4 Basic Requirements 1. Statement of Identity 2. Name, Address, City, State and Zip Code 3.Net Quantity Statement 4. Ingredients List
Statement of Identity Is the common or usual name of a product. If there is none, then an appropriate descriptive name, that is not misleading. Must appear on the principal display panel in bold type. The form or style of the product must be included (sliced, whole, or chopped) unless shown by a picture or the product is visible through the container.
Name, Address, City, State and Zip Code Can be person or business name Physical address is required if name is not listed in a current city or telephone directory. Qualifying phrase is required which states firm’s relation to the product if they are not the actual manufacturer (Manufactured for…, Distributed by…) Exporting requires “Made in the U.S. A.”
Net Quantity Statement Must be shown in both U.S. customary and metric equivalent (ounces to grams & fluid ounces to milliliters). Must appear in lower 30% of the principal display panel of package. Weight statement does not include weight of container, wrapper or packaging materials. Weight can never be under what is stated on the package…it does not have to be exact.
Ingredients List Must be listed in descending order of predominance based on weight of individual ingredients. Sub ingredients must be listed in parenthesis following the name of the ingredient or declared by dispersing each ingredient in its order of predominance without naming the original ingredient. Spices, flavors & colors may be lumped together without naming them specifically.
Food Allergen Labeling & Consumer Protection Act of 2004 May place the word “Contains” followed by the name of the food allergen source if it is not listed on the label: Peanuts Soybeans Milk Eggs Fish Crustaceans Tree Nuts Wheat
Batch/Lot or Evident Code FDA requires a manufacturer must mark each container with a visible code delineating: the processing establishment the product the year the day the packaging period
Nutrition Facts Panel Only required if you sell more than 100,000. units in a year or have 100 full- time employees-must file exemption. Annual sales fewer than 10,000. units and 10 full-time employees-don’t have to file exemption. WVU Extension- Families and Health Programs creates nutrition facts panels free of charge.
Universal Product Codes*UPC All-numeric code that identifies the company/product combination. Previously owned by Universal Code Council-UCC – operated non-profit. GS1 US - purchased August 2002-can buy individual bar codes from suppliers. Required only on a label/package if the manufacturer want's to sell commercially to a retailer that has a POS system.
Uniform Open Dating Regulation Adopted WV Code ; 3/9/1994 Requires “Sell By” Date for any product that has less than a 60 day shelf life. Required “Best If Used By” Date for any product that has a 60 day to 6 months shelf life. Long Shelf Life foods- more than 6 months- not required. Must be displayed on package, or on a tag attached to the package.
Teresa A. Halloran Marketing Specialist-Foods Marketing and Development Division