ARRA Information Exchange School of Engineering and Applied Science – September 22, 2009 Longwood Medical Area – August 26, 2009 University Area – August 28, 2009 ARRA Task Force
Signed into law by President Obama February 17, 2009 February 17, 2009
What we’re going to talk about ARRA and the US Economy ARRA and Sponsored Research ARRA Reporting Requirement ARRA Stimulus Grant Specialist ARRA and YOUR questions!
5 major purposes of ARRA Funding Preserve and create jobs Assist those most impacted by the recession Provide investments to increase economic efficiency Invest in infrastructure for long-term economic benefits Stabilize state and local governments
Where is the money going?
Infrastructure and Science ARRA includes $21.5 billion in federal research and development funding to: – Stimulate the economy – Create and preserve jobs – Advance biomedical research
What makes ARRA Different? Historic event High visibility Unprecedented reporting requirements Legal obligation to meet all ARRA reporting requirements
It’s all about … Accountability and Transparency
Office of Inspector General NIH $17M through September 30, 2012 NSF $ 2M through September 30, 2013 DOE $15M through September 30, 2012 NASA $ 2M through September 30, 2013 DOD $15M through September 30, 2010
What does this mean for Harvard?
Stimulus Proposals Submitted 05/18/09 – 09/10/09 FAS 129$129,427,346 HMS 380$319,464,885 Other University Schools (GSE, HKS, Arboretum) 10$5,962,344 SEAS 17$23,343,401 SPH 158$102,381,080 TOTAL 694$580,579,056
ARRA Awards as of 09/10/09 Awards: – 110 total awards for $45M+ in obligated dollars FAS – 37 awards; $ 15.3M HMS – 49 awards; $ 12.2M HSPH – 16 awards; $ 4.5M SEAS – 8 awards; $ 12.9M
Reporting Requirements: Section 1512 of ARRA Quarterly reporting required for all ARRA awards – Initial reports are due October 10 – Reports are cumulative Reporting is required on a project by project basis Non-compliance could be treated as a violation of the award agreement
How are we reporting?
Who is participating? PI Department Stimulus Grant Specialist OSP SPA: HMS, SPH, SEAS, FAS
Stimulus Grant Specialist (SGS) Roles and Responsibilities – Provide administrative support to the PI and Department – Collect non-financial data for reporting on prime and subrecipient information – Reviews financial data for allowability, allocability, reasonableness and consistency – Primary contact to OSP/SPA
OSP Reporting Specialist OSP has identified key point of reporting contacts internally to coordinate with the Stimulus Grant Specialist These OSP Staff are responsible for Quarterly Report submission
Information Flow
Prime and sub reports due to Federal- reporting. gov (submitted by OSP) Financial transaction cutoff date Prime and subs review data and correct as needed Sponsor reviews and accepts final data Contact subrecipients for progress and job creation update Quarterly ARRA Reporting Timeline 9/15-9/30 9/15 10/1 10/1 – 10/8 10/21 10/11- 10/20 Completed Data Request Spread- sheet due to OSP Review Detail Expense Report Populate Data Request Spreadsheet
Reporting Data Elements Elements that come from GMAS & the GL: – Award Number – Award Amount – Project Period – CFDA Number – Harvard DUNS Number – Expenditure data
Reporting Data Elements Elements PI/Department is responsible for providing to OSP: – Award description – Project description – Project status – Place of Performance – Vendor Payment information – Jobs created & retained
Reporting Data Elements Award Description – Briefly summarize the scope of the award – Should only have to be crafted once – Will need to be reviewed and submitted quarterly – 4,000 character maximum
Reporting Data Elements NSF Award Description – Use the “Abstract at Time of Award” in available at – If the abstract shown in is longer than – the space allotted, enter as much text as the space will – permit, and end with the statement, “The complete abstract for this award is available in
Reporting Data Elements NIH Award Description – Enter project abstract as provided by the HHS Readiness Tool/NIH RePORTER tool, public health relevance statement, or other text that may be more informative to the public. – For summer research experience supplements, provide a sentence such as, “This grant provided a summer research experience(s) for ___________________ (insert "X" number of high school student(s), college student(s), science educator(s), etc.) in health-related scientific research.” – For administrative supplements, do not use the abstract from the parent grant, rather create a description of the purpose of the supplement.
Reporting Data Elements Quarterly Activities/Project Description – Briefly summarize the overall purpose of the project, including subawards. Note any major deliverables, outcomes or results. This might change or be added to every reporting cycle – 2,000 character maximum
Reporting Data Elements NSF Quarterly Activities Project Description – Enter “See Award Description” in this field. – As the project progresses, recipients may want to – supplement this statement with items such as: Personnel in place; Research underway, and/or Equipment purchased and/or installed
Reporting Data Elements NIH Quarterly Activities Project Description – If there are no significant changes from the Award Description field, then it is acceptable to say, "As defined in the Award Description field." Otherwise include only any significant changes. Note: This is NOT to be considered a quarterly scientific progress report.
Reporting Data Elements Project Status: – Estimate the completion of the entire (multiyear) project, including subawards – 4 Fixed Options Not Started < 50% Completed > 50% Completed Fully Completed
Reporting Data Elements Place of Performance: – Physical location of primary place of performace – Information needed in this section: State Zip County Congressional District
Reporting Data Elements Vendor Payments: Less than $25K – Must report the cumulative number of these transactions and the amount – This information is captured from the General Ledger and should exclude: Salary and Fringe Internal Billing Subaward Transactions – Documentation supporting how and which transactions were selected should be kept for audit purposes
Reporting Data Elements Vendor Payments: Greater or equal to $25K – Must report detailed information of each $25K or greater vendor payment, including: Vendor DUNS Number Vendor Name Vendor HQ Zip Product Service Description Payment Date Payment Amount – Documentation supporting how and which transactions were selected should be kept for audit purposes
Reporting Data Elements Harvard is counting all FTEs charged to ARRA awards as either created or retained, except tenured faculty. Job Creation: A job created is a new position created and filled as a result of ARRA funding. This would include an assignment into an unfilled position. Job Retention: A job retained is an existing position that remains active as a result of ARRA funding. The prime recipient is responsible for collecting subrecipient job information even if reporting has been delegated
Reporting Data Elements Jobs: Narrative Should include a brief description of the types of jobs created or retained Is cumulative Best to report the job’s benefit to the award as opposed to the job category on the general ledger Should include information about any other FTEs directly charged to the award. While jobs created and retained are important it is also important to highlight resources working to and not directly charged to the award, e.g. faculty Components to include in narrative: – Job Title – Major Activities and Tasks – Relation to the project
Reporting and Subrecipients: Harvard receives a subaward When Harvard receives an ARRA subaward, we must refer first to the subaward terms and conditions to see if the Prime sponsor has delegated reporting or not If the prime has delegated reporting, then the Stimulus Grant Specialist is responsible for gathering the data and OSP is responsible for submitting via If the prime has not delegated reporting, then Stimulus Grant Specialist is responsible for gathering the data and OSP is responsible for submitting to the prime
Reporting and Subrecipients: Harvard issued a subaward When Harvard issues a subaward we must report on the subrecipients jobs created and retained. If Harvard delegated reporting responsibility, then the Subrecipient will register with and report directly If Harvard did not delegate reporting responsibility, then the Subrecipient submit reporting information directly to Harvard to submit to
Subrecipient Data Elements Prime Recipient DUNS Number Subrecipinet DUNS Number Subaward Number Subaward Amount Subaward Date Total Subaward Funds Disbursed Subaward Place of Performance Recipient Reporting Applicability Jobs Progress status Vendor Information
ARRA Frequently Asked Questions Can we carryforward on ARRA funds? Can the PI transfer ARRA awards? How are these awards being set up in GMAS? Can you request a no-cost extension on ARRA awards? Can we rebudget ARRA funds? Can the supplement and parent awards be managed together?
ARRA Reporting Recap How can I prepare for the October ARRA Reporting deadline? Who is going to submit the Quarterly Report due on my ARRA award? What information needs to be submitted on ARRA awards quarterly? Where does that information come from? What is required for subrecipient reporting? What is reporting delegation? What is my role in ARRA reporting? The PI's? OSP's? What is the Stimulus Grants Specialist? And what role do they have in reporting? How am I supposed to calculate a job created or retained? Why do we need to report Quarterly anyway? Why are we gathering this information monthly?
Additional Questions?
Resources Recovery. Gov OSP Recovery Act Information ARRA NIH Terms and Conditions recoverytermsconditions.html recoverytermsconditions.html