Cardiovascular Pathology Pathophysiology
Cardiovascular disease is the leading cause of death in the U.S. Over 2,600 Americans die each day More than 57,000 have some type of cardiovascular disease General Info
Overview of Heart Anatomy Size of fist Double pump Right side low oxygenated (deoxygenated) blood Left side oxygen rich blood Pericardium 4 chambers Right and left atria (upper chambers) Right and left ventricle (lower chamber) Overview of Heart Anatomy
Overview of Heart Anatomy 3. Heart Valves: Open and close to control flow of blood Right: tricuspid and pulmonary Left: mitral, aortic 4. Great Vessels: Right: superior and inferior vena cava (deoxygenated blood to heart) Left: pulmonary veins (from lung to heart), aorta (from heart to body) For more information:
Overview of Heart Anatomy 5. Electrical Stimulation: causes heart to contract rhythmically and pump blood I. Sinoatrial(SA) node: cardiac electrical impulse begins, aka: __________ II. Atrioventriclar (AV) node: receives impulse from the _____ node III. Bundle of HIS: receives impulse from the ___ IV. Purkinje fibers: receive impulses from _____ Overview of Heart Anatomy
Heart Disease in General Signs and symptoms Angina Dyspnea Tachycardia Fatigue Cardiac palpitations Diaphoresis Edema Nausea/vomiting Cyanosis Heart Disease in General
Common Diagnostic tests for cardiovascular disease Non-invasive Procedures Invasive Procedures Auscultation Doppler Blood Pressure Screening Electrocardiogram Echocardiography Cardiac Catheterization Venipuncture Checking for CPK & LDH Common Diagnostic tests for cardiovascular disease
Common Diseases of Cardiovascular System Hypertension Chronic Leading cause of stroke and heart failure Normal BP= xx/xx Systolic / diastolic Causes: Heredity, diet, age, obesity Effects? ______ ventricle works harder to pump blood = hypertrophy Treatment Mild: lifestyle, low-salt/low-fat diet, stress reducing exercise, smoking cessation, weight reduction High: medication Common Diseases of Cardiovascular System
Common Diseases of Cardiovascular System Arteriosclerosis Most common cause of atherosclerosis Can form embolus Plaque (can build up) Narrowing leads to: high blood pressure, slowing or stoppage of blood flow to tissues or organs (ischemic) 4 major areas effected by atherosclerosis Coronary Arteries Cerebral arteries Aorta Peripheral arteries Common Diseases of Cardiovascular System
Common Diseases of Cardiovascular System Peripheral Vascular Disease (PVD) Caused by _____ in arteries that supply blood to ___ Can lead to muscular cramping Chronic Occlusion Acute Occlusion Treatment: Endarterectomy Graph Common Diseases of Cardiovascular System
Common Diseases of Cardiovascular System Aneurysm Weakening of arterial wall allows vessel to balloon and rupture Weakens due to: Atherosclerosis Congenital defect Injury Usually asymptomatic, discovered during physical exam/x-ray Most common: abdominal aorta Rupture of aorta can cause massive hemorrhaging and death Treatment: Surgical resection and grafting Common Diseases of Cardiovascular System
Common Diseases of Cardiovascular System Coronary Artery Disease Narrowing of arteries that supply blood to the heart SINGLE LEADING CAUSE OF DEATH IN U.S. Commonly due to: Atherosclerosis Progressive narrowing leads to ischemia (What happens during ischemia?) Occlusion may develop: Progressive atherosclerosis Thrombus Embolus Diagnosis: Patient history, EKG, selective coronary angiogram Treatment: Vasodilator, angioplasty, coronary stent, coronary artery bypass Common Diseases of Cardiovascular System
Common Diseases of Cardiovascular System Cardiomyopathy Primary: Heart muscle becomes dilated enlarged and flabby Cause: idiopathic Symptoms: fatigue, SOB Treatment: Rest, medications, heart transplant Secondary: Chronic hypertension or coronary artery disease Hypertrophic cardiomyopathy: Heart becomes abnormally thick, makes it hard to pump ___ and may affect _____ Hard to pump blood and may affect heart electrical system Common Diseases of Cardiovascular System
Common Diseases of Cardiovascular System Carditis Define: Different forms: Pericarditis: _____ membrane of heart Myocarditis: inflammation of ______ Endocarditis: inflammation of ______ Causes: Bacteria, viruses, Rheumatic fever, Secondary infection, unknown Treatment: Bed rest, antibiotics, analgesic Pericarditis: outer membrane of heart Myocarditis: inflammation of heart muscle Endocarditis: inflammation of inner lining Common Diseases of Cardiovascular System
Common Diseases of Cardiovascular System Valvular Heart Disease Malfunction due to: Stenotic valve Inability to close properly caused by _____ Complications: Tendency to form clots Overworks heart leading to congestive heart failure Bacterial endocarditis Common causes of defective valves Congenital. Rheumatic fever, endocarditis Inability to close properly caused by scarring from infection or prolapsed valve Common Diseases of Cardiovascular System