HELP IS AT HAND 9 th July 2012 Sharon Cuff Claire Smart.


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Presentation transcript:

HELP IS AT HAND 9 th July 2012 Sharon Cuff Claire Smart

Session Local Government Collaborative Commissioning Group Background Members Links to other groups Products Best Practice / Case studies E-Market Place Costing Models Dynamic Purchasing System working group National Contracts Working Group The work plan Your priorities How can you get involved

LGCCG (What) To focus on social care procurement and commissioning activity across Local Government, in order to identify opportunities for collaborative working, whether that is sharing best practice and knowledge/experiences or co- ordinating procurement activities To act as a conduit to representative stakeholder groups e.g. ADASS and to other bodies such as Pro5, DfE and to facilitate sharing of ideas and initiatives To facilitate and enable consultation and engagement with representative groups where collaborative initiatives are proposed, to ensure there is an ‘intelligent client’ To include all areas of expenditure managed by Adult Social Care and Children & Young People Services departments (but excluding schools) To recognise the successful work of the predecessor group (the Local Government Professional Services Group (LGPSG)) and adopt similar approaches and principles in generating guidance relating to key procurement and commissioning matters To understand both the customer and supplier marketplaces in order to recognise potential beneficial collaborative procurement opportunities

LGCCG (How) By designing a range of mechanisms to engage with stakeholder groups, to bring together the customers’ requirements and the most appropriate delivery vehicle. By using these mechanisms to engage with stakeholder groups to identify their needs. By reflecting on needs and identifying opportunities for collaborative working, with consideration given to local, regional and national dynamics By maintaining strong formal links with the Pro5 Social Care category team and providing support to the PBO (or other body) establishing the procurement solution. By sharing knowledge and signposting bodies to the relevant sources of information, in order to enhance understanding within the sector, and to avoid duplication of effort and inefficient use of resources.

Who we are Claire Smart, Gloucestershire County Council (South West) Sharon Cuff, Lincolnshire County Council (East Midlands) David Pridmore, Newham Borough Council (London) Stephen McHale, Oxfordshire County Council (South East) Neil Hind, NWIEP (North West) Eddie Gibson, Improvement East (East of England) Jonathon Jones IEP (West Midlands) Nicola Southall (Wales) Darren Newman, Hertfordshire County Council (East of England) Andrea Trickner, Gateshead Borough Council (North East) Mike Smith, Birmingham City Council (West Midlands) Membership from DFE, PRO5, LGA, GPS, ERG


SPEND CategorySub categorySpend Children'sAdoption & Fostering Service Providers£572,754,282 Children's Residential Care Providers£426,098,862 Community-Based Children's Mental Health Services£43,728 Early Years Service Providers£504,060 Independent Family Support Service Providers£2,757,185 Other Child Care Services Providers£153,183,713 Play Services Providers£4,777,667 OtherAdvocacy Service Providers£1,871,358 Community Centres£450,174 Community Projects£3,788,674 Other Social Care & Social Service Providers£1,284,496,673 Social Care Consultants£11,836,350 Voucher Providers£3,601,933 Youth Clubs, Hostels & Associations£2,920,087

BEST PRACTICE / CASE STUDIES 1. Outcomes and Efficiency: Commissioning for Looked After Children 2. Payment by success 3. Social Value Act Guidance 4. Procurement supporting Growth 5. Commissioning Services for Young People - a comprehensive suite of commissioning training materials 6. General commissioning and procurement - NAVCA

BEST PRACTICE / CASE STUDIES Continued 7. Resources for Community organisation, commissioning, social enterprise models, impact etc 8. Commissioning: a better way forward 9. South East business portal guide 10. Market Facilitation 11. Community Equipment frameworks 12. How to complete a tender (information for suppliers) 13. Cross regional market shaping 14. Social Return on Investment on carers breaks 15. Big win / Quick win strategy for procurement 16. Frameworks for children's services.

E Market Place

Costing Models Joint review with Dfe to understand the national picture. SW pricing tool SE pricing tool Value Wales costing models.... Any more?

Dynamic Purchasing System Working Group Initiated by the DfE Review of use and opportunities Case studies Update on Regulations New national Framework

National Contracts Working Group National Schools Contract National Residential Homes Contract National Fostering Contract Reviewing clauses Need national buying in

Work Plan Leadership role. Impacts and outcomes of different procurement models Personalisation agenda National Contracts in Children’s services Social Value Act: (social impact bonds) Tell us once work: standard documentation on PQQs and process

Your turn..... What should the group priorities be? How can you get involved?

Thank you Further information governmentcollaborativecommissioning1