Revelation Chapter 6 9/28/14 PM The Seals Revelation Chapter 6 9/28/14 PM
Revelation Chapter 6 Key Verse: Revelation 6:17- “For the great day of His wrath is come; and who shall be able to stand?”
Intro: The Outline- Chapters 4 and 5 are an introduction to the third section of the book. Chapter 4- God is on His throne! Chapter 5- Christ has been given the seven-sealed book, the title deed to the earth and is now opening it as we look into chapter 6. Chapter 6- Begins the Tribulation events as such on the earth.
The Church- As these tremendously devastating events occur on the earth, we remind ourselves that the church is in heaven. It is not mentioned after chapter 3 (although it is seen in the 24 elders, having been raptured between chapters 3 and 4) until 22:16 as the wife of the Lamb at the close of the Tribulation. The church doesn’t go through the Tribulation on the earth. I Thess. 1:10- “Delivered from the wrath to come.” I Thess. 5:9- “God hath not appointed us unto wrath.” II Thess. 2:8- “Then shall that wicked be revealed…”
The Chronology- The Tribulation is Daniel’s 70th Week- 7 years long The Chronology- The Tribulation is Daniel’s 70th Week- 7 years long. Chapters 6-19 describe this “week”. It is divided into two 3 ½ year periods. The first ½ is characterized by relative peace. The second ½ is characterized by great devastation of the world and torture of Israel. This period is The Great Tribulation or the Time of Jacob’s Trouble. Note: the similarity between the progress of chapter 6 and Matthew 24:4-31 1) war, 2) famine, 3) death, 4) martyrdom, 5) sun, moon, stars, 6) a time of divine judgment.
The Challenge- of God’s Judgment A warning to those who live carelessly in unbelief lest this age engulf them. A spur in the side of Christians to snatch souls from the burning and prepare them for this age. Lord, create a passion for souls in my heart.
Chapter 6 Explains the 1st 6 Seals. The 1st Seal – The Conqueror The 2nd Seal – The Wars The 3rd Seal – The Famine The 4th Seal - Death The 5th Seal – The Martyred The 6th Seal – The Day of Divine Wrath The 7th Seal – will be opened in chapter 8
Compare Matthew 24 with Revelation 6 and following… Matthew 24:4-8 probably describe the 1st half of the tribulation, and are parallel with the horses of Revelation 6 IN ORDER! Jesus’ outline of tribulation events centering in Matt 24: 1st half of the “week” – Israel experiences Matt.24:4-8 and Rev.6. At the same time they will dwell in “safety” politically under a false covenant – Dan. 9:27. At mid-point of the “week” severe persecution will break forth Matt 24:9; Rev. 12:12-17 because of the Desolator Matt 24:15; II Thess. 2; Rev. 13:1-10 who will make Israel flee Matt 24:16-20. Unbelieving Israel will be deceived by the false prophet Mt. 24:11; Rev. 13:11-18 and will apostasize Mt. 24:12; II Thess. 2:11. Believing Israel will spread the gospel Mt 24:14. Christ will come back Matt 24:27
Seal #1 – The White Horse 6:1,2 – The Conqueror “The noise of thunder”- symbolic of the coming storm. John Cumming’s Lectures on the Apocalypse, 1850 What was said of the end times in 1850? Selfishness and increase of sin in the present world. Increase and spread of popery. The hope of Jews for a national home and coming Messiah. Men’s efforts at self-regeneration. Increase of knowledge. Increase of Satanic activity. Increase of systems of error. Great judgments on the earth. Growing apathy and unbelief concerning the Second Coming.
White Horse Continued… “come and see”- invitation, let us see also, come to God’s Word… “and I saw and behold”- startling character of the vision “white horse”- the custom of a conqueror to ride on a white horse “crown”- not the crown of a sovereign, but of a victor Who was this person on the white horse? Some say Christ, but He is opening the seals, and He doesn’t appear on a white horse until Rev. 19. Some say a personification of judgment- possible. Others say He is “the Prince that shall come” in Daniel 9:26, who is the head of the revived Roman Empire and eventual ruler of the world, the beast of Rev. 13. Note: He conquers before the wars of the second seal. Also note that He has a bow with no arrows. Could these 2 facts indicate He conquers by peace treaty as Daniel indicates? (Yes!)
Dan. 9:27 - Daniel’s 70th Week or The Great 7 Year Tribulation The Rapture of the Church Rev. 4,5 and the Seals of chapter 6 Dan. 9:27 - Daniel’s 70th Week or The Great 7 Year Tribulation
Seal #2 – The Red Horse (6:3-4)- The Wars “come and see”- invitation again- a new event “another horse that was red”- a symbol of war “take peace from the earth”- indicates the peace set up by the first horseman “kill… great sword”- great loss of life. The “peace” of the United Nations is doomed to failure.
Seal #3 (6:5-6)- The Famine “come and see”- another event “a black horse”- the color and symbol of suffering (Lam. 5:10) “balances”- used for weighing commodities, especially at food markets “measure”- approximate measurement of what a working man would eat for one meal “wheat”- a more precious grain “barley”- a more common grain “penny”- the Roman denarium worth 15 cents, also equal to one day’s wage enough for one meal. If he bought barley, he would have enough for 3 meals, but he would not be able to purchase any wine or oil (other elements in a common meal). Where would money come from to pay the bills? A great world-wide famine following a great war.
Seal #4 (6:7-8)- Death “come and see”- another event- John, still in heaven, is moving visually deeper into the Tribulation, closer to the Great Tribulation. “behold”- he is startled again “a pale horse”- literally a pale green color, a ghastly color “his name that sat on him was Death”- the rider of this horse is identified “and hell followed with him”- the abode of the dead. God is very plain. He never hides the truth. When the wicked die, they go immediately to hell. “the fourth part of the earth”- 7.2 billion people live in this world. ¼ of that is 1.8 billion souls. That’s as many people as live in the Western Hemisphere and Europe. These will die by war, hunger, other death (disease, old age, etc.) and by wild beasts. This is terror beyond words! Note: Some say that the Time of Jacob’s Trouble begins in Rev. 11. At least we know that it begins after the period of peaceful conquering indicated by the first horseman (see Dan. 9:26; Dan 7:23; Rev. 13:7).
Seal #5 (6:9-11)- The Martyred “under the altar”- the blood of Old Testament sacrifices was poured out under the altar (Ex. 29:12; Lev. 4:7) “slain”- martyred (see Revelation 20:4 “beheaded”) “for the Word of God”- for what they believed- doctrines of God’s Word, for their convictions “and for the testimony”- for how they lived- conduct “how long?”- the answer was given to them. A ‘little season” until all of the martyred of the remaining Tribulation would be gathered in. There would be more martyrs. Notes: Who were these martyrs? These were martyrs of the Tribulation Period to date. 1) Martyrs of the Church Age were already raptured with the Church. 2) Their persecutors were still living “on them that dwell”. Martyrdom of those days will be as common as it is uncommon to Americans today. That these martyrs had a body, not their own earthly body, is seen in that they were given “robes” and that they are called “souls”, they had intermediate bodies.
Seal #6 (6:12-17)- The Day of Divine Wrath This seal begins a definite, direct intervention of God’s hand. The judgments of war, famine, etc. had their origin largely in humanity, but here finally, all must see God as the Judge, and they do, for in verses 15-17 they try to hide from His wrath. These disturbances in heaven and earth are prophesied in Isa. 13:6-13; Joel 2:2, 10, 30, 31; Matt. 24:7. These are literal events as seen by the reaction of mankind in verses 15-17. Vs. 17- “The Great Day of His Wrath”- the beginning of the “Day of the Lord” contrasted with the Day of Grace or the Day of Salvation. “Who shall be able to stand?”- A paradox is seen here. The Martyr’s Death is far better than the Mocker’s Death.