Preschool Is A Must Cory Baccus Mr. Gotts English IV 14 June 2007
Thesis Statement Many children do not go to preschool, and as a result these children are being left behind, which is why preschool should be mandated.
Synopsis of Research paper Importance’s of attending preschool: Basic skills Communication Psychological development If not prepared…
Social Issues As of % of children in school did not attend preschool The gap Helps increase parent involvement
Other issues Identifying Learning disabilities Preschool=$$$ Education means a decrease in crime
History Head Start since the mid sixties Early years of a child’s life are crucial People staying poor
Opposition Believe it is unnecessary All preschool has to offer can be met by the parents Keep preschool a mixed market
Solution Beer Tax Universal Preschool Head Start Program
Fieldwork Phelan Elementary Mrs. Palominos Kindergarten class Worked with the kids Viewed student produced work
Purpose of Fieldwork I wanted to view the gap that I had learned about first hand. To see what types of things the children needed to be prepared for Social interaction
Reflections On My Paper Deal with constricted time limit Look at more than one P.O.V.
Reflections on my Fieldwork Benefits of working with children Dealt with my topic first hand Gave me a career idea