29 Oct, 2014 IFIC (CSIC – Universidad de Valencia) CLB: Current status and development
l 2 White Rabbit synchronization Synchronization problems between WR Switch and SPEC/CLB board disappeared!! SPEC SVN 1138 CLB SVN 1138 WR Switch SVN 1138 (broadcast) SVN 1191 (Level 1)
3 White Rabbit synchronization. Test Broadcast mode (new version):
4 WR Switch - SPEC Synchronization 265 ps
l 5 Broadcast mode (new version): WR Switch - CLBV2_PROTO Synchronization 695 ps
White Rabbit synchronization. Test 6
8 The standard deviation of the skew between the SPEC PPS and the Grand Master WR switch PPS (Configuration 10Km – 10 Km) Worst case: Hardware delays on the Switch and the CLB not properly sets. Skew from the internal oscillator better than the PPS. In the case of the configuration 2m – 10 Km the standard deviation is 200 ps
9 White Rabbit issues & PRR Logical split of the switch (in order to use all the ports of the WR switch): CERN recommendation migrate our firmware broadcast implementation from V3.3 to V3.4. (And why not to V4?). 7S, with some help of the IFIC has offered to make this development, with the only condition to not make it open. Time transfer from On-shore station to DOMs: Quotation of 32k€ from 7S although they prefer that this development is taken internally in KM3NeT, due to the complications to test it including the optical system. NTP and IRIG-B: NTP included in V3.4. If we do not migrate to V3.4 then the price quotation for this development is 2100 € The price quotation for the IRIG-B implementation is 5k€ Proposal to make a workshop to discuss Full-WR and Hybrid solutions PRR: Formal answer to the external review in preparation.
l 10 INTEGRATION: New State Machine/TDC SVN TDC SVN 1202 State Machine SVN 1203 State machine cleaned-up and optimized Detected problems in high rates environments: (SOLVED) TDC fifo full can avoid storing the change of time slice mark. This situation can produces wrong TDC data format
l 11 5 ns INTEGRATION: New State Machine/TDC SVN
l 12 Mean = ps Std = Mean = ps Std = ps 5 ns Period: 1000 ns INTEGRATION: New State Machine/TDC SVN