Framework Consultants Presentation Judith Chivers Estates and Capital Developments
Staff Resource Team Adrian OwenResource Manager Judith ChiversResource Officer Rhys Mason-DunnResource Administrator Linda CarlileResource and Stores Administrator
Staff Projects Team Ian OldacreHead of Projects Clive EalsProject Director James LeeGraduate Project Officer Ali KhanUndergraduate Project Assistant
Staff Purchase Ledger Paul SweeneyPurchase Ledger Controller Dally RanaSenior Purchase Ledger Assistant Melissa DaviesPurchase Ledger Assistant Sheila PowellPurchase Ledger Assistant
Staff Procurement Jason GoodwinHead of Procurement and Purchase Ledger Shirley O’ReillyAssistant Procurement Manager Sharnjit BainsProcurement Officer
Outline of Presentation Procurement Process Website Purchasing Supplier invoicing Project reporting Questions
E-Procurement via In-Tend Aston University uses In-Tend as the e – procurement portal for all tenders. The link to In-Tend for consultants is The link to In-Tend for suppliers/contractors is
In-Tend Aston UniversityConsultants 1.The project is to be set up and advertised by Aston University 2.Aston tender document templates are to be completed and sent to Aston University ahead of any tender publish dates to allow time for uploading. 3.Correspondence is to be replied to as clarifications where a clear log is kept for clarifications and responses 4.Returns will be made via In- Tend/hard copies as stated in the tender 5.The consultant will carry out the evaluations 6.An award report is to be produced detailing the outcome of the tender
Web site
Process – Procure to Pay An automated electronic system that starts with the generation of a purchase order No order, no pay Embedded in the order is its accounting structure. This identifies the relevant authoriser for this work and the accounting for the order Your invoice is scanned electronically in to the Agresso system The invoice is sent electronically to the relevant authoriser(s)
The authoriser(s) confirms: The charges relate to the correct piece of work Work has been completed Charged correctly Approves the invoice for payment Payment is made in line with University terms and conditions or specific contract terms
Purchase Orders Features of the purchase order Purchase order ID Requisitioner Description of Goods/Service Project descriptor Basis of cost Purchase orders are amended when it is deemed appropriate
Supplier Invoicing You must include the order ID, Project Code and Project Description on your invoices Include in the text of your invoice Description of services The contract value your fee is being based on Stage number and percentage Percentage of stage (if applicable) Previously claimed Amount due Any other category of fee must be itemised separately.
The Perfect Invoice Example invoice Fee template Fee Drawdown Schedule Initial Estimate Stage 2 Cost Plan Contract Order Value Final Account Value £100,000£110,000£119,000£118,500 Stage 110%Covering inception of the project £10,000 Stage 250% Development of scheme design & preparation of tender documentation £50,000 Stage 3 5%Tender £5,590 Stage 430%Construction & operations £35,700 Stage 5 5%Completion £5,925
Invoice Delivery Invoices should be ed to If delivering this way do not also send by post In a single sided PDF format Payment In line with your agreed terms and conditions Notification by when payment will be received by your bank Standard terms: at the end of the month following the month in which the invoice is dated (for example: if the invoice is dated on 15th July the payment will be due by 31st August),
Previous Invoicing Issues Invoice is incorrectly addressed No purchase order number Purchase order is not recognised by the system The invoice number is a duplicate of one already processed The purchase order has been closed Action by Purchase Ledger: Invoice is returned to supplier
Consequence Payment Delayed
What else can go wrong? The purchase order quoted is not related to the works described Description of goods/services and breakdown of charges is insufficient Professional services as defined in current RIBA appointment as described in our application dated 31/05/2008 Charged incorrect price Action by authoriser: invoice is put on hold until a credit is received and new invoice supplied with correct number
Consequence Payment Delayed
Who to contact if you have issues No purchase order Manager that provided the instructions Require a copy of the purchase order A member of the Resource Team Chasing payment Purchase Ledger
Refer to Supplier Guidance Notes Notes from todays presentation If in doubt Ask Resource Team Questions
Project Reporting Cash flow Whole project – fees, construction, equipment Timing – dependent on project / monthly (25th working day) Standard format (template available on web site) Must include VAT at entry level Invoicing against cash flow is monitored
Project Reporting Cost and Purchase Order Reports Monthly (Fourth/fifth working day) Presented in summary format Detailed information available Cost report includes VAT PO Report excludes VAT
Project Reporting QS Project Cost Report Monthly (Tenth working day) Summary in a standard format (template available on web site) Including client directs PO’s for all elements will be sent and can be reviewed on the monthly PO report.
Project Reporting Reporting time line Day 1-3 Ledger Processing Day 4 – 5 PO and Cost Reports Day 10 QS Project Cost Report Day 15 – 20 Report to Executive Day 25 Cash Flow Reports Day 26 – 30 Capital Forecast
Project Reporting Project documentation Valuation Certificates Certificate for Payment Handover Certificate Supply copy of each to the Aston Project manager or lead and Resource Team
Project Reporting Project completion and financial closedown Final Account – requires management Fee agreement – final account generates adjusted order values and reconciliation to invoices No Fee Retention Total Project Costs (including client directs, internal costs) Purchase order balances
Refer to Department web site If in doubt Ask Resource or Projects Tem Questions
Estates and Capital Developments