ПРИВЕТСТВИЕ И ПРОЩАНИЕ Hello!Good bye! Hi!Bye-bye! Good morning!Bye! Good afternoon!Good night! Good evening!See you soon!
ЗНАКОМСТВОЗНАКОМСТВО This is my friend.Glad to meet you. What is your name?How do you do? My name is ….How are you?
БЛАГОДАРЕНИЕБЛАГОДАРЕНИЕ Thanks. Not at all. Thank you. It` s a pleasure. Thank you very much. Don` t mention it.
ИЗВИНЕНИЕИЗВИНЕНИЕ I`m sorry.It`s okay. Sorry.Oh, that`s all right. Excuse me.Not at all.
ПРОСЬБАПРОСЬБА Come here!Come here, please. Sit down!Please sit down. How old are you?Tell me please, …?
ПОЗДРАВЛЕНИЯ И ПОЖЕЛАНИЯ Happy birthday to you! How nice! Merry Christmas! Good luck! Happy New Year! Thank you! The same to you. Good for you!
ПОГОДАПОГОДА What is the weather like today? It is sunny (cloudy). Is it cold today? Is it hot today? It is snowy (rainy).
ЗА СТОЛОМ Help yourself! With pleasure. Let me help you. Yes, thank you. Have some coffee? Sure.