Permit Process & Application Guide City of New Braunfels Permit Process & Application Guide
TABLE OF CONTENTS Who Needs Permit How to Apply for a Permit Permit Process Permit Process Flowcharts Inspections Requirements Certificate of Occupancy Requirements Current Building Codes Contacts Numbers
Who Needs Permit No person, firm, corporation, or any other entity shall erect, construct, enlarge, alter, repair, modify, excavate, fill, or change any fence, sign, land, building, structure, or property in the city, nor cause such work to be done; nor shall any building or structure be moved, removed, converted, or demolished without first obtaining any necessary permit there for from the building official and complying with all applicable requirements of the city. City Ordinance Sec. 14-29 (d) When in doubt, Please contact the Building Department were here to help (221-4060)
HOW TO APPLY FOR A PERMIT Applications for building permits are available thought the Building Department at City Hall. In addition to a completed application, the following materials are required:
Commercial Check List 1. ______ Completed Building Permit Application 2. ______ Submit 6 complete sets of plans for commercial construction to include the following: All commercial plans must be submitted on 24 x 36 format All commercial plans shall be scaled to ¼”=1’ or 1/8”=1’, dimensioned, noted, clear and legible All projects over $150,000, copies of plans and construction documents must be submitted in electronic format (CD – two copies) ____ Site Plan ____ Floor Plan ____ Drainage Plan and Reports (1 copy - See pg. 3) ____ Elevation Plan ____ Electrical Plan ____ Mechanical Plan ____ Plumbing Plan w/riser diagram showing pipe 3. ______ Engineered foundation letter on City form letter (New Construction/Additions over 500 sq ft) 4. ______ Texas Department of Licensing and Regulation (TDLR). All projects over $50,000.00 must be registered. Project Registration Confirmation Page 5. ______ Asbestos Abatement Letter (if building is remodeled or demolished) 6. ______ COMcheck Compliance Certificate to include Envelope, Mechanical, Lighting, Lighting worksheet ( ) (2006 IECC) 7. ______ Foundation Plan (or attach driveway, sidewalk or foundation standard that is going to be used) 8. ______ Landscape Plan (Permits will not be issued without Planning Division approval) 9. ______ Environmental Health Division requirements: Food service menu to be provided for all occupancies offering food or beverages, including alcohol. If any of the above listed information is not included with the Building Permit Application, application may be returned to the Contractor and/or Design Professional and may not be accepted until all information is resubmitted.
Residential Check List 1. Verify General Contractor is Currently Licensed & Verify License Restrictions 2. Verify residence is registered as homestead with Appraisal District and is permanent residence if Homeowner is making application. 3. Completed Building Permit Application 4. Submit two (2) complete sets of plans for residential construction - to include the following if applicable: A. Site Plan B. Floor Plan C. Elevation Plan D. Electrical Plan E. Mechanical Plan F. Plumbing Plan 5. RES Check Compliance Certificate ( ) 6. Engineered Foundation Letter on City form letter (New Construction) 7. Foundation Plan (or attach driveway, sidewalk or foundation standard that is going to be used) If any information is not included with the Building Permit Application, application may not be accepted until all information is submitted.
Permit Process Planning staff verifies compliance with zoning and platting ordinances, floodplain compliance and assess impact fees Building Department will review building, mechanical, electrical, plumbing and A/C plans for compliance with local and national codes, The Utility Department will review application plans for water, wastewater and electrical service; water tap locations and other utility services. The City Engineer will review drainage plans for all commercial and subdivision developments. The Fire Department will review Fire Code compliance The Health Department Compliance with State and Local Health Code
Permit Process All developments require access to a State roadway require Texas Department of Transportation (TXDOT) approval. In order to facilitate communication, between City Staff, applicants and other utility providers, construction coordination meetings may be scheduled as needed. City staff may place applicants on the agenda for these meetings, or applicant may request to be placed on the agenda by contacting the Building Department. When all necessary building and utility applications and plans have been approved, and required fees paid, Building Inspections will issue the building permit. When the Building Department issues the building permit, it will notify the applicant (contractor/homeowner) that the permit is ready to be picked up.
Application made with Building Department COMMERCIAL PERMIT PROCESS Application made with Building Department Permit application/plans reviewed by: Planning/Zoning for: Zoning \ Platting Land use regulations Building Inspections for: Building Code Plumbing Code Mechanical Code Electrical Code A D A compliance Floodplain regulations Public Works (NBU) For: Utility locations Tap Fees Engineering for: Drainage (On Commercial, Platting & Subdivision) Fire Marshall For: Fire Code compliance Health Department For: Compliance with State and Local Health Code After Approval from all Departments is received Building Department Issue’s building Permit for construction When the Building Department issues the building permit, it will notify the applicant (contractor/homeowner) that the permit is ready to be picked up.
Application made with Building Department RESIDENTIAL PERMIT PROCESS Application made with Building Department Permit application/plans reviewed by: Planning/Zoning for: Zoning \ Platting Land use regulations Building Inspections for: Building Code Plumbing Code Mechanical Code Electrical Code A D A compliance Floodplain regulations After Approval from all Departments is received Building Department Issue’s building Permit for construction When the Building Department issues the building permit, it will notify the applicant (contractor/homeowner) that the permit is ready to be picked up.
INSPECTIONS REQUIRED Inspections are necessary to protect the public from substandard construction practices and to enforce building codes and local ordinances. Prior to the start of construction erosion control must be in place and inspected. Engineering Department inspects erosion control. (Commercial) During the construction process, the project will be inspected for building, plumbing, mechanical, electrical and zoning setback compliance. Building Inspections are requested by calling the Building Department at 608-2114 or Faxing a request in at 608-2117. You must have your building permit and approved set of plans available at the time of inspection. During construction it is up to the contractor to call the appropriate department for inspections . Inspection can usually be scheduled within twenty-four (24) hours. However, staff shortages or emergencies may extend this time. Only after all required final inspections have been approved, from all departments will a Certificate of Occupancy will be issued.
CERTIFICATE OF OCCUPANCY REQUIRMENTS The Certificate of Occupancy verifies that the project meets all required building codes and local ordinances. In many cases a Certificate of Occupancy is necessary for insurance or financing. A Certificate of Occupancy is required prior to occupancy and/or use of the structure or building. FOR NON-RESIDENTIAL FACILITIES A change of occupancy or ownership requires that a Code Compliance Inspection be requested and a Certificate of Occupancy be issued. A Certificate of Occupancy is issued only when all required inspections have been completed and approved.
CURRENT BUILDING CODES The City of New Braunfels has adopted the following codes: 2005 National Electric Code – Adopted by the State of Texas 2006 International Existing Building Code 2006 International Fire Code (when required) 2006 International Energy Conservation Code 2006 Int’l Plumbing code (when required) 2006 Int’l Mechanical Code (when required) 2006 Int’l Building Code (when required) 2006 Int’l Residential Code (when required) 2006 ICC/ANSI A117.1-2003 Texas Architectural Barriers Code (when required) American Disabilities Act (when required)
CONTACTS NUMBERS Building Department Fire Marshall Health Department Planning/Zoning City Secretary Engineering Utilities (NBU) 221-4060 221-4200 221-4070 221-4050 221-4010 221-4020 629-8400