Enable the Always- On Business with Veeam Tomislav Loparić, Veeam
includes Veeam Backup & Replication ™ and Veeam ONE ™ v8v8
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Visibility: Instant visibility into Active Directory 2008, 2008 R2, 2012 and 2012 R2 VM backups. E-discovery: Browse and search any active directory objects. Item recovery: Export, or restore objects to the same or different location with same password for user and computer accounts! (beta)
VMware / Hyper-V NEW!
Veeam Cloud Connect
Complete Visibility for the Always-On Business™ Delivers Monitoring, reporting, and capacity planning for -VMware vSphere -Microsoft Hyper-V -Veeam backup infrastructure
Veeam Management Pack v7 what’s new in Support for Hyper-V 2012 and 2012 R2. Including everything we had for VMware. And a whole bunch of new reports, heat maps, and real-time dashboards, including: Compute and storage usage heat maps Capacity planning for hybrid cloud Support for customizable widgets Hyper-V task manager for proper VM resource usage reporting.
Veeam Endpoint backup free tool for backup endpoint devices (desktops, workstations, laptops and more)
Endpoint Backup
Veeam Endpoint Backup
Nagrađujemo vas sa 100 WinCoin bodova što ste posjetili predavanje. Osvojite dodatnih 100 WinCoin bodova ukoliko popunite službeni upitnik. HVALA!
MVA Uspješni profesionalci nikad ne prestaju učiti. Microsoft Virtual Academy nudi online Microsoft treninge vođene od eksperata da pomognu profesionalcima u daljnjem usavršavanju. Treninzi su vođeni od vrhunskih stručnjaka na različitim tehnološkim područjima. Nakon odslušanog treninga možete također provjeriti svoje znanje. Za bolje razumijevanje ovoga predavanja savjetujem da odslušate treninge na temu: XXX1 XXX2 XXX3 Naziv treninga 1 link1 Naziv treninga 2 link1 Naziv treninga 3 link1