Katarina Mayer, Julia Calhoun, Rebekah O’Bryan, Danielle Dixon, and Brooklyn Knight Sweat with Pets
Our Project Our project will consist of: 5K race Activities for all participants ● Our goals for this project are: ○ To inform people about the benefits of owning a pet ○ To persuade people to adopt a pet ○ To raise money for the Owensboro Humane Society ● We hope to receive $300 in funding for this project
Project Description 5k at Daviess County Middle School The 5K race follows the same trail as the DCMS Boo Run held annually Participants can run or walk the 5k race and can interact with our stations Animals from the Owensboro Humane Society and any other animal shelter participating in the area will be in attendance at this event Our target audience includes families as a whole and individuals of all ages in our community
5K Route
Order of Action The day will follow an agenda containing four basic parts: Introduction 5K Stations Awards/Dismissal
Stations & Activities *STATIONS ARE FOR ALL PARTICIPANTS 5K Playing with the animals An information station (veterinarian will be present at the event) A station encouraging socialization A caring for animals station A booth where you can apply to adopt a pet
Green RIver Community Health District: “Top 5 Health Issues Identified by County” DaviessHancockHendersonMcLeanOhioUnionWebster Obesity Access to Care Heart Disease Diabetes Access to Care Diabetes Mental Health Diabetes Access to Care Heart Disease Diabetes Access to Care Diabetes Access to Care Heart Disease Access to Care Mental Health Heart Disease Mental Health Heart Disease Mental Health Heart Disease Mental Health Heart Disease”
Obesity 24% of Daviess County citizens and 20% of Hancock County citizens are obese 29% of Daviess county citizens and 28% of Hancock County citizens reported no physical activity in one month “A study... found that pet owners who walked their dogs had less rates of obesity and were more physically active than those without pets.” *Statistics from Green River Community Health District
Mental Health Pets give us serenity. Studies show pet owning couples have lower heart rates and blood pressure compared to those without pets. “Pets help reduce stress… Pet owners had less stress and quicker recovery from stress when they were with their pets as compared to when they were with their spouse or friend.”
Heart Disease Pets help recovery from heart attacks. A study found that dog owners survived one more year after a heart attack than those who did not own dogs. (The National Institutes of Health) Pets can help your cholesterol. “Owning a pet can decrease cholesterol, triglycerides and blood pressure.” (The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention)
How Will Our Project Help? Sweat with Pets will inform the public of how adopting can improve your physical and mental health. Owning a pet reduces the risk of getting a mental illness, becoming obese, and developing other related health concerns that our community experiences. Mental Illness - we will have a station for participants to play with and nurture the pets Obesity - we will have a station for playing with pets Heart Disease - we will have a station for play and stress relief (nurturing the pets)
Timeline March Propose project to Expert Panel April Students market the 5k with posters and flyers around the community Students gather sponsors to help provide materials for the 5k Sell t-shirts and give presentations until all students have sold the required amount and have collected registration fees The 5k race takes place
Roles and Responsibilities Students LSA students will be required to learn about the Owensboro Humane Society and how what they do helps the animals and ultimately the community. Playmates Each participant must spend time performing fun activities with the animals from Owensboro Humane Society.
Community Collaboration Alese Ferrel works at DCMS and has helped put on several 5k races-one of which being the Boo Run. She is willing to work with our group and the LSA to help us carry out this 5k, Sweat with Pets. Melissa is our contact at the Owensboro Humane Society and is excited about helping us and their animals at their non-profit organization. Owensboro Police Department will help us by maintaining crowd control (rowdiness), and will help block off roadways so participants can cross safely and quickly. EMTs will also be present to care for any emergent injury or accident that could take place.
Obstacles Coordination of time with home high schools Rules/regulations Allergies Medical concerns/conditions (race participants and the animals)
Main Objectives To raise at least $2,250 from this event To have at least 10 pets pledged to be adopted from the Humane Society To have people learn valuable information about their health and encourage them to follow through with the information
Many of these items can be donated by local organizations and can provide door prizes. Possible sponsors include: Great Harvest, Panera Bread, Fetta, Peacocks and Pearls, Southern Charm, Edge, Ozone Laser Tag, Welborn’s, Petsmart, Pet Food Center, Owensboro Humane Society, etc. We would greatly appreciate a total of $300 from the Women’s Guild organization to help further our project.
T-Shirts Paid for with the $25 registration eliminating them from the budget Participants can order extras on the website sweatwithpets5K.weebly.com
Flyers will be hung around town and in all the schools News channels (school news, DCPS news, and local news) Laura Wimsatt is the event coordinator for all of DCPS she can the schools to help get the word out to all 10,000 DCPS employees and their families We could contact WBKR for live coverage of the event and advertising prior to the event. Social media posts and advertisements to draw in young participants. Live video stream of the event on Periscope or Facebook We could put a copy of our flyer on Time Warner Cable’s local access channel Advertising/ Event Coverage
Sample 5k flyer
Conclusion The Sweat with Pets 5k will benefit the community by teaching people about the benefits of owning a pet while engaging in fun activity to promote mental and physical health. The 5k race raises money for the Humane Society and educating the community about the many benefits of pet ownership. The ultimate goal of course is to improve human health, but it just so happens that our furry companions help us accomplish most of our physical and mental health needs. The funding through the Women’s Guild of Owensboro will help us educate our community in a fun atmosphere. We ask for $300.
Sources Cited Center for Disease Control.(nd). Obesity Prevalence Maps. [accessed 24 March 2016]. Retrieved from: Health DIstrict. (nd). Green River Community Health Assessment and Improvement Plan. [accessed 6 March 2016]. Retrieved from: grdhd_cha_chip_report_ pdf. Pratt, Katie. (nd). To Your Health, Kentucky. University of Kentucky. [24 March 2016]. Retrieved from: www2.ca.uky.edu/agcomm/magazine/2012/SPRING-2012/Articles/ToYourHealth. html. Seattle Times. (nd). Pets can reduce stress, cholesterol, obesity. [accessed 6 March 2016]. Retrieved from: cholesterol-obesity/. Superior Health Foundation. (nd) Mental Health. [accessed 24 March 2016]. Retrieved from: superiorhealthfoundation.org/proactive-grant-giving.