Working meeting of the partners , Amersfoort Career guidance in Slovakia
LEGAL REGULATION Amersfoort 02/04 Legislation in the education sector: Act no. 245/2008 Coll. on education and training (Education Law) o regulates the main tasks and activities in terms of: educational counselling (§ 134); centres for pedagogical-psychological counselling and prevention (§ 132); special pedagogical counselling (§ 133; Children with Disabilities) Decree of the Ministry of Education of 6 August 2008 on school facilities of educational counselling and prevention Law No. 317/2009 Col. on educational employees and on professional employees o Career advisor/counsellor – position defined, but does not occur in practice Legislation in the employment services: Law No. 5/2004 Col. on employment services o Information and guidance services – advice regarding career choice
Career guidance in Slovakia PROVIDERS/TARGET GROUPS Amersfoort 02/04 Educational counsellors at schools (elementary/secondary school pupils) o guidance in dealing with personal, educational, professional and social needs of children and career guidance o work closely with the classroom teacher, the psychologist, school special education teacher and professional staff from counseling facilities o particular attention to the activities of vocational guidance, career choices of professionally ambivalent pupils, pupils with special educational needs Association of university counsellors (university students) o created in October 2013 o objectives: to develop competences of higher education consultants; to develop personality of college students, focusing on successful study and gaining a strong foothold on the labour market; to initiate a legislative proposal for defintion of the position of a university counsellor Centres for pedagogical and psychological counselling and prevention (pupils/students) o complex psychological, special pedagogical, diagnostic, educational and preventive care for children, including their professional development
Career guidance in Slovakia PROVIDERS/TARGET GROUPS Amersfoort 02/04 Information centres for youth (young people under 29) o specialised institutions that aim to provide various information and advice for young people, vocational and career guidance and the like... o 14 centres in Slovakia Counselling Centres – Tutors (employed adults) o the role and contribution of centres is to provide counselling for individuals as regards their career development options, qualification extensions or acquisition of new skills using further training Public employment services – Vocational counsellors at labour offices (unemployed) Private providers o psychological counselling centres, NGOs
Career guidance in Slovakia PROJECTS Amersfoort 02/04 Further education and counselling for adults as a tool for a strong foothold on the labour market -National Institute for Lifelong Learning – Development of guidance system for adults – establishment of the network of "Tutors for adults" within 25 new counselling centres and their support for the target group – adult employed people. The centres will operate 57 tutors who provide comprehensive consulting services, namely information on adult education not only in the region but, if necessary, throughout the Slovak Republic. -The role and contribution of centres is to provide individual counselling for their career development options, skills upgrading or the acquisition of new skills through further training. -Qualified counsellors assess the knowledge, skills and competences of candidates acquired in the practice and in formal and continuing education. Consequently, they propose appropriate training programmes and modules.
Career guidance in Slovakia PROJECTS Amersfoort 02/04 Qual'n'Guide: Competence-based career guidance in employment services through the European quality criteria -Introduction and transfer of the competence-based career guidance that is used in FR, DE and other EU countries and it's European quality management system in guidance to Slovakia -Dissemination and exploitation of the modified methodology - training of 12 multiplicators and 46 labour office employees for the use of competence-based career guidance -Elaboration of a Slovak quality chart for career guidance -Elaboration of an occupational standard for guidance counsellors and corresponding training programme
Career guidance in Slovakia PROJECTS Amersfoort 02/04 Comprehensive guidance system of preventing and influencing socio- pathological phenomena in the school environment -Research Institute for Child Psychology and Pathopsychology -Target group: school counsellors, teachers from primary schools primary school pupils with special educational needs -Main aims: Streamline the system of educational counselling and prevention (EC&P) - modernize working conditions, innovate methodological tools, methodologies, counselling methods, employees learn EC&P system with particular regard to their work with pupils with special educational needs Digitize environment and the diagnostic tools used in the system of EC&P Upgrade, update psychodiagnostic tools, methodologies, test, innovate counselling methods and make them available to all employees of EC&P Streamline the preparation of elementary school pupils with special educational needs for the labour market, facilitating their social inclusion, increase their employability, reduce the likelihood of marginalization in the labour market - which is a preventative approach against potential unemployment
Career guidance in Slovakia IT TOOLS Amersfoort 02/04 In Slovakia free online tools for direct testing of competencies, that could help in career guidance, are not available. Labour Market Integrated System (ISTP) does provide a specific set of tools for self-assessment of different types of clients (pupils, students, unemployed, employed), including the evaluation of competencies. It includes online forum for answering questions about labour market issues. There are a few other online systems, e.g. Model of interactive counselling (CAMIP) run by a local Pedagogical-psychological Counselling and Prevention Centre focused on guidance in choosing a secondary school.