UYC Organisation Structure Member Consultation 25 th May 2014
Introduction John Spivey AGM 2013 – Identified need to streamline Organisation Small Team Marion Marshall, Rick Boyce, Clare Clarke, Rob Watson, John Spivey, Peter Lewis – Developed outline proposal – Unanimous support at Management Committee in March – Next step to get member input & refine proposal – Refined proposal approved by Management Committee May 3rd – Aim to put a final proposal to EGM in August.
Purpose & Strategic Focus Purpose: ‘to promote the sport of sailing on Ullswater, compatible with the preservation of the natural beauty and serenity of the area’. To provide high quality sailing facilities and activities for UYC members and visitors, with interests in racing, cruising or training on Ullswater, Ensure financial and practical sustainability of the Club and its activities for the long term, including strategies to recruit and retain members. Maintain a fun, family, inclusive culture. Providing a gateway for young and old to sample the delights of sailing and enhance their sailing skills.
Proposal Two tier structure – Simpler – Smaller Board – Devolves responsibility closer to operations – Maintains representation of different interests – In line with RYA recommendations
Commodore Sailing Secretary Membership Vice Commodore Site Hon Secretary TreasurerRacing RepLeisure RepTraining Rep President Board of Directors Focus on strategy and providing resources All elected by AGM Executives have task and budget responsibilities Representatives are to ensure that the views of their interest group are considered Board Develops Business Plan & updates for AGM Coordinates & approves devolved annual action plans & budgets from Committees by Jan. Monitors Quarterly accounts. Controls Capital Expenditure. Governance of Articles & Byelaws Checks & Balances Quorum 5 with at least 1 representative 12 members can call an EGM Representative Executive
Sub Committees – Scope Board Sailing Racing Water Safety Training In-house Sailing School Membership Existing New Marketing Site Site safety Maintenance Facilities Finance Devolved Budgets. Administration Monitoring cash flow Hospitality Manager & Assistant Corporate use Elected members Board member on each. Prepare Annual Action Plans & Budgets approved by Board Minutes taken; Reports to Board, published for Club members Allows faster decisions and closer operational links Involves skilled volunteers in areas of interest and action Focus on Operational Delivery
How it works Board develops strategy and resources Committees develop annual action plans and budgets by January. Delegate implementation to committees Board Job Descriptions provide authority limits. – New board to develop updated job descriptions 3 year tenure (annual re election for CASC & licensing law) 3 month handover for new Directors appointed in October. Qtly Board Meetings – First year may need more to settle structure in Committees may meet more regularly as required.
Sailing Sec Water Safety Classes Captains Juniors & Family DinghiesKeelboatsCruisers Task Positions Race Office Systems Dutyman Open Meetings Event Organisers Proposed UYC Sailing Sub-Committee Sailing Secretary and Water Safety elected at AGM Class Captains Elected by Class Meetings Class Captains may take on task positions or can be filled by co opted members Core team which pulls in support as required. Training and Leisure Representatives have open invitation to ensure coordination of interests. Board Racing Representative ideally from fleet captains
Training Committee – Training Principal Accountable to Board – Sailing School Chief Instructor – Training Rep ( if not Training Principal) (elected AGM) – Co opted members. Organises & delivers in house training & sailing school.
Membership Committee – Membership Secretary (elected AGM) – New Membership Secretary (elected AGM) – Marketing Officer (elected AGM) – Co opted members Communication; (press, newsletter, web site, year book) berthing
Site Vice Commodore (elected AGM) Site Safety Officer (elected AGM) Club Manager On shore facility provision and maintenance of safe facilities
Finance Treasurer Club Administrator Commodore Vice Commodore Hon Secretary (Company Secretary) Co opted members for projects. (eg VAT) Handles accounting and administration issues Monitors expenditure and cash flow
Hospitality Club Manager Assistant Manager Co opted member Develops hospitality and social offering
Budgets Committees develop annual action plans and budgets by November. – Driven by plan; not incremental. Board coordinates and agrees budgets for January Expenditure reviewed quarterly but monthly reports available. All Capital Expenditure needs Board approval
Next steps Take account of further feedback after today Assess level of support (66% required) Finalise EGM proposal Honorarium issue to be separate resolution Issue notice of EGM Inviting written amendments before the EGM No other counter proposals can be considered at EGM
Proposed revised clause in UYC Articles re. Committees: (Based on present Clause 60 and in the context of RYA Model Articles) Delegation of the Board’s Powers 60.The Directors may delegate any of their powers to Committees consisting of three or more Club Members. There will be ‘Standing Committees’ for Sailing, Membership, Training, Site, Finance respectively. At least one member of each Standing Committee must be a Director who is elected at the AGM and will act as Chair. The membership and terms of reference of the Committees will be as specified in the UYC Byelaws. All proceedings of Committees must be reported promptly to the Directors. Committees to which the directors delegate any of their powers must follow procedures, which are based as far as they are applicable on those provisions of the Articles, which govern the taking of decisions by Directors. Directors may attend all meetings of Committees to which they have delegated powers.
Existing clause in UYC Articles re. Byelaws: 78.The *Committee may make such byelaws as it shall from time to time think fit as to the management of the Club and the Club’s premises and shall exhibit them in the Club’s premises for 14 days before the date of implementation. Such byelaws shall remain in force until amended or repealed by the Committee or set aside by a vote at a general meeting of the members of the Club. No need to change the above, except to substitute *‘Board’ for ‘Committee’. Only the detail in Section 18 of the current Byelaws needs to be changed to reflect the new structure.
Procedure & possible Timetable to EGM 25 th May: Further consultation meeting with members Structure Working Group considers any further minor amendments following consultation meeting 13 th June: preliminary notice of EGM sent to members with proposed revisions to Memarts and invitation to submit duly proposed or seconded written amendments by 27 th June. 27th June : deadline for Club members to submit amendments to proposed Memarts for discussion at scheduled MC meeting on 28 th June. MC accepts / composites amendments to be confirmed asap via minutes of meeting RYA or Club solicitor checks proposals and any proposed amendments By 12 th July: Final proposals ready to send to members with formal notice of EGM and any formal amendments that have been duly proposed and seconded. Committee having negotiated composite amendments where appropriate. 2 nd August: EGM considers any valid amendments and the Committee’s proposals for the necessary changes to the current UYC MemArts