CEE 578 Senior Capstone Design Types of Construction Drawings Michael D. Doran, P.E. DEE Professor of Practice Department of Civil & Environmental Engineering University of Wisconsin-Madison
Cover Name and designation of project Name of Owner Name of Engineer Date Project Location
List of Drawings
List of Drawings Drawings listed by number and title Drawings organized by type (general, architectural, mechanical, electrical) Professional seals are normally affixed on same page as drawing list
Standard Symbols and Acronyms
Standard Symbols and Acronyms Drafting Topographical Architectural Underground utilities Piping Electrical HVAC
Site Plans
Site Plans Show existing and new topography and features Locate “Area of Work’ Locate existing features, structures Locate and describe areas of demolition Locate new structures Locate and describe new site work Locate and describe new site utilities Construction notes Separate site plans are commonly used for demolition, grading, landscaping, roads and walks, structures, utility piping, and electrical.
Building Elevations
Building Elevations Elevations of footings Elevations of ceilings Roof details Door and window details Architectural details
Floor Plans
Floor Plans Building and room dimensions Structural details Room numbering Location and type of openings Location of furnishings and equipment Separate Foundation Plans, Framing Plans, individual floors, individual rooms, etc., as necessary to show construction
Section Views
Section Views Structural notes Equipment notes Key elevations Slab and component thicknesses Equipment, piping and valve arrangements
Structural Drawings
Structural Drawings Reinforcement size and location Wall and slab thickness Details and notes
HVAC Drawings
HVAC Drawings Duct sizes and locations Fan locations Louver and Damper locations Wall penetrations Equipment locations, numbers and Control system interconnections
Schedules Doors Windows Flow control gates HVAC equipment Electrical loads Instruments Etc, etc.
Plumbing Plans and Schematics
Plumbing Plans and Schematics Location and size of piping Location and description of piping appurtenances Isometric schematic drawings Construction notes
Electrical Wiring and Panel Drawings
Electrical Wiring and Panel Drawings 1-line diagrams for load and power Interconnection diagrams for data and control Panel layouts for motor and supervisory control centers
Standard Details
Standard Details Used for a host of small and often repeated items such as: Connections Penetrations Sealing Reinforcing Road and walk sections Curb, gutter Hydrants Etc, etc. Engineering organizations keep a vast library of standard details that are ‘tried and true’ for use on projects. The standard is used whenever possible because they are known to work – minimizes errors and problems
Plan and Profile
Plan and Profile Location with respect to survey stationing and topography Manhole numbers and pipe invert elevations Piping diameter, length and slope Profile has exaggerated vertical scale – such as 1” = 2’
Roadway Profile and Sections
Roadway Profile and Sections Existing topography New road topography Typical and special road sections and dimensions
Process and Instrumentation Diagrams
Process and Instrumentation Diagrams Individual drawing for each system or process Equipment interconnection schematic Direction of process flow Valves and flow controls Instrumentation Control system connections Consistent designation system for equipment, valve and instrument numbering