23-2: The Second New Deal Takes Hold
GroupProblems faced by the group Laws passed and agencies formed to deal with the problems Farmers Migrant Workers Rural Areas -soil depletion -inability to buy land -Squalid /housing conditions -Lack of electricity - Soil Conservation and Domestic Allotment Acts - Farm Security Administration, Farm Mortgage Moratorium and the Resettlement Administration - FSA (established camps) -Rural Electrification Administration and the Public Utilities Holding Company
GroupProblems faced by the group Laws passed and agencies formed to deal with the problems Students and other young people -unemployment -poverty -lack of spending money -WPA, The Works Progress Administration, created jobs for youths among others - NYA, The National Youth Administration, provided jobs and student aid for young people in need.
GroupProblems faced by the group Laws passed and agencies formed to deal with the problems Teachers, writers, artists, and other professionals unemployment poverty WPA, The Works Progress Administration, “created” jobs painting murals and posters and writing historical information and city guides, etc.
GroupProblems faced by the group Laws passed and agencies formed to deal with the problems All workers, including the unemployed Labor issues Poverty -Fair Labor Standards Act: Set minimum wage and maximum hours -Wagner Act: Prohibited unfair labor practices and protected workers rights to join labor unions, and engage in collective bargaining
GroupProblems faced by the group Laws passed and agencies formed to deal with the problems Retired WorkersPoverty Lack of hope Loss of dignity -SSA, Social Security Administration, provided a pension ($$) for retired workers and their spouses
GroupProblems faced by the group Laws passed and agencies formed to deal with the problems The disabled, The needy elderly, and dependent mothers and children Poverty Lack of hope Loss of dignity -SSA, Social Security Administration, provided unemployment compensation and aid to families with dependent children and the disabled
Eleanor Roosevelt She traveled the country to observe social conditions; helped to shape New Deal policies; encouraged FDR to appoint women to government positions, and advocated for the rights of poor people, women and minorities