TSM Advanced Function and FilesX IBM 備份解決方案 TSM Advanced Function and FilesX 聚碩科技 技術顧問 沈保任
Agenda 前言 IBM 備份解決方案 TSM 功能簡介 TSM FastBack 功能簡介
“Mr. CIO, we have a problem” 你知道資料成長的速度有多快嗎? 128 GB/ person The World’s total data per person. “I think I can do this” “Mr. CIO, we have a problem” “No Problem” 大家都知道如何在這龐大的增長是顯現在您的數據...我們的工作-作為管理供應商-是幫助客戶處理這沒有打破他們的預算。什麼我要告訴你的是, 我們的策略為解決客戶的需求,在存儲管理市場。 早期硬碟只2G、4G,現在硬碟單顆動則上百G,甚至於1T 不過,資料的儲存就是為了保障資料的高可用性(Availability),而要達成這個目標,必須妥善完成備份(Backup)以及保護(Protection)等工作, 在這兩者中,更關鍵的工作當推資料備份,備份為何重要,從企業 IT 進行備份的目的即可窺知一二。首先,完整的備份讓系統本身發生錯誤、當機時, 還可透過系統,順利將失去的資料找回來。 在競爭激烈、監管嚴厲、連續運營的業務環境中,任何規模的公司都無法承受資料丟失或者某段時間內無法訪問關鍵應用程式所帶來的損失 比如意外事故、惡意刪除、病毒攻擊、磁碟和系統故障、本地和區域災難等等。 數據對於電腦使用者來說珍貴之處不言而喻。然而,硬件故障、軟件損壞、病毒侵襲、黑客騷擾、錯誤操作以及其他意想不到的原因時時都在威脅著我們的電腦,隨時可能使系統崩潰而無法工作,或許不經意間您的數據以及長時間積累的資料就會化為烏有。那麼,有沒有辦法可以避免造成這樣的損失呢?答案是肯定的,這個行之有效、有時甚至是惟一的辦法,就是備份! 1. 資料的成長 2. 備份的重要,企業永續經營 3. 導入備份 solution 的好處 24 GB/ person 0.8 GB/ person 2003 2006 2010 3 3
現今儲存管理的挑戰 e-Business伴隨大量儲存需求 儲存環境日益複雜 現今儲存管理的需求 帶來儲存管理的新挑戰 爆炸性成長的交易量 量多且豐富的多媒體內容 下一世代高速網際網路逐漸成熟 大量湧現的普及化存取趨勢 儲存資源集中化 部署大量新科技 儲存產品種類繁多 缺乏標準化的統一規格 現今儲存管理的需求 帶來儲存管理的新挑戰 隨著資訊技術的廣泛應用,現代企業的正常營運越來越多依賴於資訊系統,是否具備先進成熟的業務資訊系統也成為衡量一個企業現代化和成熟度的 重要方面之一。有效的提高業務連續性,防範系統突發事件,在盡可能降低運作成本和擁有成本的前提下,提高資訊可靠性和可用性,已成為每個企 業資訊化工作急需解決的內容和關鍵性問題。 提高數據可靠性和可用性最重要的技術手段就是實現自動化的集中數據備份。 TSM軟件是市場上主流的企業備份解決方案。它可以通過網路或 SAN 集中備份企業中幾乎所有系統平台的數據到磁帶機或者磁帶庫。它可以對大多數數據,如ORACLE, SQL SERVER, DB2, LOTUS DOMINO進行在線備份,也是唯一可以對AS/400數據進行網絡備份的解決方案。 保護攸關企業營運的關鍵性資訊 確保應用系統的可用性 提高儲存設備的使用率 簡化儲存管理程序 無法有效率地管理儲存設備 缺乏足夠的資訊來評估儲存需求 面對顯著的商業運作風險 感受到極低的投資報酬率
IBM Backup Solution Tivoli Storage Manager (TSM) 針對複雜的 IT 環境架構 支援各種主機平台,也是唯一可以對 AS/400 的備份軟體 支援各種主流資料庫 Online Backup D to D to T 備份架構 Tivoli Continuous Data Protection for Files (CDP) 針對一般企業 Windows 用戶,例如:NB 或 PC D to D備份架構 Tivoli Storage Manager FastBack 針對 Windows 平台伺服器 支援在 Windows 平台上所有 DB 及 AP 例如:File Server、Microsoft Exchange、SQL Server、Lotus Domino、 Oracle、DB2 和 SAP 等應用 D to D 備份架構
TSM overall product progression
TSM 簡介 Centralized administration for data and storage management Protection for more than 39 different platforms Fully compatible with hundreds of storage devices, as well as LAN,WAN, and emerging SAN infrastructures Customized backup solutions for major groupware, ERP applications, and database products 正如大家所瞭解到的,TSM的核心功能是提供集中的數據備份管理,能夠為大型的企事業單位提供可靠的集中數據備份管理,是業界最主要的備份軟 件之一。TSM能夠提供穩定先進的架構,強大的備份功能支持,和更好的可擴展性。 TSM作為Tivoli軟件家族的核心產品之一,擁有非常悠久的歷史,可以說是IBM長期以來在存儲管理領域不斷技術沉澱的結晶。TSM存儲管理技術最早 可以追溯到1980年,其系統原型是IBM Workstation Data Save Facility (WDSF) ,由IBM Almaden研究中心研發,主要為了解決當時新出現的分佈式 系統所面臨的數據保護問題。此後IBM基於WDSF在分不系統環境下研發基於備份策略的備份產品,並在1993年7月份推出了第一個版本,命名為ADSM (ADSTAR Distributed Storage Manager),也就是TSM的前身。在IBM收購Tivoli軟件之後,將ADSM軟件劃入Tivoli軟件家族,並在1999年將新推出 的3.7版本正式命名為Tivoli Storage Manager 3.7。目前最新的TSM版本為5.5,IBM計劃在2008年推出6.1版本。由此可見,TSM軟件一直以來都是基 於IBM自有的技術獨立研發並提供的重要軟件,與IBM其他產品一樣,TSM具有非常好的穩定性、性能與可靠性。 TSM的核心功能是提供集中的數據備份管理,能夠為大型企業提供可靠的集中數據備份管理,是業界最主要的備份軟件之一。TSM能夠提供穩定先進 的架構,強大的備份功能支持,和更好的可擴展性。擁有非常悠久的歷史,可以說是IBM長期以來在存儲管理領域不斷技術沉澱的結晶
TSM 特色 優勢 擁有強大的資料保護功能 強大的管理能力 增進儲存資源的使用效率 最佳化已存在的儲存資源 簡化管理工作 提高儲存資源的投資報酬率 擁有強大的資料保護功能 備份、歸檔、災難回復、資料庫及應用程式保護、空間管理(HSM) 祼機回復(OS)、持續資料保護(CDP)、Support NDMP Multi-Session backup/restore 強大的管理能力 文件級策略、Storage 間資料搬移、磁帶空間回收 WEB 管理、報表功能
Database & Recovery log One tool, one interface, Total Control TSM Architecture TSM Client WAN LAN SAN Moblie Backup WAN TSM Database & Recovery log Disk Copy Disk On-site Tape DVD / CD optical Copiedto Offsite Tape Other TSM Server WAN 階層式架構Hierarchy FilesX 原是以色列的一家軟體公司 成立於 2000 年,員工有 44 人 他們所開發的軟體是鎖定 Windows 持續數據保護(CDP) 的技術,不管是 AP 或是 DB FilesX 擁有領先業界的專利技術 – 即時回復 尤其是對 exchange 的備份回復技術更是強大 Storage One tool, one interface, Total Control
備份/回復 資料保護 永久增量備份 回復 檔案差異備份 Volume level 保存多個版本 策略管理 系统協助回復 備份 自動作業調度 TSM Server 資料保護 永久增量備份 檔案差異備份 Volume level 保存多個版本 策略管理 系统協助回復 自動作業調度 TSM Client Disk Copy Disk On-site Tape DVD / CD optical Copiedto Offsite Tape Other 益處 快速自動回復文件或者文件系统 自動創建離線資料副本 設置策略以優化備份粒度 分層次保存備份副本以降低成本 從單控制點來管理備份與回復
Progressive Incremental Backup 智慧型增量備份 Progressive Incremental Backup Only new or changed files are backed up No redundant or wasteful full backups Data tracked at file level Accurately restores files to a point in time Benefits Requires less storage space, less network bandwidth and less time Shorter backup windows Fast accurate restores Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday A A2 B2 C2 A1 A2 B1 B2 C1 C2 D1 A1 RESTORE B B3 A2 B2 B3 C2 C3 A1 A2 B1 B2 B3 C1 C2 C3 D1 B1 B2 C C1 C3 A2 B2 C2 C3 A1 A2 B1 B2 C1 C2 C3 D1 C2 D D1 A1 B1 C1 D1 B2 C2 Full + Incremental 5 Tapes 9 Files Full + Differential A1 B1 C1 D1 2 Tapes 9 Files A1 B1 C1 D1 A1 B1 B2 C1 C2 D1 Progressive Backup 1 Tapes 4 Files
Progressive Incremental Assume a 200 GB system with 10% change with a 26% annual growth Full + Incremental versus Progressive Incremental 331 GB Week two 140 GB Week two 2 Week TOTAL 1012 GB 2 week TOTAL 460GB Day 14 Day 13 Day 12 Day 11 Day 10 Day 9 Day 8 Day 7 Day 6 Day 5 Day 4 Day 3 Day 2 Day 1 202 GB 11 GB 20 GB 20 GB 25 GB 25 GB 20 GB 20 GB 22 GB 22 GB 18 GB 18 GB 24 GB 24 GB This slide shows how progressive backup impacts the AMOUNT of data that is backed up each week/month –vs- a traditional incremental backup. We are assuming day 1 is the first time everything has been backed up 681 GB Week one 320 GB Week one 201 GB 20 GB 18 GB 18 GB 22 GB 22 GB 25 GB 25 GB 1 Month TOTAL 740 GB 1 Month TOTAL 1659 GB 15 GB 15 GB 20 GB 20 GB 200 GB 200 GB
資料庫 & 應用程式保護 DB/AP回復 DB/AP備份 On-Line Protection Benefits Online (hot) backup 24x7 application availability can be guaranteed No downtime for revenue generating applications Incremental backup Minimize data to store and maintain Faster backups Data integrity Guaranteed by the use of certified application APIs All required files automatically backed up consistently Automation/Scheduling No shutdown required Automated restore of consistently backed up files No customized scripts and manual interaction DB/AP回復 DB/AP備份 Disk Copy Disk On-site Tape DVD / CD optical Copiedto Offsite Tape Other TSM Client On-Line Protection TSM for Mail (Lotus Domino, MS Exchange) TSM for Databases (Oracle, MS SQL) TSM for Enterprise Resource Planning (SAP/R3) TSM for Microsoft SharePoint Support for Informix and DB2 built in to TSM Basic Edition
保存/取回 長期間保存 取回 適合長時間儲存資料型態 Point in time 複製 保存單位 (天) 保存 Benefits TSM Server 保存 TSM Client Benefits Speed file-server recovery times by moving file archive copies to a hierarchy of lower-cost storage – recover only active data Reduce backup times and resource usage by focusing on active files only Index archive files with descriptive metadata to aid administrators in locating historical information Disk Copy Disk On-site Tape DVD / CD optical Copiedto Offsite Tape Other
HSM Space Management 搬遷 回復 自動移動閒置資料,以釋出線上磁碟空間來儲存重要的常用資料。 TSM Server TSM Client 搬遷 TSM Server 回復 自動移動閒置資料,以釋出線上磁碟空間來儲存重要的常用資料。 Disk Copy Disk On-site Tape DVD / CD optical Copiedto Offsite Tape Other TSM存儲管理軟件能夠提供專業的文件系統分級存儲功能,能夠將磁帶等存儲設備作為文件系統的二級存儲,定制策略將訪問較少的文件從服務器的文件系統遷移到TSM所管理的磁帶庫中,並在本地保留一個存根文件,整個過程可以自動完成,也可以手動遷移。當應用系統或者管理員訪問該文件時,TSM能夠在後台自動將文件遷移回本地。TSM提供的分級存儲功能能夠大大擴展硬盤的有效空間。
Disaster Recovery Manager (DRM) Innovate 手動方式執行災難復原 TSM:自動化執行災難復原 1.Hardware的更換或修復 2.重新Partition及Format 3.重新安裝作業系統 4.安裝修正程式及驅動程式 5.安裝備份管理軟體 6.安裝協力廠商Applications 7.確認及找出最新備份磁帶 8.載入磁帶 9.執行Data Restore TSM存儲管理軟件提供流程化的災難恢復管理功能,TSM內置一個災難恢復管理模塊(DRM),通過DRM能夠對災難恢復進行規範的流程管理,包括離線磁帶的跟蹤和回收,能夠對磁帶狀態進行自動設置更新,並能夠對整個恢復流程提供所需要的配置信息,恢復腳本,可以指導管理員順利的完成整個恢復過程。TSM 還提供通過網絡進行數據傳輸的容災方式,能夠將一套TSM系統的數據通過專業技術傳輸到另外一套TSM系統,從而完成基於網絡的數據級容災。 Server:利用單一Command自動 化執行所有復原程序 Client:透過網路重新啟動及 enable client機器
Tivoli Storage Manager System backup Recovery Bare Machine Recovery Brings back system to state of last backup Recovers all the OS changes and customizations Streamlines and automates the OS recovery process Speeds up the recovery time Eliminates the need for highly skilled professionals to manually reinstall hardware, network, patches… Integrates bare machine backups directly to Tivoli Storage Manager server Benefits Ensure business continuity Restore systems back to original state rapidly, therefore, getting business back up and running faster Reduce administrative costs Enable less technical people to run the recovery, because all the critical networking, patches, device driver information will automatically be brought back Maximize current hardware investment By integrating with TSM, there is no additional hardware needed to support the bare machine recovery
磁帶重整 (Tape Reclamation) 不間斷地監視磁帶的使用率 可自行定義磁帶重整的臨界值 當可用空間到達特定的臨界值,自動進行該磁帶區的重整 可自行定義於特定時間執行磁帶重整 100% 25 % full 70 % 95 % + =
Collocation of Active Data New Active-data pool on sequential-access disk for fast restore Storage hierarchy contains active and inactive data Active/inactive data in copy pool for disaster recovery Storage Hierarchy Active backup versions still reside on client machine (have not been modified or deleted) Active-data pools are sequential-access (typically sequential-access disk). Can also be on tape Benefits of active-data pools on sequential-access disk Optimized access to active versions for fast restore Reduced size of disk pools if only active versions are stored Reduced data movement in preparation for restore of active data Benefits of active-data pools on tape Reduced storage requirement while protecting against media failure or disaster Simplified tape management because fewer tapes TSM 5.4
TSM for Advanced Copy Services 先進複製技術 快速無損備份 執行快照線上備份資料庫應用,對應用程式幾乎沒有影響。 在另一台系统上將資料庫轉移到TSM儲存槽中。 快速 / 即時的恢復 從本地端硬碟快速回復,節省載入介質時間 從速快照回復 集成備份管理 支持多個固定快照 整合快照操作和常規備份API操作。 通過TSM 服務器策略來管理 應用系统 應用資料 本地快照版本 備份系统 創建快照 備份到TSM 階層式儲存 TSM 服務器 TSM for Advanced Copy Services TSM for Copy Services
Backup Set Allows generation of backup set to specified point in time TSM Server Storage Hierarchy Backup Set GENERATE BACKUPSET nodename … PITDATE=mm/dd/yyyy PITTIME=hh:mm:ss Allows generation of backup set to specified point in time Files must not already be expired or deleted from the server Default is date/time of backup set generation Benefits Increases operational flexibility because backup sets need not be generated before next client backup Allows retroactive generation of full backup if unanticipated needs arise
FilesX 簡介 Founded in 2000 Privately held company with 44 employees Headquartered in Newton, MA Development lab in Haifa, Israel 100+ customers across major segments including government, finance, healthcare, education and manufacturing Existing IBM technology partnerships FilesX 是一家私人存儲軟體公司,總部分別位於麻省牛頓市和以色列海法市, 專業生產企業級遠程 / 分支辦室(處)使用的數據持續保護和數據軟件即時恢復軟件。 現有的IBM的技術合作夥伴和專利的即時恢復 在美國和以色列擁有超過100個客戶,遍及政府、教育、醫療、金融服務和製造行業。 22 22
The Problems FilesX Solves Elimination of “backup windows” and manual backup/restore processes - Eliminate tape in remote/branch office Immediate recovery from any type of data loss - User error (deleted files, folders) - Software errors and virus attacks (corrupted databases) - Hardware failure (disk or system crash) - Disasters (lost local or regional facilities) Secure transfer of data between primary and Disaster Recovery sites Causes of Data Loss 那麼,客戶面臨的挑戰做filesx產品幫助我們解決? 當我們看在不同的原因,數據丟失的今天,人們很容易看到的資料,可以成為丟失或損壞很容易。傳統上,我們只有看的東西一樣,硬件故障和災難。不過,直至79 %的數據丟失,可以由人為錯誤,軟件腐敗&病毒的攻擊。數據丟失可以發生在任何時間。 作為數據存儲的增長,傳統的方法備份已採取長。事實上,很多備份Windows未必能在一夜之間完成。有非技術人員,管理遠程辦公室的錄音帶也可以是一個挑戰。 filesx允許用戶設定的政策和程序運行的備份與不干預,由當地工作人員。 filesx可以消除需要管理的錄音帶遠程利用磁盤2磁盤的備份和恢復。 filesx允許用戶安裝一個備份的形象,作為一個驅動器號和使用拖放恢復這些文件的回給用戶系統。最終用戶可以恢復任何已刪除的文件或文件夾沒有它的參與。 從一個中央網站,它可以取代應用程式檔案已成為舞弊或攻擊的病毒。 如果有一個硬件故障,像一個磁盤或系統崩潰, filesx允許新的制度來重建,為業務連續性,無論是到一個新的硬件環境,或一個虛擬機。 與災後恢復能力,我們的顧客可以有兩種地方或中央管理的博士網站的快速恢復和有限的停機時間。數據發送到博士的網站始終是安全的。 23 23
FilesX enhances IBM storage management portfolio Data Protection Helps protect business critical application data Provides rapid recovery, data reliability and integrity Addresses legal exposure through data encryption and key management Simplify, automate, and optimize storage infrastructure Improve storage TCO and ROI by combining capacity, performance and operational management in an integrated solution Storage Resource & Infrastructure Management Information Retention & Lifecycle Management Speaker notes: 這個幻燈片會談,以IBM的整個存儲軟件產品組合, filesx產品將適用於數據保護節我們的產品組合。 Keeps information at the most cost-efficient tier Keeps copies to help with audit requirements FilesX and TSM help customers gain visibility, improve control and automate their data protection processes across the extended data center 24 24
Quick Hit Value Proposition What are the main benefits and key features of FilesX? Disk-based, block-level, incremental forever backup technology improves recovery point objectives (RPO) through continuous data protection (CDP) with very little impact on production servers Policy engine allows you to balance recovery requirements with the costs of storage and bandwidth on a per-application basis. Instantly recover files, folders, volumes, and entire systems: Xpress Mount: drag-and-drop individual files from the backup repository Instant Restore: provides instant access to large volumes while they are restored in the background Bare Metal Recovery: bring up an OS volume on a dissimilar server in < 1 hour 這可以被認為是作為一個快速電梯的價值主張。它的目的是要告訴快速打擊的價值觀filesx在15-30秒. Page 25 25
FilesX 專利技術 Eliminates the need for traditional backup windows by continuously capturing the changes in data at the block level, Flexible policy Unique instant restore capability Replace the use of tape in small and remote offices Integrates with your existing tape backup applications Individual Mail Restore out of the box SAN enabled Built in block level CDP Application aware CDP Bare Machine Recovery Built in Active Directory support
Product Value Proposition Data Protection Flexibility - Enables scheduled, frequent and continuous protection of data and applications from a single platform. Unmatched Recoverability - Enables file, volume, bare-metal and granular recovery from a single image, providing full recoverability for Less Storage Selective Replication - Lowers bandwidth usage enabling efficient centralized protection of remote office environments Optimal Performance – Block-level incremental forever reduces storage and eliminates backup windows while instant restore nearly eliminates downtime during recovery procedures. Simplicity of Control – Intuitive interface allows for remote management of disk based data protection with flexibility to control centrally. High-Availability On-Demand – Near instant recovery from efficient virtual mount process enables high application availability with less hardware required. 此圖表列出了一些價值主張filesx 。您可以選擇以突出的幾個或全部,他們根據您的顧客的需要 This chart lists a number of Value propositions for FilesX. You may choose to highlight a few or all of them depending on your customers needs. 27 27
What is CDP CDP是一種數據的連續時間點的保護技術,其根本作用是能在故障瞬間完成任何時間點的故障恢復,達到業務快速連續的目的。 從根本上解決傳統備份中低恢復能力和非精細時間策略的先天弱點。對於那些還沒有部署數據備份解決方案的用戶來說,他們在第一次選擇備份產品時可能還會首選傳統的磁帶備份解決方案,畢竟這是一種成熟的技術,更容易上手。 RPO (Recovery Point Objective) 是指能把數據恢復到過去的哪個時間點 RTO (Recovery Time Objective) 也可以理解為企業能容忍的恢復時間。 如果採用傳統的備份方式,備份數據是不能立即使用的,必須先恢復到備份服務器,這就延長了恢復時間。RPO又可以理解為企業能容忍的最大數據丟失量。如果採用一日一備的方式,RPO就是24小時,這是一些關鍵業務所不能容忍的。
Current FastBack Offerings and Benefits Centralized Management Application-aware TSM FastBack TSM FastBack for Exchange TSM FastBack Bare Metal Restore Eliminate the need for “backup windows” Improve RPO & RTO of critical applications Granular recovery Virtualization – VMware and MS Virtual Server support Xpress Restore CDP Editions A comprehensive, next-generation data protection solution with a front-end policy engine that balances recovery objectives with the costs of storage & bandwidth on a per-application basis Disk-based, block-level, incremental-forever technology provides superior protection with almost no impact on production servers Instantly recover any data, from any point-in-time, anywhere in the environment, no matter what happens Xpress Restore DR Policy-based “Selective Replication” for off-site recovery Highly-efficient use of WAN and storage resources Xchange Restore 2007 Instantly recover any e-mail object: message, attachment, calendar entry, contact, tasks, notes Xpress Bare Metal Restore Restore the OS volume on dissimilar hardware in < 1 hour Great tool for cost-effective Business Continuance and server migrations 特速恢復的CDP版本 一個全面的,下一代的數據保護解決方案與前端的政策引擎,結餘復甦的目標與成本的倉庫及帶寬,每個應用基礎 基於磁盤的,塊級,增量-永遠技術提供優異的保護與幾乎沒有影響,在生產服務器上 即時恢復任何數據,從任何時間點,任何地方的環境,無論發生什麼事情 特速恢復博士 基於策略的“選擇性複製”非現場復甦 高效率的使用灣和存儲資源 xchange恢復2007 即時收回任何電子郵件對象:郵件,附件,日曆條目,聯繫,任務,便箋 特速裸機恢復 恢復OS的體積對不同的硬件在< 1小時 偉大的工具,具成本效益的業務連續性和服務器遷移 發言者注: 關鍵點-目前f ilesx產品可以購買的今天。 客戶價值: 持續數據保護的應用程序和數據,滿足…即使是最嚴格的恢復點目標 減少停機時間和改善員工的生產力與顆粒和立即恢復的關鍵任務應用,包括女士交流 簡化數據保護的申請,不論在何處居住…小型企業,遠程分支機構或企業。 持續數據保護的應用程序和數據,滿足…即使是最嚴格的恢復點目標 減少停機時間和改善員工的生產力與顆粒和立即恢復的關鍵任務應用,包括女士交流 簡化數據保護的申請,不論在何處居住…小型企業,遠程分支機構或企業。 Speaker notes: Key point - current FilesX offerings that can be purchased today. Client Value: Continuous data protection of applications and data…satisfying even the most rigorous Recovery Point Objectives Reduced downtime and improved employee productivity with granular and immediate recovery of mission critical applications including MS Exchange Simplified data protection for applications regardless of where they reside…small businesses, remote branch offices or the enterprise . 全面針對 Windows 伺服器而設計的備份解決方案,也是下一代連續資料保護(CDP)和恢復管理平台,它連接眾多的專利技術,為任務關鍵型應用程式提供全面的資料保護,包括資料中心及遠端(分支)機構的應用程式。 Provide fast recovery and immediate access after any type of data loss Easy to install and manage (set it and forget it) Continuous protection of mission-critical servers 29 29 29 29
TSM FastBack Data block level 增量備份 靈活的策略引擎,滿足每個應用程式嚴格資料保護及保留需求 獨特即時回復功能 (near-Real-time) 可完全取代磁帶的備份機制 可與 TSM 結合 (DDT) 適用 IT 人員少的小型 / 遠端辨公室採用 只佔用少許資源,無需 Back Windows,無論是大量的小檔或大檔,都能獲得高性能備份 CDP 週期性/計劃性快照 支援 SAN 備份 支援 winows 上的應用程式,sql oracle sap exchange
FastBack CDP Protects Mission-Critical Applications and Files Recovery Protection Block-level, incremental-forever Windows Applications and Filesystems SQL, Exchange, Oracle, SAP and more VMWare support Lightweight client No backup window required Policy-based capture schedule CDP on Demand™ Recovery Granular – any data object File, folder, volume, system Point-in-Time rollback Instant Restore Instant access, background restore Recover Anywhere™- At the branch, DR site, Data Center Cost Effective Eliminates the need for tape backup in the remote office
Disaster Recovery Function Central Vaulting of Backup Copies Backup consolidation Disaster ready Block-level, incremental forever Centralized backup to tape End-to-end security Encryption in transit Individual Virtual Vault for each office Scheduled, policy-based transfers Optimize WAN resources Fully Automated No manual intervention required Recover Anywhere™ At the branch, DR site, Data Center File or Volume restore Instant Restore Disaster or Operational Recovery Data Center XR-DR Repository
The Standalone or Remote Office Reducing Costs and Improving Disaster Recovery Problem Chris owns a small accounting firm with 5 remote offices. Protecting his clients data is critical. The increased amount of financial regulations and growth of his client base is impacting his ability to backup data at his offices. These backups are time consuming and complex for his employees most of which do not have any IT experience. Remote Office(s) e-mail databases files spreadsheets Solution Chris deploys FilesX and achieves the following results: Improved data protection at each of his remote offices with a cost-effective, disk-based solution Improved backup processes resulting in labor savings and reductions in data loss Improved disaster recovery with the ability to remotely backup the remote offices to a central DR site or office, providing critical protection of his clients records. Remote Office(s) FastBack Server Applications 的目的,這個幻燈片是要強調如何filesx可以節省SMB客戶的時間和金錢,同時也改善他們的業務連續性的姿態。消除磁帶,在機器人節省金錢通過減少勞動力成本,以及消除成本的磁帶(小) 。最大的好處不過是改善政府。備份策略,可以設置和管理,從集中的網站。很少地方行政當局在機器人是必要的。 客戶也獲得改善博士的地位與能力複製他的遠程辦公室,以一個單獨的位置,使用特速恢復服務器博士在博士的網站。圖像可以備份整個線到博士的網站與座水平增量永遠的技術。在此之前,錄音帶存放在某人的家裡或通常留在案頭在同一座大廈,提供沒有真正的醫生受益 The purpose of this slide is to emphasize how FilesX can save SMB customers both time and money while also improving their business continuity posture. The elimination of tape in the robo saves money through less labor cost as well as elimination of the cost of tape (small). The biggest benefit however is the improved administration. Backup policies can be set and managed from a centralized site. Very little local administration at the robo is needed. The customer also gains an improved DR position with the ability to replicate his remote offices to a separate location by using a Xpress Restore DR server at the DR site. Images can be backed up across the wire to the DR site with the block level incremental forever technology. Prior to this the tapes were stored at someone’s home or typically left in a desk in the same building, providing no real DR benefit Replication Disaster Recovery Site 33 33
TSM FastBack for Exchange 協助 IT 人員快速回復 Exchange 資料物件 郵件或附件、連絡人、行事曆、工作、記事、資料夾清單和 EDB 簡易友善的 GUI 介面 支援 Exchange 5.5、2000、2003、2007 甚至能從損壞的 EDB打開回復物件 可以直接原回到 Exchange Server 或由 SMTP 送到用戶端 可與 Active Directory 結合
Managing Users E-mail Individual Mailbox restore The Problem Managing end users e-mail boxes is a support nightmare. Users often delete attachments, individual e-mail documents, e-mail folders and even the entire mailbox itself. If the information is deleted after the last backup window, the information is gone forever. The Soultion Continuous Data Protection and Instant Snapshots can keep data backed up more often through out the day Restore individual mailboxes or mail items (messages, contacts, calendar) via Virtual Volume Point & Click selection of items for restore Complete mailboxes or mail items can be viewed or copied without Exchange or Xpress Restore servers Items can be restored from corrupted database backup E-mail is now a mission critical business application for most companies. And it is becoming a support nightmare. Any number of issues can cause a users mailbox to become corrupt… most commonly .. The user deleting critical business information by mistake. One of the challenges is that e-mail data has grown very large. The backup window for e-mail continues to expand. Backups are only being done in off peak hours. If a piece of business critical data arrives before that backup and is then lost, there is no recovery. FilesX Xpress Restore CDP with it’s Incremental Forever, CDP & Snapshot features allows administrators to backup data more often… even continuously. Many FilesX customers are now backing up their mail server 6 to 10 times a day! 電子郵件現在是一個關鍵任務業務應用程序的大部分公司。這是成為一個支持的惡夢。任何數目的問題都可以導致用戶的郵箱,成為腐敗…最常見的..用戶刪去的關鍵業務信息錯誤。挑戰之一是,電子郵件的數據增加了非常大的。備份窗口為電子郵件繼續擴大。備份是唯一正在做在非繁忙時間。如果一項關鍵業務數據到達之前,備份和然後丟失,是沒有復甦。 filesx特速恢復的CDP與它的增量,永遠的CDP與快照功能,使管理員能夠備份數據,更經常地… …即使不斷。許多filesx客戶現在後盾,他們的郵件服務器的6至10倍, 1天! 現在,數據備份更經常地,恢復電子郵件和日曆數據更為電流。與filesx交流恢復,管理員可以恢復單個郵箱或什至個別項目的內部電子郵件一樣,郵件,聯繫人,日曆項目和附件。該易於使用的“點&點擊”界面交換恢復,使恢復個別項目易如反掌。 Now that the data is backed up more often, recovering e-mail & calendar data is much more current. With FilesX Exchange Restore, the administrator can restore individual mailboxes or even individual items within the e-mail like messages, contacts, calendar items and attachments. The easy to use “Point & Click” interface for Exchange Restore makes restoring the individual items a breeze. 35 35
TSM FastBack Bare Metal Restore 獨有的虛擬回復(Virtual Recovery)技術 災難發生後數分鐘內即可以讀取應用程式和資料庫 可輕鬆快速回復整個系統至完全不同的伺服器上 VMware 或 Microsoft Virtual Server 可將應用程式和資料庫回復成一致的恢復點(時間點回滾) 也適用於系統遷移的理想工具
FilesX BMR to Dissimilar Hardware FilesX Bare Metal Recovery works from a noninvasive point in time copy (snapshot) of your server’s data volumes FilesX BMR can take as little as 20 minutes FilesX BMR supports recovery to different hardware FilesX BMR supports P2V,V2P migrations FilesX BMR supports migrations to blade centers FilesX BMR also supports disk to disk recovery of data volumes for the failed server FilesX BMR can be upgraded to Xpress Restore for even faster recovery (2 minutes) of the data volumes
The Extended Data Center Integrated End to End Storage Management Backup Product X Problem Disparate storage management solutions (X, Y, Z) across the extended data center Increased training and education costs Multiple vendor support Difficult to manage, no integration between remote office and data center Backup Product Y Remote Office(s) Backup Product Z HQ / Data Center Solution Consolidation of backup solutions Reduced education/training costs Lower total cost of ownership Single vendor, single support structure to contact Easy to manage, integrated solution Disk to disk to tape Archive data store to TSM FastBack Extended Data Center FastBack Remote Office(s) 挑戰之一,管理的遠程辦公室,是他們可以起飛和解決的挑戰,對自己的。正因如此,公司清盤,與各種不同的系統跨越多個分支機構。當我們回顧開始鞏固備份資料,我們風與很少一體化。有沒有標準接口。我們必須維持的培訓和教育就範圍廣泛的多種不同的系統。總之,這變得非常難以管理。 filesx給我們鞏固鑑於我們的遠程辦公室。管理員可以制定政策,從一個中央網站,可用於全國遠程分支機構。利用磁盤的磁盤能力,我們可以消除drudgery的磁帶管理在遠程站點。當地的副本備份資料,以便保持備份和恢復是快速和有效率。備份窗口來衡量,在幾分鐘內而不是小時。災後恢復可以落實在地方,中央和現場的地點。如果有仍是一個要求發送錄影帶場外儲存, filesx結合tsm提供磁盤到磁盤到磁帶的功能。一旦filesx數據是在tsm ,我們可以充分利用所有的tsm的存檔能力,以及ssam & (英語) One of the challenges of managing remote offices is they can go off and solve challenges on their own. Because of that, companies wind up with all kinds of different systems across multiple branches. As we look to start consolidating the backup information, we wind up with very little integration. There are no standard interfaces. We have to maintain training and education on a wide number of different systems. In short, it become extremely difficult to manage. FilesX gives us a consolidate view of our remote offices. Administrators can set policy from a central site which can be used across remote branches. Leveraging disk-disk capabilities, we can eliminate the drudgery of tape management at the remote sites. The local copies of the backup information are maintained so backup and restore is quick and efficient. Backup windows are measured in minutes instead of hours. Disaster Recovery can be implemented at local, central and offsite locations. If there is still a requirement to send tapes to off site storage, FilesX integrates with TSM to provide disk to disk to tape functionality. Once the FilesX data is in TSM, we can take advantage of all of TSM’s Archive capabilities as well as SSAM & the DR550. FastBack HQ / Data Center TSM 38 38
Application & data are available immediately Instant Restore for the Remote Office or Data Center Application availability during recovery Problem Its 9pm on April 15th at a large CPA firm, and the Exchange email server just went down. The CPA’s are immediately on the phone to the help desk, as they have IRS returns to file electronically by midnight. Process AFTER Deploying Xpress Restore: Bare Machine Restore of OS if needed Initiate an Instant Restore process on the Exchange backup volume (a few minutes) and the CPA’s get back to work A complete data restore occurs in the background Deadline met, everyone goes home happy Process Before Deploying Xpress Restore: Find the right backup tapes, load them, and copy the data back to the server (several hours) Bring the Exchange Server back on-line CPA’s miss their deadline; firm faces liability 即時恢復是一項專利技術從filesx 。在這種情況下,我們有一個客戶誰的Exchange Server下降,在晚上九時前,中午12時截止。與傳統的備份和恢復程序,它可以小時,以恢復服務器。這可能導致我們的客戶錯過最後期限和面對任何數量的負債。 然而,隨著filesx ,我們可以恢復服務器快得多;即使我們有重建整個機器。如果我們要恢復到一個新的機器,我們可以利用特速恢復bmr重建操作系統,甚至在不同的硬件或一個虛擬機。我們甚至可以建立一個新的服務器將運出該網站在稍後的日期。管理員也可以很快把一個“熱備用”服務器投入服務,在短短幾分鐘。 一旦服務器正在運行,現在即時恢復可以來發揮作用。該允許管理員安裝Exchange備份貨量到服務器中的問題,幾分鐘的時間。數據可供閱讀的權利以外,而恢復仍是在過程中的背景,把數據備份在Exchange Server 。 Instant Restore is a patented technology from FilesX. In this scenario, we have a customer who’s Exchange server goes down at 9pm before a 12AM deadline. With traditional backup and restore programs, it could hours to restore the server. And this could cause our customer to miss their deadlines and face any number of liabilities. However, with FilesX, we can restore the server much quicker; even if we have to rebuild the entire machine. If we are going to restore to a new machine, we can use Xpress Restore BMR to rebuild the OS even on dissimilar hardware or to a virtual machine. We could even build a new server that would be shipped out to the site at a later date. The administrator could also quickly bring a “hot spare” server into service in a matter of minutes. Once the server is running, now Instant Restore can come into play. The allows the administrator to mount the Exchange backup volume to the server in a matter of a few minutes. The data is available to be read right away while the restore is still in process in background putting the data back on the Exchange server. Xpress Restore Server Exchange Server Users Background Restore Application & data are available immediately 11:00 PM Backup Server Exchange Server Users Copy all data Then go on-line 02:00 AM 39 39
Complementing IBM’s flagship Tivoli Storage Manager Enterprise Data Center Mid-Market and Remote Offices FilesX Fast (near-instant) Recovery Deep protection of mission-critical applications Near-zero data loss FilesX Disk-based protection of distributed data Strong Windows, VMWare and Microsoft Exchange capabilities Block-level CDP Simple to set up and use Cost-effective Continuous Data Protection (CDP) Tivoli Storage Manager File-level CDP for desktops/laptops and mobile workers Lowest TCO and ROI for datacenter backup Extensive support for removable media (tape) Broad OS platform support Very large database (VLDB), application and SAP protection Hierarchical storage management Disaster Recovery management Superior scalability 綱要IBM如何可以利用其實力在tsm以參與新興客戶的機會 發言要點 tsm是強烈的今天,作為遺產的備份工具,為數據中心環境 移動向上的CDP是關於提供了突破性技術-如基於磁盤的,更快的恢復時間,業務連續性盡量減少數據丟失,應用意識等。 移動左向右是關於鞏固,以一個單一的企業範圍內的工具, DC和robos和自動化的任務robos不具備的技能或過程來執行一個有紀律的數據管治策略,為日益增長的數據量和規章的顧客面對 這不是競爭力的頭,頭部頻繁的更換-遺產工具的客戶今天使用的不足,為他們的需要。客戶使用分散和遺留的工具來保護遠程辦公數據將被遷移到基於磁盤的CDP工具在未來數年。 這大約是滿足客戶的機會正在出現的今天,作為客戶遷離那些不足的遺產工具。我們將競爭這些客戶,因為他們演變到的CDP工具,而不是一個擷取與取代。 收購格里沙姆給了IBM議席上利福平表與這些客戶的機會。沒有格里沙姆,我們將不會有一個席位上就座的競爭力。 例如:通勤全國城市在下雨,需要一個車,沒有一輛自行車。 tsm是強烈的今天,作為遺產的備份工具,為數據中心環境 移動向上的CDP是關於提供了突破性技術-如基於磁盤的,更快的恢復時間,業務連續性盡量減少數據丟失,應用意識等。 移動左向右是關於鞏固,以一個單一的企業範圍內的工具, DC和robos和自動化的任務robos不具備的技能或過程來執行一個有紀律的數據管治策略,為日益增長的數據量和規章的顧客面對 TSM is strong today as a legacy backup tool for data center environments Moving upward to CDP is about providing a disruptive technology – e.g. disk-based, faster recovery times, business continuity by minimizing data loss, application awareness, etc. Moving Left to Right is about consolidating to a single enterprise-wide tool for DC and ROBOs and about Automating tasks in ROBOs that don’t have the skills or processes to execute a disciplined data governance strategy for the growing amount of data and regulations customers are facing Together delivering a more complete solution Scheduled Protection 40 40
Central Control Station Remote Office(s) HQ / Data Center Exchange MS SQL Oracle / SAP File Server Application Servers FastBack Server(2) FastBack for exchange FastBack DR FastBack Server(1) FastBack DR FastBack DR Disaster Recovery Site FastBack for BMR 備援 FastBACK Server(1)、(2)
Extended Data Center Integration FsatBack and TSM roadmap A suite of products ready for IBM clients today Today 2008 2009 FilesX Product Suite Expanded Client Value Extended Data Center Integration Near-instant recovery and CDP of applications and data For SMB, ROBO and enterprise Ready for Tivoli Now! Certified TSM integration Helps improves availability of mission-critical applications for TSM customers Offerings Xpress Restore CDP Editions Xpress Restore DR Xchange Restore 2007 Xpress Bare Metal Restore Expanded WW reach Translations – product UI and documentation Deeper TSM integration Initial policy based integration of FilesX and TSM Integrated backup and archive capabilities Enhanced reporting Extend CDP and near- instant recovery capabilities to multiple OS platforms User interface integration Data deduplication Unified recovery Centralized storage management Tighter data integration Common install, single server option, sharing of some services 今天-應力什麼可以出售,現在! -獨立f ilesx產品 2008年-擴大客戶價值,通過深化t sm一體化,增強報告 2009年-延長C DP和近即時恢復能力,以及S olaris和L inux Speaker notes: Today - Stress what can be sold now! – stand alone FIlesX products 2008 – expanded client value through deeper TSM integration, enhance reporting 2009 – Extending CDP and near-instant recovery capabilities to solaris and Linux 42 42
FsatBack and TSM The Complete Solution across the Extended Data Center Centralized management FastBack Policy based capture schedule Application Aware Instant Recovery Continuous Protection Patented Technology Granularity Ready for Tivoli Visibility Control Automation One Vendor Integrated Solution 整體思想-作為基本上是一個步行離家出走的幻燈片 一般註釋 此外瓦特的filesx現在tsm有一個完整的集成方案,擴展數據中心 重要思想-近即時還原/恢復任何數據,隨時,隨地在網絡 1一站式購物與服務,軟件,硬件等。 提到的幾個關鍵的子彈-應用知道,集中管理 Overall thought - as basically a walk-away slide General notes w addition of filesX now TSM has a complete integrated package for the extended data center Key thought – near-instant restore/recovery of any data, anytime, anywhere in network 1 stop shopping with services, sw, hw, etc. Mention several key bullets – application aware, centralized management IBM Global Services VTL’s IBM Storage Hardware Incremental Forever Storage Hierarchy Policy Based Admin. Disaster Recovery Management Tivoli Storage Manager Industry leading tape optimization 43 43