Hunger Attack! Feed Your Appetite– Protect Your Wallet
Teen Spending on Food? All purchases = $464/mo. Teens spend 21% of the $$ on FOOD Aver./mo. = $97 Aver./yr. = $1169 (Coinstar 2003; Teenage Research Unlimited, Inc. 2007) All purchases = $464/mo. Teens spend 21% of the $$ on FOOD Aver./mo. = $97 Aver./yr. = $1169 (Coinstar 2003; Teenage Research Unlimited, Inc. 2007)
Food Purchases Affected By Personal preferences Customs & traditions Convenience Price Time Special occasions Hunger Peers Family Personal preferences Customs & traditions Convenience Price Time Special occasions Hunger Peers Family
Also Affected By Location Health considerations Religious preferences Availability of food Habits Food purchasing skills Food preparation skills Location Health considerations Religious preferences Availability of food Habits Food purchasing skills Food preparation skills
Food Costs Affected By Amount of Food Type of Food Where Food is Purchased Amount of Food Type of Food Where Food is Purchased
Money Saving Strategies (Eating Out) Share a meal Early bird specials Coupons Avoid vending machines Order water at restaurants Share a meal Early bird specials Coupons Avoid vending machines Order water at restaurants
Money Saving Strategies (Grocery Store) Compare ingredients & Nutrition Facts labels Check unit price Don’t shop hungry Shop alone Use coupons wisely Compare ingredients & Nutrition Facts labels Check unit price Don’t shop hungry Shop alone Use coupons wisely
More Grocery Store Strategies Shop with a list Shop sales Buy seasonal produce Buy larger packages Buy store brands Shop with a list Shop sales Buy seasonal produce Buy larger packages Buy store brands
Healthier = Healthier Food Body
Select Healthier Foods Compare food labels Review nutritional information at restaurants Buy foods from the five food groups of MyPyramid Compare food labels Review nutritional information at restaurants Buy foods from the five food groups of MyPyramid
Sugar Savvy Sugar Goes By Many Names Honey Sugar Brown Sugar Corn Sweeteners Molasses Malto-dextrin Cane Syrup Cane Juice Sugar Natural Sweetener High Fructose Corn Syrup Corn Syrup Evaporated Rice Syrup Any ingredient name ending in “-ose” (such as dextrose, lactose, fructose)
Convert Grams to Teaspoons 1.Locate the grams of sugar on the Nutrition Facts label 2.Divide the grams of sugar by 4 (there are 4 grams of sugar in a teaspoon) 1.Locate the grams of sugar on the Nutrition Facts label 2.Divide the grams of sugar by 4 (there are 4 grams of sugar in a teaspoon) Grams of Sugar 4 = Teaspoons of Sugar 12 Grams 4 = 3 teaspoons
Quick Facts--Unit Pricing Green Chili Burrito 5 oz. $ cents per oz. Green Chili Burrito 5 oz. $ cents per oz.
Quick Facts--Unit Pricing Example: 2 ounce energy bar costs $0.88 What is the cost per ounce? Example: 2 ounce energy bar costs $0.88 What is the cost per ounce? $ ounces =$0.44 per ounce
Smooth Calculations Make a Smoothie