Stream of Consciousness Writing The Catcher in the Rye Source: consciousness consciousness
Stream of Consciousness Characterized by a flow of thoughts and images, which may not always appear to have a coherent structure or cohesion. The plot line may weave in and out of time and place, carrying the reader through the life span of a character or further along a timeline to incorporate the lives (and thoughts) of characters from other time periods. Generally, a stream-of-consciousness passage appears without punctuation so that the flowing thoughts continue without interruption.
Stream of Consciousness Writers who create stream-of-consciousness works of literature focus on the emotional and psychological processes that are taking place in the minds of one or more characters. Important character traits are revealed through an exploration of what is going on in the mind. AKA: Interior Monologue
Memory Association Another way to think of stream of consciousness writing is memory association. One memory leads to another, which leads to another, which leads to another….this is what Holden does throughout most of the novel. 2 ideas that have nothing to do with each other can be connected. Ex: peanuts
Peanuts example “Peanuts make me think of my Grandpa because he called me ‘Peanut.’ I called him Pop-Pop, which makes me think of ice pops which makes me think of my kids in the summer, which reminds me of long days at the beach. This makes me think of sandcastles, laughter and an occasional sunburn. This reminds me that we are one school year closer to summer, and this reminds me that my kids are one year older…this makes me feel sad” –Mrs. Rosado
Now you try…. For practice, what comes to mind when someone says BIRTHDAY? What about TREE? Consider memories you associate with the topic…keep going with the “which makes me think of” pattern until I say stop. This is for fun!!
Remove “makes me think of” and “which reminds me” “Peanuts my Grandpa called me ‘Peanut.’ I called him Pop-Pop ice pops my kids in the summer long days at the beach. Sandcastles laughter and an occasional sunburn. We are one school year closer to summer my kids are one year older…sad” –Mrs. Rosado Don’t worry about punctuation
Let’s try another one! Okay, here is are two topics: – SCHOOL – VACATION GO FOR IT! Before you take the quiz, you need to compose a 10 minute stream of consciousness writing piece on one of the above topics. You should fill up a page to 2 pages of writing. When you are done, ask for a quiz and staple this to the front of it. Yours should look like the sample one (no need to keep writing “which reminds me of... “
Congratulations!! You have just completed an extremely sophisticated form of writing! You are now in the company of some very famous writers—J.D. Salinger, William Faulkner, James Joyce, Bob Dylan and Virginia Woolf have nothing on you! Let’s take a look at Faulkner…
Faulkner – The Sound and the Fury What have I done to have been given children like these Benjamin was punishment enough and now for her to have no more regard for me her own mother I've suffered for her dreamed and planned and sacrificed I went down into the valley yet never since she opened her eyes has she given me one unselfish thought at times I look at her I wonder if she can be my child except Jason he has never given me one moment's sorrow since I first held him in my arms I knew then that he was to be my joy and my salvation I thought that Benjamin was punishment enough for any sins I have committed I thought he was my punishment for putting aside my pride and marrying a man who held himself above me I don’t complain I loved him above all of them because of it because my duty though Jason pulling at my heart all the while but I see now that I have not suffered enough I see now that I must pay for your sins as well as mine what have you done what sins have your high and mighty people visited upon me but you'll take up for them you always have found excuses for your own blood only Jason can do wrong………