1 Who’s Hungry? Social Studies Achievement Standard Internal Credits Report on personal involvement in a social justice and human rights action. Famine resource page you need to go to:
Step one: You need an understanding of the problem of hunger in the world today. To do this you need to work your way through the resources available to you in this folder on PukeNet and to watch the clips from the 40 Hour Famine website. Any questions you have please come and see Mrs Grass in M16 or Mrs Yeomans in M17. Step two: Register for famine by getting a book from school and/or online (register under Pukekohe HS), complete the planning booklet you have been given, keep a log of your activities through to the completion of collecting your donations and of course do the famine. Step three: collect the donations from your sponsors by Friday June 8 – that gives you 2 weeks after the famine weekend. Step four: Complete the assessment task – task takes about two hours. This will need to be completed during week 8 using lunchtimes and after school in whatever combination of times suits you. It must be completed by you by the end of Friday June 15. This assessment CANNOT be taken home. A booking sheet will be available for you to indicate when you will be attending – you will need to book onto this during the week before.
Social Action Where an action/s are taken to try to develop fair treatment and equity for all. Human Rights The basic requirements that all people, anywhere in the world should have
The Universal Declaration of Human Rights This is a document that has been adopted by most countries in the world and these countries try to keep to it. The United Nations is an international organisation whose stated aims are facilitating cooperation in international law, international security, economic development, social progress, human rights and the achievement of world peace. It stands by the Declaration of Human rights as well as other documents. Read through the abbreviated version of the UDHR found in the resources folder. Which of the UDHR articles(the 30 items) do you think the 40 Hour Famine relates to in World visions desire for social justice for all????
Study each of the pictures on the next two pages and use these to help you to complete the Brain storm below. Add as many as you can. Types of social action Protest marches Sit-in
6 Social Actions
8 Human rights problem Possible social actionsHow effective the social action might be Many people in Auckland city become homeless because of high rents Funding for a well used drug is withdrawn and people become more ill The govt makes it that all students have to pay $3000 per year to go to school – many can’t afford it Come up with at least 4 social actions for each problem stated and explain how effective that action may be.
Think carefully about the type of social action you would like to take by being a part of the 40 Hour Famine. It is assumed that you are going to actually do the 40 Hour Famine and get sponsors to do so. But there are plenty of other things you could do. Some opportunities available to you that the school is undertaking include: Yellow baking day Friday May 18 – simply bake something with a yellow theme for selling at lunchtime. Bring it to M16 at the start of the day. Blue baking day Friday May 25 Pay and play in the Unihoc tournament – See Mrs Grass if you are interested. Famine performance night – Wednesday May 23 starting at 6.30pm – take part in it or pay (bring your friends) and enjoy the show. OR…. You could take the initiative and do something different yourself????? Raise money in some different ways Make people aware of the situation in Mali and Niger Or………..
Read through and understand the concepts and information in the other documents found in the resources here on PukeNet. Make sure that you go on-line to the world vision 40 hour famine website and watch the clips in the video resources under the resources section at the top of the page. Don’t forget that you need to come to another lunchtime meeting to discuss things in M16 at lunchtime on Tuesday May 22.