How to Self Publish Therese Zink, MD, MPH STFM, April 2015
Learning Objectives Understand reasons to self publish Introduction: Your project(s) Your platform Steps for print/digital publication Resources List marketing methods
Publishing world has changed Amazon Digital Even w/ traditional publisher you will need to use social media to publicize your book
Print and /or Digital Print Print on demand Print Digital 10% of market Kindle (Amazon) Bookbaby manages all other formats except Google Play and Kobi
My experience Country Doctor Revisited: A 21 st Century Reader, Kent State Univ, 2010 Reflections: On Becoming a Doctor by Minnesota Medical Students, Univ MN, nd edition Digital and Print, 2011 Confessions of a Sin Eater: A Doctor’s Reflections, 2012 Digital and Print Mission Rwanda, Zenterram Press, 2014 Digital and Print
Describe your project Department/division/residency Personal Compilation
Describe your platform Expertise Past experience to build on Blog?? Newspaper column??
Important elements Premise statement Your bio Book summary (abstract) Cover jacket Blurb on Amazon
Premise statement 1 or 2 sentences about your idea When the Global Health mission director is kidnapped in war-torn Chechnya, Ann’s job morphs from medical volunteer to crisis manager. The stakes get higher when she suspects that a fellow volunteer was responsible. Her relationships with the local staff become her life line and she realizes why she is drawn, once again, to this dangerous work.
How to self publish Preparation Print Digital Important odds and ends
Preparation: Is your writing ready? Content edit Flow/ Organization Concepts well developed Structure Style
How do you know are you ready? Check with writer peers Publish shorter pieces Hire help
Preparation: Is your writing ready? Copy edit Grammar Spelling Punctuation Fact checking How? Hire Have skilled person on site Chicago Manual of Style
Cover Have someone you know design Use options on site Hire from site Look good postage stamp size
Print lay out NamePageDescription Book half titleiMain Title, no subtitle Series title, frontispieceiiTitle, volume, name of general editor and titles of previous works in series Title pageiiiFull title, name of author, name and location of publisher Copyright pageivAuthor bio, publisher address, copyright notice—”All Rights Reserved”, publication date and history, country of printing, name and year of current printing, ISBN, ISSN (if applicable), Library of Congress data, permissions, and other credits DedicationvIf applicable
Print lay out -- 2 NamePageDescription Epigraphv or viQuotation that is pertinent but not integral to the text. Can follow copyright if no dedication. Table of Contentsv, vi, viiStart on right-hand side of page. Can follow copyright if no dedication or epigraph Foreward/Prefacevi...Start on right-hand side of page. Foreward - Prefatory words of someone other than the author. Preface - Author’s statement about the book. Keep left-handed page blank
Ebook format Minimize empty pages Cover Blurbs Table of contents Foreword or preface (not needed for fiction) Chapter 1
ISBN -- International Standard Book Number Need unique ISBN for each book format or edition Author service companies provide (become publisher of record) If purchase own, you create you become publisher of record (need publishing name) US cost $125 for one and $250 for 10 MyIdentifiers site of Bowker
Digital Rights Management (DRM) Suggests that larger companies can create systems that hackers cannot break Built in for most ebook resellers Amazon and Apple offer more Bottom line: Don’t bother
Lessons I learned New writers married to “bad” habits and ideas Different kind of editors Shape story vs. grammar Hire professional copy editor Professional publication look Marketing takes time
Avoid self-published look (print) Use a font other than Times New Roman and Arial Consider Cambria, Calibri, Garamond Remove headings and page numbers on blank pages Avoid line breaks in headings and chapter titles No extra spaces between paragraphs and indent where appropriate
Promoting Invite reviews Amazon Bloggers in the field Local press Web site Use social media Link to Amazon Associates
Audio Will you have audio customers? Service: Audible—Audiobook Creation Exchange Narrate yourself (good voice and 50 hrs of work) Amazon will link the audio version to both print and Kindle Audio version needs another ISBN
Additional resources -- publishing Look in your area Online Class Loft Literary Center, MN WEB APE: Author, Publisher, Entrepreneur-- How to publish a book Kawasaki & Welch, 2013 ISBN:
Additional resources --writing Look in your area Create writing group (include poets) Writing the Medical Experience/IOWA IOWA writer’s workshop Online Class Loft Literary Center, MN WEB
References Ref: How to get successfully published today: Big 5, Indy or self-publish? 7/ available at: henry-sterry/how-to-get-successfully- p_b_ html