What about me? methods to prevent burnout
Happens when someone feels… o Overworked o Under appreciated o Confused o Concerned o Over committed o Resentful o Unable to meet constant demands
1. Get resilient… The successful person is one who can lay a firm foundation with the bricks that others throw at them – David Brinkley
2. Set goals – o What you focus on, is what you get… to the exclusion of everything else. Potential Reality Your Reality
3. Change your thinking… o Above the line vs below the line thinking Ownership Responsibility Accountability Denial Blame Excuses Victor! Victim
4. Ask better questions… Argue for you limitations and sure enough they’re your’s – Richard Bach
5. Be your own hero… Make more decisions Make more decisions There are no indecisive effective leaders!!! There are no indecisive effective leaders!!!
6. Take action… Action may not always bring happiness, but there is no happiness without action – Disraeli
8. Focus on what you can do… Focus on strengths Focus on strengths Focus on possibilities within your control & influence Focus on possibilities within your control & influence
Success is… Success means having the courage, the will and the determination to become the person you believe you were meant to be – George Sheehan
Dare to dream! You’re not old until regrets take the place of dreams!!!