Knowledge is Empowerment It is important that you have done some practice before. For example going through the following tutorials listed in USU Library web page. Ebsco simultaneous search & limit results by Full Text, Peer Reviewed and Date. Ebsco search by field options, Title, Author and Source or Publication Register in MyEbscoHost and create Alert Research Topics and Terms Research Topics and Terms in Nursing Ten tips “How to Search EBSCO”
Knowledge is Empowerment Are you register in EbscoHost? Please read the information below and follow the instructions from the tutorial: “Register in My EbscoHost & Create Alerts”. Since EBSCO holds most of our databases subscriptions, it is wise to register in My EBSCOhost. Advantages: – It saves searches, alerts, articles, videos, images – It retrieves the above information from any internet – It saves Alerts of your favorite journals – It manages as many folders as courses & topics you need – It s Alerts of specific searches with the most recent information – It allows you to create notes when reading an article By saving the information in EBSCO server, you can always go back to the source and to the reference citation.
Knowledge is Empowerment MEDLINE WITH FULL TEXT 1. MEDLINE FULL TEXT provides authoritative medical information on medicine, nursing, dentistry, veterinary medicine, the health care system and pre-clinical sciences. Uses MeSH (Medical Subject Headings) indexing with tree, tree hierarchy, subheadings and explosion capabilities to search citations from over 4,800 current biomedical journals included in MEDLINE. Full text for more than 1,470 journals. Full-text coverage dating back to 1965
Knowledge is Empowerment MEDLINE Your first stop has been accomplished by following the tutorials: Research Topics & Terms in Nursing and Health Sciences and Register in My EbscoHost and create alert. Please practice your skills by accomplish the following: Search in the abstract field Open all links from an article Sort result by Relevance Search the index (Mesh Heading) Search by Publications Sign into my EBSCOhost Create a Publication Alert Organize your own folders in EBSCO server
Knowledge is Empowerment Content includes: Full text over 1450 journals with cover- to-cover indexing. Full text coverage dating back to Please visit EBSCO host site and see the full text journals titles per subject. medline-with-full-text medline-with-full-text Content Lists Full Text Titles: PDF Excel HTML Subject Title List: PDF Excel HTMLPDF ExcelHTMLPDFExcel HTML
Knowledge is Empowerment com/academic/acade mic-search-premier com/academic/acade mic-search-premier Content Lists Journals & Magazines: PDF Excel HTMLPDF ExcelHTML Other Sources: PDF Excel HTMLPDFExcel HTML Subject Title List: PDF Excel HTMLPDFExcel HTML Another important database is : 2.Academic Search Premier – This multi-disciplinary database provides full text for more than 4,700 journals, including full text for nearly 4,000 peer-reviewed titles. PDF back files to 1975 or further for nearly 150 journals. Please go to the following link and see the full text journals titles per subject.
Knowledge is Empowerment Content Includes: Full text for more than 700 journals Full-text coverage dating back to 1937 Indexing for more than 4,900 journals More than 4.2 million records Searchable cited references for more than 1,400 journals om/academic/cinahl- plus-with-full-text om/academic/cinahl- plus-with-full-text Content Lists Coverage List: PDF Excel HTML Subject Title List: PDF Excel HTMLPDFExcel HTML PDFExcelHTML
Knowledge is Empowerment Once you have selected the journals or publications from the previous slides: MEDLINE CINAHL ACADEMIC SEARCH PREMIER Please go to the following Tutorial “Register in My EbscoHost & Create Alerts”. Create “Alerts” of each journals. Every time a new issue is published, a table of contents with PDF links is created. You will receive in your this “Table of Contents” with the links to the full text of each article. You can create as many alerts as courses and assignments are in your bachelor and master program.
Knowledge is Empowerment 3.CINAHL with full text: Full text for more than 750 journals, full text for 240 books/ monographs. Full text coverage dating back to More than 2,000,000 records dating back to In addition, this database offers access to health care books, nursing dissertations, selected conference proceedings, standards of practice, educational software, audiovisuals, and book chapters I would like to know the nursing books included in CINAHL. 1.Log in CINAHL DATABASE 2.Search PEDIATRIC NURSING, refine your results selecting full text and under “Source types” select books 3.The results are chapters, of the latest editions from F.A. Davis Publisher Ch.24: Caring for the Child with Respiratory Condition. In: Maternal-Child Nursing Care: Optimizing Outcomes for Mothers, Children & Families From EBSCO you can search other databases, they all have different content, for example:
Knowledge is Empowerment Besides EBSCO, JSTOR, & ProQuest, you can complete your search with Open Access Online Information: OPENDOAR. Directory of Open Access Repositories (Master and PhD thesis) DOAJ. Directory of Open Access Journals The National Academies Press (E-Books) OAISTER. Open Access Information Open J Gate. REDALYC. Scientific Journals from Latin America SCIELO. Scientific Electronic Library Online WHOLIS. World Health Organization Library & Information Networks for Knowledge To learn about Open Access, free academic journals and books, please view the following tutorial: Open sources
Knowledge is Empowerment Open Sources and Databases In the following two tables the number of full text journals by subject. For example there are 601 titles of full text journals in Health Science in EBSCO-Academic Search Premier, 158 in DOAJ, 2979 in biomedical science in OpenJGate, 172 e- books & 1072 thesis in OAISTER. Not mentioned in the tables, PROQUEST has 715 journals full text.
Knowledge is Empowerment EBSCO-USU databases and Open Source Full Text Journals To access DOAJ, OPEN JGATE, REDALYC, please go to Full Text Database by College
Knowledge is Empowerment E-book, Thesis, & Articles by subject at OAISTER & DOAR= Directory of Open Access Repositories To access DOAR and OAISTER, please go to Full Text Database by College
Knowledge is Empowerment ProQuest Nursing & Allied Health Source Source provides abstracting and indexing for more than 850 titles, with over 715 titles in full-text, plus more than 12,000 full text dissertations representing the most rigorous scholarship in nursing and related fields Researchers & students gain exclusive access to highly valuable evidence-based nursing information from The Joanna Briggs Institute (JBI) These resources include Systematic Reviews, Evidence Summaries, and Best Practice Information Sheets With a My Research account, you can: Log in anywhere, anytime. Create and customize alerts and saved searches. Organize your research into folders. Set preferences that stay in effect every time you search.
Knowledge is Empowerment Videos from PROQUEST Training videos are valuable for nursing programs looking to enhance student learning, and ProQuest Nursing & Allied Health Source truly delivers with powerful videos from Medcom, Inc. These videos cover important topics such as health care safety, emergency planning, checking vital signs and many more. Videos are available in flash format, and are broken down into chaptered clips for easy study. Videos are well indexed for reliable search results and can be viewed in document view or downloaded to your desktop for reference.
Knowledge is Empowerment To search for videos, let’s start from selecting advanced search in PROQUEST. Please type the subject, select age group and Source Type and Document Type
Knowledge is Empowerment From results, select video, download and cite it. Remember to click “Cite” for APA reference citation
Knowledge is Empowerment After going through the content of each database and open access services and learned where to find what? You also have learned from the tutorials how to search and retrieved relevant information, create alerts and cite. Now: Look at your assignment Define your subject Write all your questions Select keywords And decide carefully what databases to search Remember to review these tutorials: Research Topics and Terms Research Topics and Terms in Nursing
Knowledge is Empowerment For more Information Contact the Librarian Catalina Lopez (619) ext. 2017