Trade affect Africa as a whole? Useful facts Death & Population depletion It is estimated around 12m people were taken from Africa to the Americas as slaves It is estimated around 6m more died on the journey or on their way to the coast to get on the slave ship Many died waiting for the slave ships to take them as they were kept near rivers like the Congo river, where killer disease like Malaria was common
Useful facts contd. Death & Population depletion Experts think Africa’s population would be double what it is now had it not been for the slave trade Most taken as slaves were young people; this left fewer people to grow food and famine (hunger) became common
Useful facts contd. Development Lots of land was left uncultivated because there was not enough free people left to grow crops There are still huge areas of barren land in Ghana and Nigeria which stem from the slave trade
Useful facts contd. War The slave trade encouraged war between tribes The demand for more and more slaves led to increased violence and hatred between African communities Some still exist today
Useful facts last page! Racism People who supported the slave trade (usually those who made money from it) used propaganda to encourage the belief that Africans were inferior people Some of those ideas lasted many years
Priority Diagram Use the Five effects of the slave Trade on Africa to create a priority diagram Death & Population Depletion DevelopmentWarRacism Death & Population Depletion – Development – War – Racism Rank them in order of most important – least important Provide a reason for each being in that place Effect 1 Effect 2 Effect 3 Effect 4