The great names of Palestine to be proud of, because they painted pictures of their sons creations, so I have the honor to present to the world of the person having the interest in the field of medicine, it's wounds Palestinian
He was born in the in Nazareth
And began his studies in medicine in Germany in 1986 and after passing the official tests in 1993 and obtaining the license and registration in 1996 Doctor began to work properly in his specialty in the field of neurosurgery, And March work in Nneberandenberg, Berlin, Kassel and Finally, in Hamburg crowned with success that has become his specialty consultant Neurosurgery
This success is the surgeon that he had found in the Palestinian way to treat a Disc hernia without surgery
Cartilage sliding occurs in the following cases Doing a sudden movements, such as lifting a heavy object on the ground.1 An abrupt turn for the back.2 Exposure to a bout of severe coughing continued.3 This leads to the sliding core of the cartilage back in the channel spinal cord where you press the nucleus on one of the nerve roots emerging from the spine, causing severe pain in the back and the patient suffers from weakness in the sense in some places in the foot or leg, may develop weakness and atrophy appropriate treatment, and these positions that occur where the changes mentioned are fueled by compressed nerve. muscles in the leg or foot if you did not receive
Disc hernia symptoms Beginning symptoms of sliding cartilage occurred severe pain lower back accompanied by pain extending behind the thigh and leg up to the area of the foot, has a feeling numb in the foot, and these symptoms are the so-called "sciatica", which is inflammation of the nerve Alsiatiky (and is the main nerve fed back to the muscles in the thigh and calf muscles and soles as well as the transfer of feeling in the back of the thigh and leg) due to the pressure cartilage sliding on one of the roots of this nerve
Disc hernia treatment
The doctor (Elias Saleem) explained that the sound of sliding discs without surgery carried out under CT by injection and the catheter. The method of injection therapy is five days a week the number of twice per day, and includes four injection materials, including sugar and complex materials and other enzyme protects nerves from inflammation and interaction after all lead to a contraction of a slipped disc. The doctor that conducted between 1200 to 1500 the quality of this kind without surgery, and the results were good. He said: It is possible to slide back discs of 6% compared with 25% of those treated with conventional surgery it. The expert warned thousands of Palestinian citizens in response to the pressures of work at the expense of health, thus leading to high incidence of sliding discs, and said that this leads to the suffering of more than 70% of the population during the period of their lives from the pain of the spine and joints.
He called for the exercise as a day to avoid sitting on the office for long hours at work or browse the computer, as well as the danger of using cooling to prolonged periods of time and lack of exposure to the sun, causing the fragility of the rapid bone.
And in the end I want to say There are a lot of Palestinian personalities who are very great, and who own the donor and innovation for development of science in all its aspects, and Dr. Elias sounds to be one of them, and there Dr. Essam Al-Nimr, who considered the first astronaut Palestinian who works at NASA, but unfortunately there are a lot of talent that circumstances did not allow them to be discovered by other societies of the world.
. Thanks to all of you