Yves Martin Centre de Recherches en Physique des Plasmas Association Euratom - Confédération Suisse Ecole Polytechnique Fédérale de Lausanne CH Lausanne, Switzerland ITPA – CDBM H-mode threshold database Future work April Kyoto
Yves Martin, ITPA TG CDBM LH Transitions, April 2005, Kyoto 2 IAEA => NF paper New analysis including new data Include description of new data Redo analysis with new data No drastic change: for example large data selection Coefne20BtaRRMS# 4v v (?)
Yves Martin, ITPA TG CDBM LH Transitions, April 2005, Kyoto 3 Actions As decided at Lisbon Analysis Analysis/comparison Bout / Rmm Low density - Zeff Dimensionally constrained PL for ITER - prediction at different densities (not only ) Additional analysis ? Discussion - propositions Paper (re-)written Paper discussed Paper submitted
Yves Martin, ITPA TG CDBM LH Transitions, April 2005, Kyoto 4 Future analysis Effect of aspect ratio - additional data Errors in variables (EPS paper) Core rotation dependence on magnetic configuration - relation to H- mode threshold power (C-Mod, Rice, NF 2005) LH transition in LHD - Effect of ergodic divertor LH transition in CHS Effect of magnetic shear IGDBTH data in theoretical models (Janeschitz, Roger-Drake,...) L-mode, H-mode and LH transitions Influence of the ferritic, boronised wall on the LH transition in JFT-2M New data to the DB
Yves Martin, ITPA TG CDBM LH Transitions, April 2005, Kyoto 5 Future papers EPS Paper from Alex Meakins 'Applying Advanced Statistical Techniques to Tokamak LH Threshold Data' NN approach for JET LH threshold power Errors in Variables approach for IGDBTH IAEA TM H-mode (St-Petersburg, Sep 2005) Paper ? Theme ? Author ?