Making the Case for Health Insurance Reform The Nurses’ Perspective
ANA: On the Frontlines of Health Insurance Reform
In Nurses’ Own Words… “It is incomprehensible to me that in the United States there are two standards of care – one for those with comprehensive health insurance coverage, and another for those who are under insured or lack insurance.” – Keisha Walker, RN, MSN Senior Research Nurse, Johns Hopkins University, Baltimore, MD
“ I have patients every day who must decide whether to purchase medications or eat.” -- Linda McIntosh, RN, MSN, APN Family Nurse Practitioner, Des Arc, AR In Nurses’ Own Words…
ANA’s Belief Quality, affordable health care is not a privilege, but a basic human right.
Goals of Health Insurance Reform Bring Stability and Improved Care to Americans by offering new consumer protections Reduce Costs to make health care affordable Protect a Patient’s Choice of Providers, hospitals and insurance plans Assure Quality, Affordable Health Care for all patients
Today’s Current System Under current system, around half of all Americans under 65 will lose their health coverage at some point over the next ten years.** In the last 12 months, six million more Americans lost their health insurance. * Harvard researchers found that 62% of all U.S. personal bankruptcies were caused by health problems – 78% of those had insurance.
Top Reasons to Support Health Care Reform Ends Discrimination for Pre-existing Conditions Ends Exorbitant Out-of-Pocket Expenses, Deductibles or Co-pays Ends Cost-Sharing for Preventive Care Ends Dropping of Coverage for Seriously Ill.
Top Reasons for Health Care Reform (con’td.) Ends Gender Discrimination. Ends Annual or Lifetime Caps on Coverage Extends Coverage for Young Adults Guarantees Insurance Renewal.
Why ANA Supports Public Plan Option Broader choice for patients Increase affordability Foster marketplace competition Ensure access to services.
Health Insurance Reform and Nursing Workforce : Coverage does not equal access. The supply of nurses must be sufficient in order for health insurance reform to be successful.
Take Action Now! /healthcare Join ANA’s Health Care Reform Team Share Your Story Write Your Member of Congress Health Care Reform Toolkit o Myth vs. Fact of HCR Legislation o Reasons to Support HCR o Status of HCR Legislation in Congress
Take Action Now! Media Outreach: Make your voices heard -- Visit ANA*Net for health care reform press release template, pitch letter and media tips. Contact ANA’s CMA Media Relations Helpdesk at (301) for help.
Nurses Make A Difference… “ Do your part -- nurses, you guys have a lot of credibility; you touch a lot of people's lives; people trust you -- if you're out there saying it's time for us to act…America will finally join the ranks of every other advanced nation by providing quality, affordable health insurance to all of its citizens.” -- President Barack Obama, addressing nurses after being introduced by ANA’s President Patton, September 10, 2009