Behaviour Year group pledges Attitude to Learning Aspirations Anti- Bullying Safeguarding
Behaviour Reminders Be on time Be equipped and ready to learn Correct uniform Be engaged and work to your full potential Active Listening All gadgets switched off and put away Show respect All food must be eaten in the dining room Be polite (No offensive language)
In the Classroom Stage 1: If you do not follow the academy expectations your teacher will be remind you. If this continues your name will be placed on the board. 1Stage 1 - Call back If a student continues to not follow academy expectations a tick will be placed next to their name on the board. This will be recorded on Progresso under "Classroom" in the "Behaviour Category" and with further detail recorded in the "Behaviour Type" section. A matrix warning will be given to the student. The issue will be resolved with a 10 minute call back with the class teacher. : aStage 2 - Matrix remove If a student continues to not follow expectations they will be removed to matrix with work to complete. This will be recorded on Progresso including a comment giving details of the incident. Matrix remove will be seen by the Head of House and Curriculum leader as serious disruption. Students will complete a 10 minute call back and a 30 minute house detention. The class teacher will telephone parents/carers to inform them of the incident. nd resolve the Stage 3 - Remove to isolation Failure to modify behaviour and continued disruption in matrix will result in the student being removed, with work, to the isolation room (131). The student will complete a 10 minute call back and a 60 minute House detention. The matrix teacher will log the event on Progresso, including a detailed comment, and the Head of House will contact home. Depending on the details SLT may issue a day in isolation. Pre-stage - Warning If a student is not following the academy expectations they will be warned and reminded of the expectations. A range of de-escalation techniques will be employed e.g. move seats, use of a seating plan etc. As a visual reminder of a formal warning the student's name is written on the board.
Detentions………… If you miss call back ……………. Failure to complete call back results in a 20 minute lunchtime faculty detention. Failure to complete this will result in a 60 minute Academy detention (Tuesday) Failure to complete this will result in a 90 minute Academy detention (Thursday)) Failure to complete detentions will result in a parental meeting All disruption is monitored by your Head of House, Curriculum Leader and SLT. Continued disruption will result in reports and be seen as very serious disruption of learning in the Academy. All detentions are compulsory
Being on time………. The Academy begins at 8:30, it is essential your are in your tutor by that time. Failure to do so will result in an Academy detention on Tuesday nights. Persistent lateness will be seen as a serious issue and further sanctions including lunchtime isolations will be allocated. Lateness to lessons will be entered into the detention systems and you will be expected to complete your work in call back in that lesson.
Uniform……… Everyone must wear FULL Academy uniform. This does not include items such as trainers, plimsolls, Ugg boots, jeans, non-academy jumpers, leggings, large belts, cardigans, outdoor coats, hats/caps, coloured socks or any shoes containing colours other than black. Footwear or clothes with brand names or non- Academy jumpers Non-Full uniform will result in borrowing stock uniform/Isolation until parents are able to change your uniform. New requirements are the academy skirt, tailored black trousers & black SHOES only.
On the corridors? Remember the corridors are open for sensible and mature behaviour. No food is to be eaten on the corridors. Hot food should not leave the canteen. If you are caught chewing, eating/drinking on the corridor, messing around on the corridor or littering you will lose your lunch and breaks and complete littering. Prefects will be on duty to remind you of the expectations.
X Natural Hair ColoursUn-natural Hair Colours – Blue/Red/Green/Pink/ Purple etc. Wrist watch‘’Gauge/Plug/Stretch er’ type earrings One Necklace/Chain worn inside the shirt Multiple ear piercings 1 flat ringVisible body piercings 1 pair of stud earrings
There will be a key focus- “All students should never be matrixed” Increased penalties for any student who uses verbally aggressive or upsetting language, makes physical contact with others, swears at staff or uses racist/homophobic words. We will challenge everyone to become an expert learner. Students who disrupt will be taken away from their classes. The behaviour challenge
Anti-Bullying The anti-bullying peer mentors have worked on this definition for bullying. “Causing others harm on purpose, a number of times, when they are less able to defend themselves” There will be a lot of work over the year on anti- bullying. The Student Leadership Group will be very involved in this. It is everyone’s job to eradicate all forms of bullying.
Anti- Sirius Any type of bullying or prejudice will not be tolerated You will complete a lot of work on bullying but to begin with it is vital that you report any of the following to your house leader or house assistant or tutor.
Attitude to Learning Are you going to reach expert learner this term? Accelerated Reading is now part of the criteria and tests must be completed in order for you to be an expert learner.
Sirius Academy Y7 Pledges I have completed my stay safe training I have written a film review I have taken part in a vote and completed my democracy tasks I understand the similarities and differences between 4 religions I have joined an Academy club I have contributed to our student voice I have completed all of my magic spellings I have learned to say 5 key phrases in a foreign language I have watched the News I have helped year 5/6 students
Sirius Academy Y8 Pledges I have completed my stay safe training I have attended an Academy event I have taken part in a vote and completed my democracy tasks I have contributed to our student voice I have completed my Kindness UK work I have researched another culture I have watched a factual programme I have learned to say 10 key phrases in a foreign language I have completed all of my magic sentences I have completed my e-safety award
Sirius Academy Y9 Pledges I have completed my stay safe training I have completed 3 book reviews I have taken part in a vote and completed my democracy tasks I have completed my work on prejudice. I have saved energy in 5 ways I have kept a healthy eating diary for one week I have watched a factual programme I have learned to say 20 key phrases in a foreign language I have completed all of my magic subject spellings I have completed my special interest project.
Sirius Academy Y10 Pledges I have completed my stay safe training I have attended a sporting event I have completed 4 book reviews I have reviewed 2 documentaries I have contributed to our student voice I have kept a healthy eating diary for one week I have tried a new sport/active activity I have attended 5 intervention events I have written an argument on an environmental issue I have taken part in a vote and completed my democracy tasks
Sirius Academy Y11 Pledges I have completed my stay safe training I have attended a cultural event I have completed my year 11 democracy task. I have supported my community I have completed my careers preparation and interview I have completed my revision diary I have presented to an audience I have contributed to our student voice I have supported younger students I have completed my financial well being task