Planner Recruitment, Induction and Development Briefing for Development Control User Panel February 2008
Camden’s Career Grade Planner scheme Entry level and progression through the scheme depends on recognised qualifications and formal assessment ( see scheme) Camden generally recruits:- –CG Planners With a recognised degree, diploma or RTPI exemption qualification or Non-recognised planning qualification subject to formal assessment –Senior CG planners 2 years post qualification experience at degree level Eligible for RTPI membership Progression to higher levels is subject to formal assessment of skills, ability and knowledge at appraisal CG planners have the option of moving within planning teams to gain experience
Recruitment Major recruitment is programmed to coincide with end of summer term to catch college leavers or when a number of similar vacancies can be advertised together e.g. conservation Recruitment methods have included –Advert in Planning magazine and on Planning Portal and Planning Resource websites –Council website –Consideration of CVs outside recruitment periods –Adverts in the Planning in London Yearbook and Guide to Careers in Planning ( circulated with Planning magazine) –Use of head hunters for specialist staff e.g. C&UD manager
Key Issues Generic Twice as many posts as people qualified to fill them by 2011 Large number of senior planners due to retire within next five years Drop in numbers of students taking relevant first degree or post-grad courses. Increased demand for planners resulting from drive for additional homes and Olympic preparations
Key Issues - Camden Loss of staff to:- – the private sector – through higher pay –Other local authorities - through higher pay or lifestyle issues Difficulty in recruiting to senior and specialist posts Management posts unattractive
Turnover Decrease in planner turnover as result of recruitment and retention strategy –June 0521% –Sept 07 13% But Still higher than other council services Recent increase in resignations High proportion of posts covered by agency staff
Camden’s Recruitment and Retention Strategy Currently under review Market supplement paid to senior planners Professional fees and travel cards paid to all planners Professional Qualification sponsorship scheme – day release & payment of fees for relevant qualifications Grow your own scheme being developed for administrative support staff Learning and Development activities tailored to planning service business needs.
Planner induction Generic Council wide induction day including tour of Camden & introduction to council priorities & ways of working Induction pack with key planning service documents Overview induction session for all new Planning staff being developed
Planner Induction All career grade planners have a specific senior planner to supervise and mentor them Shadowing on validation, site visits etc Design, Crime, Access, Environmental Health Surgeries Probation meetings and regular supervision and annual appraisal linked to performance targets
Training and Development Mix of formal and informal on the job training Driving up quality meetings – sharing knowledge and discussing common issues CPD sessions – internal Formal training – to meet service priorities –One-off seminars & conferences –Commissioned courses e.g. daylight/sunlight, conditions & reasons for refusal, public inquiries, enforcement notice drafting, presentation skills