Our founder, our roots
Lena Madesin Phillips «Each woman, as a citizen, must bring to the national policy of her own country, the contribution of forward-looking and constructive thought followed by determined actions. Each woman must dedicate herself to protect and promote the interests of all other women in business and the professions.» «A measure filled», the life of Lena Madesin Phillips, by Lisa Sergio
BPW International «Our Ambition: Equal Participation of Women and Men in Power and Decision-Making Roles» Lena Madesin Phillips
Lena Madesin Phillips «Women need full and free access to all levels of corporate life before they can say that they are equal to men.» «A measure filled», the life of Lena Madesin Phillips, Lisa Sergio
More women in the economy Decision for pink quota BPW as first contact BPW as experts
More BPW visibility Place BPW into the media trough Women on Board campaign
BPW as leader for women on boards
BPW BoD Cycle
Demand & fulfill quotas Empower BPW members Connect & place BPW members Identify BPW members BPW BoD Cycle BPW petitionned for gender quotas. BPW demands & delivers. Measure & communi- cate
BPW BoD Cycle BPW petitionned for gender quotas in Demand quotas Empower BPW members Connect & place members Identify BPW members BPW Switzerland petitionned for gender quotas for listed companies & public bodies BPW Switzerland published the female quotas argumentarium (Q&A) BPW Switzerland achieved an tremendous media coverage and is considered the expert on gender quotas BPW is asked for BoD candidates
BPW BoD Cycle BPW believes that our members are qualified. Demand & fulfill quotas Empower BPW members Connect & place BPW members Identify BPW members BPW Switzerland identifies BPW members with BoD seats through structured questionnaire BPW members with BoD assignments place testimonials on our homepage (visibility) BPW Switzerland identifies BPW members with BoD potential to present themselves in front of an independent advisory board BPW Switzerland maintains a database with their board ready women
BPW BoD Cycle BPW imparts knowledge & shares experience. Demand & fulfill quotas Empower BPW members Connect & place BPW members Identify BPW members BPW motivates & empowers future BoD members Board Day (1 per year) Finance Courses (3 – 5 per year) Workshops on other board issues (i.e. risk management, remuneration) in corporation with sivg, Swiss Board School, swissVR Network Day (1 per year) in corporation with BoD Mentoring BPW BoD ceremony (1 per year)
BPW BoD Cycle BPW has the women that companies look for. Demand & fulfill quotas Empower BPW members Connect & place BPW members Identify BPW members BPW Switzerland connects & places BPW members with companies & headhunters BPW Switzerland asks for an appropriate fee & publication when a BPW member has been successfully placed (no fees for BPW members. Companies / headhunters value for success themselves)
BPW BoD Cycle BPW contributes to the gender quotas. Fulfill quotas Empower BPW members Connect & place BPW members Identify BPW members BPW Switzerland is partner for the economy to fulfill the petition for gender quotas and to improve the economic results.
BPW BoD Cycle BPW talks about achievements. Fulfill quotas Empower BPW members Connect & place BPW members Identify BPW members Measure & communi- cate BPW Switerzland measures & publishes the quota improve- ments on Boards BPW Switerzland acknowledges improvements diversity friendly award, BPW Switzerland talks about the initiative BoD internally & externally
BPW BoD Cycle Organisation – How we drive the cycle. BoD Task Force Role: Responsible for the BPW BoD Cycle Task: Develops, implements & maintains BoD Cycle and its initiatives (concept) Reviews & approves applications of candidates before sending the application to the advisory board Reward: Refund of expenses according regulations of ZV for task forces Invitation to a BPW BoD ceremony (1 per year) Members: Monika Welti (Chair) Virginie Carniel Dominique Freymond 2 additional BPW members tbd
BPW BoD Cycle Bumper Sticker WOMEN ON BOARDS