April 19, 2016 Mary Ann Takemoto Director, Student Health Services 1
Student health centers shall be established and maintained to facilitate the retention of students matriculated in state-supported programs of the university and to enhance the academic performance of students through accessible and high quality medical care, public health prevention programs and educational programs. 2
Student health centers should develop short- and long-term budget plans. The provision of health care services and public health preparedness is complex and unpredictable. Sufficient operating budgets and reserves are necessary to provide high quality services to all eligible students. Operating reserves are necessary to respond to normal business fluctuations. 3
Current Health Center Fee: $45/semester $90/academic year Facility Fee: $3/semester $6/academic year Fee in place since
No adjustment for price level increase Increase in labor costs, especially for health care professionals Increase in risk management costs Increase in costs of medications, supplies Current budget does not allow for sufficient operating budget and reserves 5
Current fee of $90/year at CSULB is the LOWEST among all 23 CSU campuses Range of health fees is $118 to $680/year Average health fee is $259/year Average facility fee is $19/year Sample fees: San Diego State$300/year Cal Poly Pomona$318/year Cal State Bakersfield $368/year 6
General office visits (no per visit charge) Urgent Care X-ray Services Laboratory Services Pharmacy Health Promotion and Education Sports Medicine Reproductive Care Case Manager In , over 32,500 visits to SHS 9
Majority of students reported being extremely satisfied (highest response possible) with services in most recent survey 99% of students surveyed responded they would recommend the health center to others 100% responded they would use the health center’s services again Top two reasons for using health center services: Convenience and low cost 10
1. Maintaining Current Level of Staffing and Services 2. Increase in Mental Health Services - Psychiatry - Additional Counselors 3. Wellness/Health Education Programs - Stress Management - Alcohol, Tobacco, Other Drugs Programming - Sexual Assault Prevention and Education 4. Medical Specialists (on a consulting basis) - Dermatology - Allergies - Registered Dietician 11
Total Proposed Increase: $30/semester or $60/year The increase will be phased in over two years. New Fee: $75/semester or $150/year 12
Will include a Consumer Price Index inflation adjustment every three years based on CPI for L.A., Riverside and Orange counties Facility Fee – Increase from $3 to $5 per semester or $10/year This is still below mean health fee of $259/year in the CSU system 13
A fee increase is necessary to maintain current level of services. Without a fee increase, we will have to reduce or eliminate some services. Wait times for appointments will increase. Student Health Center has staff who specialize in working with college students and provide services from a preventive and educational approach. 14
On-campus health services provide the best opportunity for timely intervention with contagious illnesses and other public health concerns. Mental health issues are more frequent and severe. There has been increased demand for services that we are not able to meet with current resources. An increase in fees will provide more mental health care. 15
Student fees are already too high. Students can go to their own personal doctors off-campus, utilizing their own or their parents’ insurance. Students are generally healthy and do not have a need for medical care. More of our students are now covered under the federal health care exchanges. Some students are not able to utilize health services due to their schedules. It would be better to reduce services rather than impose a fee increase. 16