Mobile Populations: HIV/AIDS in Central America, Mexico, and the US Migration and AIDS: STIGMA AND DISCRIMINATION INSTITUTO NACIONAL DE SALUD PÚBLICA Guatemala City, 2004
METHODOLOGY STUDY DESIGN STUDY DESIGN PHASE III Evaluation PHASE I Basic Diagnosis PHASE II Intervention January-February 2001 Design: Aug July 2003 Implementation: May 2004 Accompaniment: Aug Sept. 2004
QUANTITATIVE METHODS Population Survey Population Survey QUALITATIVE METHODS Ethnographic Study Ethnographic Study In-depth Interviews In-depth Interviews Key Actors and Common Actors Key Actors and Common Actors Sex Workers Sex Workers Mobile Population Mobile Population ELEVEN TRANSIT STATIONS: Tecún Umán, Guatemala - Ciudad Hidalgo, Mexico MOBILE POPULATIONS AND HIV/AIDS PROJECT
OBJECTIVE: Analizing the social rejection of illegal migrants associated with HIV/AIDS
Dynamics of the Population Movement Across Borders Mexico-Guatemala Source: Leyva R, Dreser A, Bronfman M. Diseño propio,
Means of Mobilization at the Southern Border
Information on HIV/AIDS Transmission and Prevention % Source: Population Survey Migración y SIDA, 2001.
Attitudes of Rejection of PVS by the Population % Fuente: Encuesta Poblacional Migración y SIDA, 2001.
Migrants: Insecurity and Violation of Human Rights
Social Representation of AIDS Transmission Associated with the Mobility between Mexico and Guatemala HIV/ AIDS I N F O R M A T I O N Local population AIDS Migrants Sex Workers Truck Drivers Homosex Soldiers Expressions of rejection Dissemination of AIDS Resistance to interact with PVVS Comes from abroad POTENTIAL TRANSMITTER Source: Leyva R, Infante C. 2002
Action Sphere of Local Organizations Tapachula Salud MigraciónVIH/SIDA TecúnUmán TSDDHHMigración Ciudad Hidalgo VIH/SIDATSDDHH Tapachula Health MigrationHIV/AIDSTSH RightsMigration Ciudad Hidalgo HIV/AIDSTSH Rights Casa del Migrante Casa de la Mujer Human Rights Office Clínica Parroquial IGSS Migration Office Health Center Ministry of Labor Office Mexican Consulate Municipal City Hall Communication Media UnionTricicleros Municipal Health Dept. Health Center Grupo Beta Sur (INM) UMF/ IMSS Municipal City Hall Casa del Migrante Human Rights State Commission COFAT Mano Amiga HIV/AIDS Program FrayMatías de Córdoba
Strategy between Borders: Local and Binational Action Collaboration between Borders: Planning and implementing joint inter-institutional and inter-sectorial actions Community Action: Reducing rejection and discrimination of HIV/AIDS and STIs in mobile populations. Training, awareness raising and collaboration: Training and awareness-raising for HIV/AIDS prevention in mobile groups. Inter-institutional cooperation for HIV/AIDS and STI prevention and Human Rights promotion. Working with specific Groups: Information on HIV/AIDS and STI for migrants Information on HIV/AIDS and STI for TS
Inter-Institutional Work with Specific Groups
Community Response
Immediate Results The topic of HIV/AIDS and population mobility has been made visible to local organizations. It has been recognized that mobile groups (illegal migrants) are vulnerable to HIV/AIDS. Network between borders for health actions. Links with regional processes and projects.
PERSPECTIVE Strengthening technical capacity for response Binational cooperation for sustainability Developing new binational proposals Establishing links with other regional projects Incorporating strategies into the PNS Mobilization of financial resources