Mesa Equity Survey Presentation to Student Success & Equity Committee April 15, 2016
Equity Survey 23 survey questions + 4 demographic questions Generally covered: How people define equity How often and with whom equity is discussed Feelings around talking about race Next steps for the college Survey was open 1 week 96 respondents
Survey Respondents
Equity at Mesa means … Providing students support/resources, depending on their needs (21) Closing gaps, achieving equal outcomes (7) Leveling playing field (5) Defining equity
Nearly three- quarters of the 95 respondents said that at Mesa College, equity is for all students. Defining equity: For whom?
Discussing equity
“Offending someone” (43) “Being politically correct” (43) received the “lack of knowledge or understanding— one’s own (36) or co-workers (37) “motives questioned” (37) Talking about race
“Talking about race is still a touchy subject” Talking about race
Campus Equity Leaders When asked who the equity leaders are at Mesa, the individuals who were identified most frequently were administrators. Ashanti Hands30 No one/no idea/Did not answer30 Pam Luster21 Larry Maxey19 Monica Romero12 Why? Organize equity-focused presentations, events, and workshops. Articulate what equity is for the campus and why it is important.
“We have a lot of work to do.” “Address our equity gaps”; “have equitable outcomes for all students” “Do everything that we need to do to make sure our students, specifically our students of color are the most successful here than anywhere else.” Have “a significant rise in students of color, traditionally underserved students, succeeding in transfer-level courses.” Have “a fair, unbiased method of assessment; placement that dignifies the student.” “Meet students where they’re at.” Next Steps – Focus areas
“A whole campus paradigm shift.” “Be bold and courageous … the leading college takes risks.” “Being in an uncomfortable spot, … taking risks that I think some of our administrators are not doing.” “Be able to say, ‘Would a leading college of equity and excellence let something like that stop us from doing the work that we do?’” “We want to be the institution that people look to as ‘Wow, they’ve done it. What can we learn from them?’” Next Steps – Focus areas
1.Curriculum & instruction 2.Counseling 3.STEM fields 4.Basic skills 5.Professional development 6.IE/program review 7.Hiring 8.Budgeting Next Steps – Focus areas 9. “Other”: providing career development for students focusing on reading, writing, and math tutoring providing “nutritionally adequate meals” “promoting non-sexist language” “treatment of lower caste (classified) staff” and “educating classified staff in an equitable manner instead of as an afterthought or in a top-down manner” “What areas should Mesa focus on in the next academic year to advance equity?”
1 Move the work beyond the choir Example: Build department leadership - deans and chairs institute - Ethics of equity - Establishing data routines - Research skills and tools - Working with faculty 2 Increase comfort with discussing race and ethnicity Build greater capacity to have race conscious conversations through reading and workshops 3 Establish road map to be leading college of equity and excellence Design shared indicators of equity practices, professional development, planning and program review that assist the campus in accomplishing equity. Recommendations
1)What reactions do you have? 2)How can the data from this survey inform the work of the Student Success & Equity Committee? 3)Are there immediate next steps? What are they? Discussion Questions
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