JAINISM Ahimsa (peace)
Adherents In the early 1990’s 3.7 million Jains worldwide. In the early 1990’s 3.7 million Jains worldwide. Most are in India Most are in India Far outnumbered by Hindu’s Far outnumbered by Hindu’s
Establisment Founded in Northern India between 599 and 527BC
Influential Practitioners Vardhamana Jnatiputra Nataputta Mahavirra
Influential Practitioners 24 Tirtankaras (leaders) the last was Mahavira.
Influential Practitioners Even though he was not a member of the faith Mohandis Gandhi who was raised around Jains practiced yatis non- violent practices.
Holy Works Siddhanta Anuyoga Both primarily teach non-violence
Requirements for Clergy The five principles I Ahimsa (non-harming) II Satya (Truthfulness) III Asteya (Non-stealing) IV Brahmacharya (Chastity) V Aparigraha (Detachment from material things)
Clergy The strictest pursuit of Ahimsa is required to become a monk or nun. All Jains are strict vegetarians
Women in Clergy Women can not become monks until they are reincarnated as men! Women can not become monks until they are reincarnated as men!
Ecclesiastical Law I Ahimsa (non-harming) II Satya (Truthfulness) III Asteya (Non-stealing) IV Brahmacharya (Chastity) V Aparigraha (Detachment from material things)
Ecclesiastical Law “In happiness and suffering, in joy and grief, we should regard all creatures as we regard own self.” Lord Mahavira, 6 th century BC
Ecclesiastical Law “One should treat all creatures of the world as one would like to be treated.” Mahavira Suktrakritanga
Holy Days Enlightenment dates of all Tirthankaras. Birth and Enlightenment dates of Mahavira especially are celebrated
Holy Days The jains flag have five different colors. The red color represents for Siddha, Yellow for Acharya, White for Arihanta, Green for Upadhyaya and Blue for Sadhu. There is a symbol of swastik in the central strip. The three dots above the swastika represent the three jewels of Jainism: Samyak Darshan (Right Faith), Samyak Jnan (Right Knowledge), and Samyak Charitra (Right Conduct).
Holy Days Pilgrimages to holy sites in the mountains are common on days of enlightenment.
Works Cited Ebscohost Funk and Wagnall’s Encyclopedia “Religions of the World The Illustrated Guide to Origins, Beliefs, Traditions and Festivals” Elizabeth Breuilly and Joanne O’Brien copyright 1997, Transedition Limited and Fernleigh Books edu/~malaiya/jainh.html edu/~malaiya/jainh.html