HUMAN RESOURCE MANAGEMENT HUMAN RESOURCE MANAGEMENT IS PLANNING, ORGANISING. DIRECTING AND CONTROLLING OF HUMAN RESOURCE FUNCTIONS SUCH AS PROCUREMENT,DEVELOPMENT,INTEGRATION,RECRUITMENT ETC. Human resource management is utilizing the knowledge, skills and ability of the Employees in an organization in order to achieve organizational effectiveness.
HISTORY OF TCIL It was incorporated in 1920 producing tin plate and tin free steel It has achieved industry leadership in India. It is having three level executive, officer, union level. It is a part of Tata steel It is having 725 crores of business and 1764 employes
Employee engagement It is defined as the level of commitment and involvement an employee Has towards his organization and its values. An engaged employee is aware of business context and works with Colleagues to improve performance within the job for the benefit of the Organization. It is a positive attitude held by employees towards the organization and Its values.
Employee satisfaction Employee satisfaction is used to describe whether employees are happy and contented and fulfilling their desires and needs at work. Many measures purport that employee satisfaction is a factor in employee motivation, employee goal achievement, and positive employee Morale in the work place.
FINDINGS According to this report it was a very big deal. All the employee were involved in their work with full commitment and engaged employee were aware of business context and work with their colleagues to improve the performance and provide benefits to the organizations.
SUGGESTIONS According to this report an organization should recognize their employee more than any other variables Employee should be provided with more service and facilities for their comfort level.
conclusion The survey made on the basis of questionnaire gave a lot of Information on employee satisfaction and employee employee Engagement.