Sophomore Advisory February 23, 2016
You are still on the road to graduation and preparing for your life after high school. At the end of this year, you should have 124 credits towards graduation. To be a junior you need to have at least 100 credits by the time we start school in August. If you have failed classes, be prepared to play catch-up next year. All current sophomores will choose classes on March 1 st School Year
All juniors will take an English class: English 11 Options: English 11 – this is a college prep English class that meets A-G requirements. English 11 Foundations – this is an English class that helps you improve your current level to help you gain grade level reading and writing skills. You need teacher/counselor approval to enroll in this class. AP English 11– you need to have a 3.5 GPA and get approval from your current English 10 teacher to enroll in this class. This class is an Advance Placement class. Students have the potential to earn college credit and earn a grade bump for taking this class. Speak to your current English teacher if you are considering this class School Year
All juniors will take the next math class in which they are currently enrolled. Talk to your math teacher for more details. Math Options: Geometry Algebra 2 Trigonometry Statistics – this class is offered through Mendocino College but is taught on campus. You must earn a “C” or better in Algebra 2 to take this class. This class requires teacher approval. See your counselor for more details. Calculus – you must earn a “C” or better in Algebra 2 to take this class. See your counselor for more details School Year
All juniors will take a United States History class. US History options: US History – this is a college prep class that meets A-G requirements. History Essentials – this class is paired with English 11 Foundations and requires approval from your counselor for enrollment. AP US History – you need to have a 3.5 GPA and get approval from your current English 10 teacher and your World History teacher to enroll in this class. This class is an Advance Placement class. Students have the potential to earn college credit and earn a grade bump for taking this class. Speak to your counselor if you are considering this class School Year
You need two years of science to earn your diploma, but three to four years of science is preferable for A-G requirements. If you are enrolled in a science class right now, speak to your teacher to determine what your next science class should be. Science Class options Integrated Essentials (teacher approval required) Ag. Biology Biology Ag. Chemistry Chemistry Honors Chemistry (teacher approval required) Physics AP Environmental Science – this class requires teacher approval to enroll. Speak to your counselor if you are considering this class. AP Biology – this class requires teacher approval to enroll. Speak to your counselor if you are considering this class School Year
You need two years of PE to earn your diploma. If you passed the physical fitness test and passed one year of a PE class, you can enroll in Athletic PE. This means you can earn 5 credits of PE for COMPLETING a season in a junior varsity or varsity FBHS sport. If you have not earned 20 credits of PE by the end of your sophomore year, your counselor, more than likely, will enroll you in a PE class junior year. PE options: PE 2 Weight Training Adapted PE instructional assistant (teacher approval required – speak to your counselor) School Year
FOREIGN LANGUAGE – if you plan to apply to a four-year college, you MUST have at least two years of a foreign language. At FBHS this is Spanish class. If you are currently enrolled in Spanish 1 or Native Spanish 1, you should take the second course next year. If you are not enrolled in a Spanish class and want to meet you’re A-G requirements, you should enroll in a Spanish class next year. Spanish 3 option!!! Next year, we will offer Spanish 201 on campus through Mendocino College. You must have successfully passed Spanish 1 & 2 with a “C” or better. If you pass Spanish 201, you will earn UC/CSU transferable foreign language credit in addition to a grade bump. For most degree majors, this class will fulfill your language requirement for college too!! This class requires teacher approval to enroll. See your counselor for more details School Year
As a junior, you have the option of taking the Mendocino College classes that will be offered on campus during first period. These classes will be taught by Mendocino College professors on our campus. We have not finalized the courses that will be offered in the fall, but we will let students know once Mendocino College has confirmed the courses. Potential Courses for : Psychology Geology (no lab) You must have a 3.0 GPA to be eligible to enroll. Speak to your English teacher and school counselor to determine if you are ready to take these classes in the fall. Students who complete these courses successfully will earn college credit (UC/CSU transferable) and a grade bump on their transcript School Year
FBHS offers support classes to assist students with completing homework and understanding course content. Here are some options of support classes offered at FBHS: English Support 11 Math Support If you need extra time and/or help in math or English class, consider enrolling in a support class. It’s a better option than repeating a class School Year
Every student must be enrolled in at least six classes. If your schedule has room, you can take an elective class. Here are some options: Art AVID 11 Band Ceramics Choir Culinary Arts Digital Photography Event Planning/Leadership (teacher approval required – see Mrs. Tichinin) Farm To Table (Ag Class – see Ms. Schmitt for details) Teacher’s Assistant (curriculum based) Woodshop Yearbook (teacher approval required – see Mrs. Landry for an application) School Year
All sophomores will choose their junior classes on March 1 st in English class. You and your parents can make an appointment with your school counselor if you have questions about classes for next year. If you sign-up for something and change your mind, be sure to speak to your counselor IMMEDIATELY! Classes fill quickly, so don’t miss out on the classes you want to take School Year
The grading period closes this Friday, February 26 th. Check your grades and stay current with your assignments. There are only 15 weeks remaining in your sophomore year of high school. Make your time at FBHS count! School Year