Chapter 5- The Periodic Law 5.1-History of the Periodic Table 5.2-Electron Configuration & the Periodic Table 5.3-Electron Configuration & Periodic Properties
5.1-History of the Periodic Table Pages
Mendeleev Dmitri Mendeleev (1869, Russian) Organized elements by increasing atomic mass. Elements with similar properties were grouped together. There were some discrepancies.
Mendeleev Dmitri Mendeleev (1869, Russian) Predicted properties of undiscovered elements.
Moseley Henry Moseley (1913, British) Organized elements by increasing atomic number. Resolved discrepancies in Mendeleev’s arrangement. Periodic Law-the physical and chemical properties of the elements are periodic functions of the atomic numbers.
Organization of the Elements Periodic table-an arrangement of the elements in order of their atomic numbers so that elements with similar properties fall in the same column, or group.
Additions to Mendeleev’s Periodic Table Noble gases Group 18 Argon discovered in 1894 Took so long to discover because very unreactive Lanthanides 14 elements with atomic numbers from Placed below the periodic table to conserve space Actinides 14 elements with atomic numbers Also placed below periodic table
5.2-Electron Configuration & the Periodic Table Pages
Periods & Blocks of the Periodic Table Length of period (row) determined by how many electrons can occupy the sublevels being filled. 1 st period-1s sublevel being filled with 2 electrons 2 elements, H & He 3 rd period-3s & 3 p sublevels being filled with 2+6 electrons 8 elements Periodic table is divided into “blocks” based on the filling of sublevels with electrons.
Blocks of the Periodic Table
Determining Period from Configuration An element’s period can be determined by looking at its electron configuration The highest occupied energy level corresponds to the element’s period As: [Ar]3d 10 4s 2 4p 3 4 in 4p 3 indicates that the highest energy level that electrons occupy is the 4 th. Therefore, As is located in the 4 th period of the periodic table.
Metals Nonmetals Metalloids Metallic Character
Main Group Elements Transition Metals Inner Transition Metals Areas of the Periodic Table
s-Block Elements: Groups 1 & 2 Chemically reactive metals Include the alkali metals and the alkaline earth metals
Alkali metals Group 1 metals ns 1 Silvery appearance and very soft Not found pure naturally because so reactive Because of extreme reactivity with moisture, usually stored under kerosene Video: Disposal of Surplus SodiumDisposal of Surplus Sodium Video: Alkali Metals in WaterAlkali Metals in Water
Alkaline-Earth metals Group 2 metals ns 2 Harder, denser, & stronger than alkali metals Also too reactive to be found free in nature (but less reactive than Gp. 1) Video: Magnesium/silver nitrate mixture reacting with waterMagnesium/silver nitrate mixture reacting with water
d-Block Elements: Groups 3-12 Metals with typical metallic properties Called “transition elements” Typically less reactive than Gps. 1&2, & some are extremely unreactive d sublevels first appears at the 3 rd energy level Fills after 4s Variations from expected in d-block, so elements in the same group do not necessarily have the same outer e- configuration
p-Block Elements: Groups p and s-block elements together called “main-group elements” Total number of electrons in highest energy level=group # - 10 Group 17 elements have 17-10=7 outer “valence” electrons Properties of p-block elements vary greatly since metals, nonmetals, and metalloids are contained here
p-block Elements Halogens Group 17 nonmetals Most reactive nonmetals React with most metals to form salts Metalloids Fall on both sides of a “stair-step” line separating metals and nonmetals Semi-conductors
f-Block Elements: Lanthanides & Actinides Lanthanides Top row of f-block 14 elements Shiny metals similar in reactivity to the alkaline-earth metals Actinides Bottom row of f-block 14 elements All radioactive 1 st 4 elements found naturally on Earth; remainder only lab-made elements
5.3-Electron Configuration & Periodic Properties Pages
Remember the Periodic Law When elements are arranged in order of increasing atomic #, elements with similar properties appear at regular intervals.
½ the distance between the nuclei of identical atoms that are bonded together Increases to the LEFT and DOWN Atomic Radius
Li Ar Ne K Na
Why larger going down? Higher energy levels have larger orbitals Shielding - core e - block the attraction between the nucleus and the valence e - Why smaller to the right? Increased nuclear charge without additional shielding pulls e - in tighter Atomic Radius
First Ionization Energy-energy required to remove one electron from a neutral atom Increases UP and to the RIGHT Ionization Energy
First Ionization Energy Ionization Energy K Na Li Ar Ne He
Why opposite of atomic radius? In small atoms, e - are close to the nucleus where the attraction is stronger Why small jumps within each group? Stable e - configurations don’t want to lose e - Ionization Energy
Successive Ionization Energies Mg1st I.E.736 kJ 2nd I.E.1,445 kJ Core e - 3rd I.E.7,730 kJ Large jump in I.E. occurs when a CORE e - is removed. Ionization Energy
Al1st I.E.577 kJ 2nd I.E.1,815 kJ 3rd I.E.2,740 kJ Core e - 4th I.E.11,600 kJ Successive Ionization Energies Large jump in I.E. occurs when a CORE e - is removed. Ionization Energy
Energy change that occurs when an electron is acquired by a neutral atom Tends to become less negative (less energy released) DOWN and to the LEFT Electron Affinity
Ionic Radius Cations (+) lose e - smaller © 2002 Prentice-Hall, Inc. Anions (–) gain e - larger Ionic Radius
Electronegativity A measure of the ability of an atom in a chemical compound to attract electrons Most electronegative element is fluorine Given arbitrary value of 4; all others relative
Which atom has the larger radius? BeorBa CaorBr Ba Ca Examples
Which atom has the higher 1st I.E.? NorBi BaorNe N Ne Examples
Which has the greater electonegativity? KorLi AlorCl Li Cl Examples
Which particle has the larger radius? SorS 2- AlorAl 3+ S 2- Al Examples