“Getting the best outcomes for children” A series of workshops were held to promote partnerships between Early Years providers and Schools to deliver childcare provision. This essential session demonstrated how Early Years providers and Schools successfully work in close partnership to ensure best outcomes for children. This includes how they work together to deliver free early years places for two, three and four year olds, effective transitions and wrap around care. This informative video gives you vital insight into the differing business models partnerships take.
This workshop was arranged and chaired by NDNA Speakers - in order of appearance; St Bede Academy and Childcare Sarah Bagshaw – Finance and HR Director Jasmin Sanders – Area Manager Jack Hatch – Executive Head Teacher First Class Childcare Andrew Clifford – Managing Director
Sub Title Sub Title Key Points - Sarah Bagshaw St Bede Academy Having a variety of partnerships with external stakeholders brought their own individual benefits Each partnership that had been developed is unique, based on the partners’ values, but all partners focus on the care and high quality of the children's outcomes Important to have appropriate agreements in place and have regular review meetings Market research is important both at the outset and annually to maintain a sustainable business.
Sub Title Sub Title Key Points – Jasmin Sanders St Bede Academy Practitioners working across private nursery and school has been beneficial to break down the barriers It has been important to share expertise across settings and learning from one another for the benefit of families and children as well as practitioners Practitioners from private Early Years nursery settings have valuable experience and knowledge to share with schools to meet the needs of the two year old children around their development needs and how to develop appropriate environments to facilitate high quality learning experiences Consideration needs to be given to staff, ratios and costs involved to ensure sustainability of provision for two year olds in schools Tracking the child development to share with schools is essential for early intervention and the sharing of this knowledge ensures support is provided at the earliest stages.
Sub Title Sub Title Key Points – Jack Hatch St Bede Academy The children and families are the key focus in all we do and why partnerships with professionals are key Schools need the Early Years expertise to develop outstanding provision With persistence you will have strong relationships with schools, it’s a two way partnership with many benefits to both partners It is essential to work with the school to meet their values as well as your own within the Early Years nursery Offer facilities to schools such as a crèche for parents evening or a stand at events to promote your provision with a view to the development of longer term relationships Both schools and nurseries should share facilities such as outdoor areas, sensory rooms and libraries Sharing the key information on children when they move to school is paramount.
Sub Title Sub Title Key Points – Andrew Clifford First Class Childcare A business can have a variety of different settings that work effectively freeholds, leaseholds and school based so it is essential to consider your model Important to have appropriate agreements that covers all areas including professional conduct between the early years provider and school Important to have regular reporting on sustainability, compliments and concerns amongst other things Relationships are key including the clarity of information sharing Quality of provision is paramount to meet the needs of the children Shared values and mutual respect to feeling part of the school Communication with the school at the outset so you have clear ideas on what you can and can’t do Using children’s school bags to share information with parents means that you get the information from the Early Years provision out to all parents.