February 2016 CSM – La Plata Distribution Statement A “Approved for Public release; Distribution Unlimited.”
The SMD-ME: - Addresses NAWCAD’s recruiting and retention issues. - Serves the economic and cultural development of SMD. NAWCAD Upper Command: “ Complete the STEM spectrum in SMD.” Education Partnership Agreements University of MD (UMD) Jun 2008 College of So. MD (CSM) Aug 2008 CSM Engineering Assoc. Degree Gap UMD-Clark School of Engr. MS & PhD Programs Degree Programs SMD BSME SMD BSEE “More than a Navy Intern Program. It is a resource for SMD individuals, industry, and government.” Primary Schools Secondary Schools Undergrad College Programs Initial Full Time Employment Continuing Education GENESIS
Naval Air Warfare Center Aircraft Division: Pathways Intern Program This program provides an opportunity for you to receive a Bachelor of Science degree in electrical or mechanical engineering while attending most classes in SMD. University of Maryland: Southern Maryland Engineering Program (Aeromechanical/Aeroelectrical Concentration) Hands on experience through summer and holiday work at NAWCAD (640 hours minimum, salaries starting at $14.59/hour). Potential paid tuition up to $5200 per semester and possible book reimbursement of up to $600 per semester. Potential employment upon successful graduation and completion of all Pathway Program requirements. Candidates must have been accepted for enrollment, or are enrolled and seeking a degree in a qualifying educational institution on a full-time basis. Acceptance into the NAWCAD’s Pathway Program. (Application is made to a Pathways Vacancy Announcement in USAJOBS.) US Citizenship. 18 years of age or older. A student who receives tuition reimbursement in the intern program incurs a service obligation for Federal Civil Service employment. This program provides an opportunity for upperclassmen to gain work experience while supporting our Nation’s Navy and Marine Corps. Acceptance into UMD’s Engineering Program with a minimum GPA of 3.0. (Admission for the junior year.) Classes held locally at the Southern Maryland Higher Education Center. The instructors are experienced engineers and scientists. ABET certified engineering education. BenefitsRequirements Version Educational Partnership NAWCAD - UMD Interested? Contact Dr. David John Barrett
What is unique about the SMD-ME Experience? SMD-ME Seniors, Class of 2012 “Design Day Competition” Photograph courtesy of the Clark School of Engineering The students are exposed to naval air history, issues, processes, practice and know-how.
Concept – Double Capacity Intern Employment Experience
Concept Design Intern Employment Experience Data Entry Dimensional Checks Design Tweaks, Handbook Engineering
Analysis of Concept Intern Employment Experience Equilibrium checks Hand calculations Plots Hot spot checks Test Plan
Intern Employment Experience Product H-1 Helicopter Dual Dispenser Pod (DDP) Form, Fit and Function Instrumentation Test Plan Refinement
Application to SMD-ME/Navy Late In the fall semester of your 2 nd year of college studies: 1) Forward a resume to 2) Create an account in USAJOBS. In early January: 3) Stay alert for the Pathways Intern job announcement from PAX River. In the spring semester: 4) Work with Ms. Jones to finish your application to UMD. 5) Study all NAWCAD materials sent to you by Dave Barrett. 6) Keep up your studies and engage in activities that indicate an aptitude for professional responsibilities.
What is the SMD-ME all about? “Building the technical competence to support our sailors and troops.”
Engineering Laboratory Electronics & Instrumentation I Fluid Mechanics Engineering Materials and Engineering Processes Air Flow Bench Static BenchHydraulic Flow Bench Rotating Beam Fatigue Tester Tension/Compression Plastic Impact Tester Microscopes & Hardness Tester Metallographics Bench High Impact Tester Electronic Workbench
14 Southern Maryland Higher Education Center
Academic Program DisciplineCourse AerospaceDynamics of Atmospheric Flight (Findlay) Aerospace Structures (Barrett) A/C Flight Dynamics and Simulation (Findlay) Fatigue & Fracture (Rahman) ElectricalElectronics/Instrumentation I (Dennis) Electronic/Instrumentation II (Bell) IndustrialStatistical Methods for Product/Process Dev. (UMD Faculty) MechanicalEng. Materials and Manufacturing Processes (UMD Faculty) Fluid Mechanics (Gallant) Capstone: Integrated Product/Process Development (UMD) Product Engineering and Manufacturing (UMD Faculty) Heat Transfer Processes (Gallant) Vibrations/Controls I (Barrett) Vibrations/Controls II (UMD Faculty) SystemsFundamentals of Reliability Engineering (Burke) BSME Degree with a Naval Aviation Emphasis