Response to Intervention Updates Iowa ASCD Conference April 11, 2013 1Iowa Department of Education.


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Presentation transcript:

Response to Intervention Updates Iowa ASCD Conference April 11, Iowa Department of Education

Kudos Iowa Department of Education2  Brad Niebling  Amy Williamson  Michelle Hosp  Janell Brandhorst  Barbara Ohlund

Learning Goals/Success Criteria Learning Goals Success Criteria Session participants will understand... 1.the basic features of RtI and key components 2.initial information about the new TIES database 3.initial information about state- selected universal screeners and progress monitoring assessments I can answer questions about the... 1.basic features of RtI and key components TIES database 3.state-selected universal screeners and progress monitoring assessments 3Iowa Department of Education

Before we begin… Iowa Department of Education4  This is going to be fast…I want to honor today’s agenda

Defining Response to Intervention 5Iowa Department of Education

What is Response to Intervention? Response to Intervention (RtI) is an every-education decision-making framework of evidence-based practices in instruction and assessment that addresses the needs of all students starting in general education. As an every-education process, RtI allows educators to judge the overall health of their educational system by examining data on all students (general and special education) as well as identifying students who need additional supports. Those supports are provided in both small group and individual settings, and are measured to determine if these supports are making a difference to ensure all learners demonstrate proficiency in the Iowa Core standards and leave school ready for life. 6Iowa Department of Education

Key Components 1.Evidence-based curriculum & instruction at Universal level 2.Universal Screening 3.Evidence-based, instructional interventions at Targeted and Intensive levels 4.Progress Monitoring 5.Data-based decision making 7Iowa Department of Education

Ten-question RtI School Improvement Framework 1. Based on the continuous school improvement process structure 2. Question driven process a. Focus on helping people what to think about, not dictating answers b. We can include desired state for at least some of those questions 8Iowa Department of Education


Overview of Universal Screening and Progress Monitoring Assessments for PreK – 6 in Reading 10Iowa Department of Education

Before conducting any assessment you should first ask yourself: “What is the QUESTION I am trying to answer? 11Iowa Department of Education

Questions that can be answered with Universal Screening Data  Is Universal instruction meeting the needs of the majority of our students?  At the beginning of 1 st grade which students are at-risk for not being proficient in reading by the end of 1 st grade on a meaningful outcome measure?  At the beginning of 1 st grade which students are likely to perform at a proficient level in reading at the end of 1 st grade on a meaningful outcome measure? 12Iowa Department of Education

Questions that can be answered with Progress Monitoring Data  Is this student responding positively to the reading intervention they are receiving?  Is this student learning at a rate that will ensure they will reach their goal (i.e., close the gap)? 13Iowa Department of Education

Critical Features of Universal Screening and Progress Monitoring Assessments AssessmentsCritical Features Universal Screening Predictive of future academic success Identify who is at-risk Conducted at least three times a year Used with All students Brief to administer and score (5 – 15 minutes) Progress Monitoring Rates of growth and level of performance Conducted on a routine basis (weekly) Used with students who are at-risk or identified as having a disability Brief to administer and score (1 – 10 minutes) 14Iowa Department of Education

Process Iowa used to obtain Universal Screening and Progress Monitoring Assessments StepsTimeline 1. Surveyed Elementary Schools and PreschoolsMay 2011 & May Worked with Experts to Determine CriteriaJune 2011 & June Worked with Vetting Group to Establish Rubrics and Process October 2011 & June Completed Reviews and shared with Vetting group Determined RFP (Response for Proposals) & RFI (Response for Information) was needed August RFP and RFI postedDecember 10, Announcement of Successful Vendor(s): FAST universal screening & progress monitoring K – 6 IGDIs universal screening at age 4 February 11, Messaging to FieldFebruary 21, 2013 (Dave) Throughout Spring and Summer Iowa Department of Education

FAST  FAST stands for Formative Assessment System for Teachers  They are out of the University of Minnesota  Dr. Ted Christ is the Developer  FAST includes many assessments:  Some will be available in the Fall  Some will be available later 16Iowa Department of Education

 Browser-based User Interface  Online database  Online administration  Online scoring  Online reporting  Will be integrating into our RtI database  Paper and Pencil version for most measures General Features of FAST 17Iowa Department of Education

Curriculum Based Measurement for Reading (CBM-R) is an evidence-based assessment for screening and monitoring student progress across the primary grades (1 st to 6 th ). Computer adaptive measure of broad Reading that is individualized for each student (K to 5 th ). Introduction to FAST Evidence-based assessment for screening and monitoring student progress in the early primary grades (K & 1 st ). 18Iowa Department of Education

Concepts of Print FAST: 19Iowa Department of Education

Last word marked Summary statistics FAST: 20Iowa Department of Education

 Online Administration  Computer administered and scored. FAST: Measure of broad reading achievement (K to 5 th ) Screening (Fall, Winter, Spring) 6 to 15 min per student 21Iowa Department of Education

Sample Questions FAST: 22Iowa Department of Education

IGDIs  IGDIs stands for Individual Growth and Development Indicators  They are out of the University of Minnesota and Early Learning Labs Inc.  Dr. Scott McConnell is the Developer 23Iowa Department of Education

 Direct Measures of Early Literacy Construct:  First Sounds  Picture Naming  Rhyming  Sound Identification  Which one doesn’t belong  Will be integrating into our RtI database  Paper and Pencil version is currently available General Features of IGDIs 24Iowa Department of Education

IGDIs First Sound Which one starts with the /t/ sound? 25Iowa Department of Education

IGDIs Picture Naming Do you know what this is? 26Iowa Department of Education

IGDIs Rhyming Bat, doll, cat. Which two rhyme? Is it bat, doll, or bat, cat? 27Iowa Department of Education

IGDIs Sound Identification Which makes the /f/ sound? 28Iowa Department of Education

IGDIs Which one doesn’t belong Apple, plane, banana. Which one doesn’t belong? 29Iowa Department of Education

How do I find out more information about FAST and IGDIs? FAST : (click on the links to learn about CBMReading, earlyReading and aReading) IGDIs : WARNING: Please be aware that what you see on these sites is not necessarily what we will end up using in Iowa. For example, we are not currently purchasing mathematics assessments, however FAST and IGDIs both describe math measures. 30Iowa Department of Education

RtI Data System Iowa Department of Education31

Vendor - TIES  Through an RFP process, Technology and Information Educational Services (TIES) was chosen as our RtI data system vendor  TIES is located in Minnesota and is supported through an education cooperative in the state 32Iowa Department of Education

About TIES  TIES has an RtI data system that is used in many Minnesota school districts  We will work with TIES to make minor changes to this system to meet our needs in Iowa  TIES will work seamlessly with the State’s selected universal screening and progress monitoring assessments  The system could also be used to accept other assessment data 33Iowa Department of Education

Key Features of the RtI Data System  Accepts and displays universal screening and progress monitoring assessments and data  Supports tracking individual student interventions  Provides secure access to data at all levels – teacher, building, district, AEA, state 34Iowa Department of Education

Universal Screening Example Report 35Iowa Department of Education

Progress Monitoring Example Report 36Iowa Department of Education

Intervention Tracking Example Report 37Iowa Department of Education

RtI Data System Timeline  Spring 2013 – begin work with TIES on Iowa’s implementation for the general education intervention part of the system  Summer 2013 – work with TIES and AEAs to provide data system training across the state  Fall 2013 – universal screening and progress monitoring data and reports will be available for literacy, grades PK-6 38Iowa Department of Education

How do I find out more information about TIES?  (This site shows all of TIES products. Most of these are NOT part of Iowa’s purchase. More information will be available on Iowa’s TIES system later this Spring.) 39Iowa Department of Education

Some Critical Assumptions About Change  Assume that changing the culture of institutions is the real agenda, not implementing single innovations.  Fullan, M. The new meaning of educational change, 3rd edition, New York: Teachers College Press, 2001, pp