10 TH G RADE E NGLISH T UESDAY, M AY 14, 2013 Agenda: Read Articles Hunting for Powerful Quotes Write Quote on Notecard in Correct Format 10 More Note Cards with Quotes Due by End of Period (Total: 20) Homework: Finish 10 Note Cards if didn’t have time in class. Get notecards if needed.
L EARNING T ARGETS : 1. I can gather relevant information from multiple authoritative digital sources. 2. I can assess whether or not the evidence in my article is relevant and sufficient to prove my argument. 3. Once I have determined that a piece of evidence is relevant and sufficient, I can cite that strong and thorough textual evidence on my notecard. 4. I can follow the standard format for MLA citation of a quote.
C ITING Q UOTES R EVIEW 1. Author’s Last Name AND page #? “Amazingly strong quote that powerfully proves you’re point” (Smith 49). 2. Author’s Last Name WITHOUT page #? “Amazingly strong quote that powerfully proves you’re point” (Smith). 3. No Author? Have page #? Use the 1 st word in the title that’s inside of the quotation marks. “Amazingly strong quote that powerfully proves you’re point” (“The Laws” 49). 4. No Author? No page #? “Amazingly strong quote that powerfully proves you’re point” (“The Laws”).