2012 Performance Headlines for Schools Forum 2012 Performance Headlines for Schools Forum Autumn
‘Its been hard work, hard grafting’ 2
EYFSP 2012 Great achievements NI72 (78 points with at least 6 in all PSED & CLLD scales) up by 9% 15% since Early indications from LA self reported data are that Suffolk outcomes are close to national - in 2011 they were 7% below. Improved outcomes in all 13 assessment scales. Continued and significant improvement in all 4 CLLD scales. Gap between the scores of girls and boys continues to narrow in all scales except reading. Gap between the lowest 20% of children and the rest narrowed by 3% 6% since 2009.
Key Stage One Headlines/Chart Reading %L2b+ Writing %L2b+ Maths %L2b+ Suffolk National*
Key Stage Two – Significant Improvements %L4+ Reading: 2% increase %L4+ Writing: 7% increase %L4+ English: 4% increase %L4+ Maths: 3% increase %L4+ (EM): 4% increase % 2L Prog E: 8% increase % 2L Prog M: 6% increase 6
Key Stage 2 – Sustained Improvement 7
Sustained Improvement 8
Key Stage 2 – Real shift on progress 10
Improved standards during reorganisation 13
SOR Phase 1 Writing Overall : 12% gain in writing in SOR 1 Suffolk gain = 7% Haverhill +19% North Lowestoft +11% South Lowestoft + 9% 17
SOR Phase 1 English Overall : 7% gain in English SOR 1 Suffolk gain = 4% Haverhill +10% North Lowestoft +7% South Lowestoft + 4% 18
SOR Phase 1 Maths Overall : 6% gain in maths SOR 1 Suffolk gain = 3% Haverhill +7% North Lowestoft +9% South Lowestoft + 3% 19
Targeted Schools 20
Primary good news stories 15 schools 100% in reading and maths including: Birchwood Martlesham Beacon Hill St Mary’s Woodbridge St Mark’s RC Wilby Chelmondiston Clare Primary (SOR 1) 23
Schools in challenging areas 24
More significant gains The Willows 100 (100) reading; 89 (92) maths Ranelagh 85 (66.7) reading; 90 (62.5) maths Grange 88.5 (58.6) reading; 73.1 (48.3) maths 25
Key Stage 4 26
GCSE Results: The Issues Major concerns regarding English results with variations according to when student entered Jan v June Grade boundaries appear to be raised at the C/d borderline Many schools reporting significant variations on last year Lack of confidence in the results Some schools identified as below floor
GCSE: Potential Impact on students Access to sixth form Access to Apprenticeships Access to Jobs Access to HE/FE Concern that impact potentially greater on disadvantaged/vulnerable students
Local Authority Role in Response Strong support to all schools and Academies to challenge results Evidence gathered from all schools Discussions with the DfE Discussions with OFQUAL Schools and Academies working in partnership with the LA on this issue