Welcome to 3 rd Grade Curriculum Night at North Hart Elementary! Welcome to 3rd Grade Curriculum Night at North Hart Elementary!
THIRD GRADE TEACHERS Mrs. Hicks, Mrs. Bowers, Mrs. Reed Reading, Language, Social Studies, & Writing Mrs. Stowers, Mrs. Bailey, & Mrs. Hughes Math, Social Studies, & Science
Where are we going in 3 rd grade? How are we going to get there? Common Core Georgia Performance Standards (CCGPS) The Common Core Georgia Performance Standards are the driving force in our instruction and assessment in all Georgia schools. They outline the mandated curriculum that must be taught in all grade levels to ensure that all students are learning the same things at the same time.
CCRPI College and Career Ready Performance Index is a comprehensive school improvement, accountability, and communication platform for all educational stakeholders that will promote college and career readiness for all Georgia public school students. Effective instructional strategies and practices employed by teachers in Georgia schools that contribute to learning and growth. Examples: differentiated lessons, direct instruction in the writing process, applying the language of the standards, and remedial reading programs, analyzing data, pre and post tests, just to name a few! georgiastandards.org
What will we learn in reading and language arts in third grade?
Common Core Georgia Performance Standards ELA Domains Fluency, Vocabulary, Comprehension, Writing Process, Conventions (Grammar), and Listening/Speaking, Viewing
Writing Consists of journal writing and process writing Journal writing takes place in all subject areas. There are 5 steps to process writing: prewriting, drafting, revising, editing, and publishing. Process writing contains the following genres: opinion, narrative, and informational.
What will we learn in math in third grade?
Common Core Georgia Performance Standards Math Domains Place Value, Addition, Subtraction, Multiplication, Division, Fractions, Time, Measurement, Area, Perimeter, Geometry, Algebra, Data Analysis, Problem Solving
Need to know addition and subtraction basic facts fluently (6 + 4) Begin to practice multiplication facts Red Carpet Party Math Fact Fluency
What will we learn in science and social studies in third grade?
Topics of Study SCIENCE Magnets Fossils Rocks, Minerals, Soils Habitats of Georgia Heat Conservation & Pollution SOCIAL STUDIES Famous Americans Economics Government Geography Ancient Greece
Assessments In All Subjects What is an assessment? An instrument used to evaluate a student’s understanding. Pre and Post Tests Quizzes Performance Tasks with Rubrics
What are some other ways that progress is measured in third grade? MAP Test (Measures of Academic Progress) Georgia Milestones Success Maker STAR Reading and Math Pretests and Posttests
Attendance is vital! Be sure that your child is here and on time each day. If your student is eating breakfast, they should arrive by 7:50 a.m. Class starts at 8:05 a.m.
HomeworkHomework Homework is usually given on Mondays, Tuesdays, & Thursdays. Please check your child’s agenda and homework folders for assignments. Homework participation is averaged in to your child’s grades.
Infinite Campus This is a way to monitor your child’s grades online. If you would like an account, contact Lesha Jones in our school office.
Communication to and from Parents Agenda Conferences Phone calls to and from school Tuesday Mail Bag Website and Newsletters Text Messages from Teachers
Parent/Teacher Conferences Scheduled for October 16 and March 19
Helpful Tools to Help You Prepare Study Island Username: Password: student
Helpful Tools to Help You Prepare SUCCESSMAKER Username: The student’s lunch number Password: hart123
Consolidated Gold Mines (Rocks and Minerals) Amicolola Falls (Habitats & Animals of Georgia) Will be under $30 (More info to come.) Volunteers to chaperone Another field trip is being planned Third Grade Field Trip
Thank you for coming. We appreciate your support. With all of us working together as a team, your child will have a successful 3 rd Grade year.