SciVL: A Descriptive Language for 2D Multivariate Scientific Visualization Synthesis presented by Jason Sobel advisor: Prof. David Laidlaw
Road Map Motivation and Introduction Implementation Language Specification Conclusions and Future Work
Motivations Good visualizations take time 1. Decide on “visual elements” 2. Code and debug 3. Evaluate and iterate
Motivations (cont.) “Optimize” visualizations Find best combinations of visual properties
Our Question Can we provide a fast and easy way to prototype visualizations that also allows optimization?
Proposed Solution Define a language that can be used to represent a visualization Create an instance in a text file Apply an instance to a dataset to generate an image
Goals The language should be: 1. Simple 2. Expressive 3. Flexible 4. Hierarchical 5. Easily broken in to “genes”
Contributions Understanding of “key” visual properties Rapid prototyping system Foundation for future work
Road Map Motivation and Introduction Implementation Language Specification Conclusions and Future Work
Layer System Three types of layers: Icon Colorplane Streamline Each layer defines some number of visual elements
Rendering A SciVL file specifies an arbitrary number of layers They are combined to produce the final image
Values: Specifying “Numbers” Visual properties are not given number values in the SciVL file They are given abstract Values, one of: Constant Random Data-driven
Realization When rendering a layer, we realize a Value to get a number Use location to map to data
Values Example
Icon Layer Let’s look at all the properties of an icon layer The following images were made using a gradient dataset 0 on the left to 1 on the right
All Forms
Circle Form
Rectangle Form
Triangle Form
Multi-Offset Forms
Compound Forms
Color (Partial Range)
Border Color
Border Alpha & Width
Example Icons
Colorplane Layer Used for “regions” or “washes” of color
Colorplanes in Use
Streamline Layer Useful for visualizing vector data like velocity or vorticity
Streamlines Color & Alpha
Streamlines Width & Texture
Streamline Density
Road Map Motivation and Introduction Implementation Language Specification Conclusions and Future Work
Layer System The language specifies visual elements layer by layer The syntax is a simple interface to all the properties described above Allows specifying a Value for each one
VisEl Layer BEGIN_LAYER VISEL NVISELS 1 BEGIN_VISEL POISSON POINT Constant.5 Constant.5 Constant 0 NFAILS 0 NFORMS 1 BEGIN_FORMSTAGE SHAPE Constant square NOFFSETS 2 OFFSET POINT Constant 0 Constant 0 Constant 0 OFFSET POINT Constant 5 Constant 0 Constant 0 BEGIN_STYLE NCOLORS 1 POINT Variable gradient_x.4.6 Constant.8 Constant.8 NALPHAS 1 Constant.8 NTEXTURES 0 NORIENTATIONS 1 Random 0.1 NBORDERS 1 COLOR POINT Variable gradient_y 0.3 Constant.7 Constant.8 ALPHA Random.8 1 WIDTH Constant 2 NSCALES 0 NDIMENSIONS 1 POINT Variable gradient_y 3 6 Constant 0 Constant 0 END_STYLE END_FORMSTAGE END_VISEL END_LAYER
Colorplane Layers Similar syntax Can control, per vertex: Failures Color Alpha
Streamline Layers Similar syntax Can control: Failures Vector to follow Survival Density Color/Transparency Size Texture
Road Map Motivation and Introduction Implementation Language Specification Conclusions and Future Work
More Pictures
Success? Goals were: 1. Simple 2. Expressive 3. Flexible 4. Hierarchical 5. Easily broken in to “genes” Did we accomplish these goals?
Anecdotal Feedback A “design-expert” professor from RISD A scientist with radar polarimetry data
Challenges Allowing every possible combination Interfacing with any kind of data Finding “correct” visual elements & properties
Future Work Genetic Algorithms Can we create the perfect visualization? Was man meant to play God? Visualization “Rules” Can we find “The Do’s and Don’ts” of Scientific Visualization?
Thanks Prof. David Laidlaw Daniel Acevedo Cullen Jackson Eileen Vote David Karelitz Daniel Keefe Prof. Fritz Drury Dean Turner Prof. Andy van Dam Morriah Horani Sci Vis Family and Friends