Incorporating quoted material into literary analysis
Which answer choice provides the best example of situational irony? a.A candidate who is leading in the polls wins the election. b.A runner who is favored to win a race gets to the arena too late to compete. c.A character in a play tells the audience a secret other characters do not know. d.A hard-working student claims she "hates it" when she does well on tests.
Which of the following text features most effectively identifies details or steps? a.bulleted list b.subhead c.illustrations d.boldfaced text
Second Draft Due (Standard) 11/14 Y Day (Today!) 11/17 X Day Final Draft Due (Standard) 11/18 Y Day 11/19 X Day Vocab Quiz 5 11/20 Y Day 11/21 X Day
SWBAT create an 11 sentence paragraph in proper MLA format with quotes by using notes from the lecture. Warm Up Common Errors Embedding Quotes MLA Format 11-sentence paragraph
To support my argument. To demonstrate my familiarity with the text. To avoid getting kicked out of school for plagiarism!
An embedded quote flows naturally into your own writing. When reading a well-embedded quote, it should sound like part of your own sentence. A dropped-in quote does not flow with the rest of the sentence. It sounds jarring and disrupts the sentence and paragraph.
Beneatha is a character who believes in freedom of expression. She said this quote: “People have to express themselves one way or another” (Hansberry 48). Beneatha is a character who believes that “people need to express themselves one way or another” (Hansberry 48).
Holden gets frustrated and decides to leave. “People are always ruining things for you” (Salinger 88). Holden gets frustrated and decides to leave, claiming that “people are always ruining things” (Salinger 88). Holden gets frustrated and decides to leave. He claims that “people are always ruining things” (Salinger 88).
Capitalization Leaving words out Adding words in Where to put the period.
The quote is part of your sentence. Do not capitalize any word unless it would ordinarily be capitalized. Example: Holden gets frustrated and decides to leave, claiming that “people are always ruining things” (Salinger 88). Do not capitalize “people” even though in the original text it is the first word of the sentence.
When it is necessary to leave out a few words from the original text, use an ellipses (…) indicating where the words were skipped. He claims that “people are … ruining things” (Salinger 88).
Sometimes a word needs to be changed in order for the sentence to be grammatically correct. She is just about to apologize when she realizes that this nun is not “Mama or Papa [who she] could argue things with” (Alvarez 15). The original text is written in first person.
Lead your reader into the quote. Use the quoted material. Explain how the quote relates to the main point of your paragraph.
The closing punctuation always goes at the very end of the sentence, i.e. after the parenthetical citation. Beneatha is a character who believes that “people need to express themselves one way or another” (Hansberry 48).
Avoid plagiarism! At the end of the sentence, include a parenthetical citation. In most cases, the author’s name and page number is required (Author 348). In some cases, only a page number is needed (348). Why?
Lastname, Firstname. Title of Book. Place of Publication: Publisher, Year of Publication. Medium of Publication.