National framework for student assessment student assessment is laid down in the School Act (Act no. 561/2004 Coll. The School Act determines basic conditions for study termination apprenticeship certificate (ISCED 2 and ISED 3C) Maturita examination (ISCED 3A), education
National procedures for student assessment Lower legal rules (regulations) determine the obligatory elements of examinations, compositions of examination boards, rules for classification and assessments, conditions for re-examinations and alternative examinations and other conditions (e.g. compliance of examination contents with curricula, conditions for taking examinations out of schools - at workplace, etc.
Common procedures for student assessment, developed at national level Apprenticeship examination (ISCED 3C): our Institute - National Institute of Technical and Vocational Education –NUOV: project ESF Kvalita I ( ) in pilot schools - 70 assignments for courses competed by an apprenticeship certificate were developed. project ESF - NZZ new final examination – 2009 – the final examination in all schools in the Czech Republic
Common procedures for student assessment, developed at national level Apprenticeship examination (ISCED 3C): The final examination (ISCED 3C) is composed of written, practical and oral examinations. Main stress is laid on the practical examination. The duration of the written examination is 240 minutes at the most, the oral examination 15 minutes; preparation for the examination 15 minutes. The practical examination takes 3 days at the most; in the fields of applied arts from 2 to 4 weeks. The duration of the examination taken in one day can be 7 hours at the most.
Common procedures for student assessment, developed at national level Apprenticeship examination (ISCED 3C): The content of the final examination is determined in cooperation with employers – experts in the given field. Experts from practice are full members of examination committees and that is why can influence student assessment. The participation of experts from practice in examination committees is not obligatory; this is at the discretion of School Heads.
Common procedures for student assessment, developed at national level The new concept of the Maturita examination (ISCED 3A) – Cermat The Maturita examination (its new concept) is composed of common and profile parts.
Common procedures for student assessment, developed at national level The new concept of the Maturita examination (ISCED 3A) – Cermat The common part of the Maturita examination three obligatory examinations in the subjects that are determined by law. The examinations in the case of Czech language and literature and foreign language have the character of a complex examination. The complex examination consists of three examinations: oral examination, written examination and didactic test. Examinations in all other subjects have a form of a didactic test Students have the right to choose either the basic difficulty level or the higher difficulty level.
Common procedures for student assessment, developed at national level The new concept of the Maturita examination (ISCED 3A) – Cermat Didactic tests and written examinations centrally administrated, organised in the same time in compliance with the same methodology at all schools in the Czech Republic within a unified examination scheme. Partial oral examinations are held together with oral examinations of the profile part of the Maturita examination in front of an examination committee. The scope of knowledge and skills, which can be verified by examinations within the common part of the Maturita examination, is determined by the Ministry of Education, Youth and Sports (MŠMT) in the catalogue of examination requirements for the particular subject and difficulty level. This catalogues have to be published at least 24 months before the date of examination.
Common procedures for student assessment, developed at national level The new concept of the Maturita examination (ISCED 3A) – Cermat The profile part of the examination is composed of 3 obligatory examinations. At least two of them should be taken in the field of VET. In addition, one of obligatory examinations must be held as a practical examination or in the form of a Maturita project defended in front of the examination committee. Within the profile part of the Maturita examination, students can take optional examinations (at most two). A list of obligatory and optional examinations of the profile part of the Maturita examination, including form, topics and dates of examinations is compiled by the School Head according to FEPs.
Outputs of the assessment procedures Final assessment – the types of certificates are divided according to educational levels: secondary education (ISCED 2) – the final exam certificate; secondary education competed by an apprenticeship examination (ISCED 3C) – the final exam certificate and the apprenticeship certificate; secondary education competed by the Maturita examination (ISCED 3A) – Maturita certificate
monitoring the student assessment Czech School Inspectorate – CSI The CSI is one of the key institutions of the state administration in education. It falls within the responsibility of the Ministry of Educa tion. The assessment is justified and it motivates children, pupils and students to improve their personal results The evaluation is used as a basis for measures taken towards
monitoring the student assessment Final examination (ISCED ISCED 3C) and the Maturita examination (ISCED 3A are open to the general public (except the written examination and the negotiation of the examination committee about student assessment and the practical examination in cases when it is because of health protection, safety at work). As to the final examination in secondary education with an apprenticeship certificate (ISCED 3C) the law stipulates that an expert from practice is also the full member of the examination committee.
What information on student assessment is available and accessible for all stakeholders Information on continuous, half-yearly and end of the school year assessment- a feedback for students and parents. Information on the content of final assessment apprenticeship certificates,The Maturita certificate is the certificate as a guarantee that the graduates with these certificates are prepared to perform the particular profession. Information on the content of final examinations (unified assignments) in the fields completed by an apprenticeship certificate (ISCED 3C) is very significant for employers because of their links to qualification requirements for the professionas well as the scope of competences which are necessary for the performance of the profession.
Resources and finances of student assessment Assessment of VET is funded by government; supposed employers participate in funding (advantage ) Cooperation between schools and companies (when continuous and final assessment is carried out) – material and technical assistance in organising practical training, final examinations at workplaces and space for practical training. Finances at public schools - government Finances at private schools – government and participants in education
Balance between work based assessment and school based assessment ISCED 2, ISCED 3 and ISCED 3A alternates between theoretical training at school and practical training which is assessed by practical training instructors. Practical training is organised at a real workplace in a company or at a simulated workplace at schools. Its assessment focuses on appraisal of student’s skills for the performance of the particular profession. In addition, ISCED 3A fields use on-the- job training of which results are assessed at the workplace of the company.